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I'm trying to chart a bend on both the D and G strings simultaneously, but the D string wants to bend down and the G string wants to bend up on Rocksmith.  Is there a way to get them both to bend up?




If anybody finds the XML needs to be notated differently to define bend direction, let me know. This may be one of the random binary fields in the compiled chart format though, it's hard to say.


I don't know the answer, but I have another spanner to throw in...




Around 5.25 there are some (D7+G7+B7) bends that all go the same way.


One similarity is that both the Iron Maiden Bends and the Comfortably Numb bends all look to only be half step bends, maybe that is a factor.


Also, this is a vid from an earlier version of my Comfortably Nunb, when EoF did not import tech notes from .gp3s (and I was having gfx issues anyway).


Don't if this helps or causes more confusion.  Thought I'd mention it anyway.

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