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PC Plum

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Everything posted by PC Plum

  1. I see, I'm wrong again :( I have never used tech notes for slides, I guess I will need to start :D
  2. Which is why I asked on here, not you direct by PM. You're old news :D Edit - Plum comes crawling back... TBH if I had my way there are 7 songs Bass by 1. Aludog 2. frippchen 3. rsbass 4. some other cunt I ain't had the pleasure of meeting yet 5, 6, 7. Plum bass that I can manage myself from the GP file Sorry to be so "name check". I did leave a few slots open and anyone is welcome to audition :D
  3. It's pretty bloomin hard to do cozy, tbh. Maybe not for a seasoned C++ head, but certainly for a 12yo that's just picked up a guitar and starting to get enough confidence to challenge tabs/customs and maybe wanting to make their own. Plus the search function is no Google now, is it :D
  4. It's beacuse there is a two note (fret) difference in the first double stop, and a one note difference in the second double stop. It's impossible to chart correctly using current RS14 Maybe RS17 will allow it. The EoF warning must be recent because RS14 actually allows this, it just looks like shit on screen. I've used a few different solutions to this, and it depends on the context (the song). I'd recommend biting the bullet and using double stops without any sustain/slides. The end player will pick it up. It happens a lot in my KOL customs, have a look what I did there (all them early opening slides were charted originally like you wanted to chart this). It's the D String fingering I'm on about. dsBXBO8VzdM Edit - I can't work out how to set only a link (without a vid). It is not my intention to post one of my play vids in the EoF thread. Paste that into Youtube to see it :D
  5. Thanks for the warm welcome all round :D OK, I'll come straight out with it. I have plans for a final blow out, a masterpiece of epic Classic Rock proportions... now that the Toolkit allows "packs" I was going to make a Rory Gallagher Pack. I got 6 songs lined up (with the potential for a seventh) and I was going to make them all and stick them out as one download in a "pack". You all make customs so you know there are problems and I already hit a few snags. The fkn shit bass tabs. So, I got to thinking after arriving here that you guys maybe able to help. I am talking about full on Rory Gallagher bass tabs so it's not for the faint hearted. The GP files have pretty decent guitar and I can probably work the rest out myself, but I'm lost on bass when it gets complicated tbh. I see some names here that could certainly pitch in though. So, how about it? A full on 7 pack Rory! None of the songs are on here and I spent a few hours making sure I could get the correct audio for the correct tabs. I had a best of CD that some of the tracks come from, but I had to go buy some audio too. It's all CD quality audio and pretty good tabs. Lemme know what you think, I will make a dedicated thread in the Classic Rock group forum and post up all the files (audio/tabs/EoF syncs). TBH I could finish it myself. It will take some months but I would get there. But the bass would be lacking, and that is really what I need help with. Rock on :D
  6. Well hi there everyone :D Thanks to @@avdocatwork for the invite. This is my first time in the groups section at CF so it's all very new to me, hopefully this is the correct place to post "hellos". I haven't been on CF a lot recently because, quite frankly, my work internet banned CF about 3 or 4 months ago so I can't get on at work any more :lol: I'm getting pretty tired of making customs now but I still got a few left in me yet :D
  7. You put the hard work in too :D Determination and hard work, and you can learn the guitar any way you want :D
  8. If you are making training exercises using GP and a keyboard, I've love to see the end results. Have you got anything so far? That kind of thing is really useful, definitely bash on and get some stuff released :D
  9. From a charter's point of view, making DD adds to development time - extra testing and messing about if you have to change some tabs or something. Plus, adding DD is so easy now (you literally drag the .psarc into the toolkit) that anyone that wants it can add it themselves quite frankly :D I love to play with no DD because I can handle most songs on guitar (those that I can't DD won't help anyway :lol: ) and it really goes back to how badly implemented it was in RS1. I absolutely hated having to "perfect" a phrase to get it to level. You could put 10 hours into a song you can play well just to level it to the max, and the RR with its long loading time for 1 bloomin section aagahagahgahag!!! When I first tried an RS1 custom with no DD I was hooked, and haven't looked back. One of my kids plays RS with DD and although it's fun, it's not teaching her properly. Sure, she can play along to Justin Bieber without even trying, but I so want to take the guitar off her, put in the corner and say "learn some bloomin chords before anything else!!!". But hey, it's 2016, no one is into hard work any more :D
  10. Tie notes not let ring... me sees now :D
  11. The "problem" is from the GP file https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2oZs0ta32KyeENLWVkxRlphZm8/view?usp=sharing it is a let ring over other notes and imports correctly imo. To fix - Click on the D14 in bar 30 - Press Shift+L - Press "T" - Click on A11 in bar 36 - Press Shift+L - Press "T" This will "fix" the problem, but then you really need to set proper sustain lengths not use the default "infinite sustain" right up to the next note. If you wanna copy official dlc - Set Grid Snap to 1/48 - Press Ctrl+A - Roll mouse wheel down 4 times (4 clicks) - Job done I don't use official length sustain, I like to use my own length (shorter). I'm only guessing at 4 mouse wheel rolls, you can do it to taste and that will get you in the right ball park. Enjoy :D
  12. I don't understand, sorry :( The use of the word default can mean many things. The default tone in EoF (with (D) next to it), the default tone the toolkit gives customs when a custom is built with no specified tone, the RS default tone for Rhtyhm/Lead... I do not know what one you mean. It is not necessary to add a dummy tone change in EoF any more for songs with only 1 tone change? How do you do that? Do you specify the opening tone of the song in the toolkit? Even with one tone change in a song, there are still 2 tones required. When do you tell EoF the name of the opening tone?
  13. I'm confused here... The whole song has only 1 tone, which is a distortion tone. But you don't want the custom to have that tone until a certain part of the song? Well what is the fkn point of that? I am going to presume it's a bad explaination and offer some advice. - Near the beginning of the song (like 3 seconds in, I would not make it on zero seconds) make a tone change (Ctrl+Shift+R) and call it "MyCleanTone" - Make another tone change when you want distortion and call it "MyDistortionTone" - Go to Track/Rocksmith/Tone change/Names. Click on MyCleanTone and then the Default button. Now EoF will not be confused, and the song will start with your clean tone. Now, in the toolkit you must make TWO tones. One called MyCleanTone and one called MyDistortionTone. You can borrow tones from other customs. Pick which tones you want from other customs (a clean and a distortion obviously) and make the toolkit import them using the Import button down in the Tones section. You can point the toolkit straight to the .psarc of your choice(s). Now change their names to MyCleanTone and MyDistortionTone. I would put the tones into the toolkit before pulling in the Guitar.XML and make sure you spell everything correctly. - Disclaimer, I know there are loads of ways of doing it. I tried to keep it simple. If anyone else wants to type out their way, go for it. I think he is just confused that you need to make a dummy tone change when an arrangement only has 1 actual tone change in the song.
  14. The crazy status comes from the fact that EoF is linking it to a note further into the chart. EoF needs to make it crazy to let it pass other notes. It's the linknext that's the real problem. My theory is that the let ring should end at the end of the bar. but instead carries on until EoF finds another note on that string. I thought it was .gpx conversions as I have only really seen it since I started using GP6 at Xmas time, through different versions of EoF. I did read your topic but I thought it was solved. If anyone wants a look, this is probably the worst one I have found. Import Eric Clapton's track and it won't be long until you are scratching your head... https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2oZs0ta32KyV2NPcjJMMDcwZ0k/view?usp=sharing and the original is here https://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/t/the_dirty_mac/yer_blues_guitar_pro.htm A lot of presumption here I know, and a fuller description in the OP would help. I am always wrong and I am sure that I will be corrected yet again :D
  15. I believe that he is talking about an imported Let Ring, which can connect notes by linknext across huge parts of the chart. It looks weird as hell in EoF and is difficult to get rid of unless you are well versed in the ways of EoF. - Select a long note - Hit Shift+N (to loose linknext status, the red arrow will disappear from underneath it) - Hit T (to loose crazy status, the note will loose it's black colour) - Now you can roll the mouse wheel and set sustain as normal I can upload a few files that do it if it would be helpful. But I always put it down to dodgy .gpx conversions.
  16. Is it possible to have a list (maybe 5) of recently loaded .eof files in the File menu? People are so used to that now, with Office programs and what not. Please take this as a suggestion for improvement rather than a complaint :D
  17. I bought GP6 at Christmas and have basically only used it to export a few .gpx files to .gp5. I actually don't like it that much, it's not very custom friendly imo. Every time you export to .gp5 you get a list of errors - it tells you what it has left out or cannot do as GP5 does not support it. Even when you get a successful export it can do weird things in GP5, like not fkn play, or play one bar then go back to the start of the entrie song. Long story short, I am not surprised at the differences you are finding between gp5 and gp6. Are you just ignoring the warnings that gp6 is giving you? The Black Magik .gp5 has been exported from GP6, I can tell by the colour scheme. Did it tell you "cannot export grace note on bar 45 on guitar track" for example? Every .gp6 file that I have used so far has resulted in weird shit on EoF. Like really weird shit. So weird I can't even begin to explain, and I have never complained cause I know the answer is the fault of the exported .gp5 file. I would not describe the .gp5 that GP6 makes as "stable", that's for sure. Having said that, looking at Black Magik I already counted about 20 to 30 mins of work (for me, with my experience) on getting it looking nice in game. You need to learn how to use EoF to make it look like you want in the game and stop expecting perfect imports. I know you try your best to type English, and a lot is being lost in translation here. Take some hours to learn some EoF functions and shortcuts, you will be happier man :D
  18. I use Cubase 5 because I invested time and money into it years ago and I cba changing now. My tip for useful freeware is keep it simple, too many plugins just fry your brain because you are constantly fiddling. Get the guitar part right. Learning what plugins you like and which ones are genuinely useful takes a long time, don't download 200 free plugins then spend all your time loading them up - get some guitar played! The Sound on Sound website is a great place to start for free stuff that won't break your pc. As far as direct or amp recording goes, you need to try both. See what you like yourself. I think most recorded music is actually a blend of the two, mostly guitar amps with some DI effects mixed in for various reasons at certain parts of the song. Now, the most important question... amp or digital? Now its safe to say that a lot of people have it all. Multiple guitars, amps, pcs, DAWs, keyboards etc etc etc. I am not talking about them, I am talking about someone starting out with only $200 to spend. I guess you need to answer this question honestly; "where do I want to go with guitar?" If the answer is "man I wanna get on stage and play in a band" then buy an amp. If the answer is "I wanna play for my own pleasure and probably won't be getting up in front of people" then buy a DAW, probably your suggestion of Reaper and Amplitube. There are things that happen in guitar playing that can only happen with an amp. The laws of physics cannot be broken. Feedback happens when soundwaves come out of the speaker and hit your guitar strings. You don't get feedback from headphones. Also, amps (especially valve amps) react to your guitar and your playing in a way that software tries to model as best it can. You want the real thing, buy an amp (especially a Fender valve amp :D ) Also, you can take an amp along to your mates house and jam along with him playing his drums. You can take it down the local pub and plug in and play. You can take it to the practice room to jam with a full band. Pretty hard to do these things without an amp... But, if you are a bedroom player then having all those great software effects on hand, being able to record to a click track and/or loop, building up your parts, adding in drums samples to play along to, maybe a bass sample/lick, messing with gazillions of possible effects... great times to be had there too :D So, the answer my friend, is blowing in the wind...
  19. Sorry to break up your little handshape party with a problem :( http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/320125724618391507/0FEBBA34E375C4FA6DAE3652AF2BBC1CCA1BEFF5/ I wanted so much to report a flawless entry to the world for RC11 and it took up until I tried to be sociable and add handshapes :lol: Files https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2oZs0ta32KyZjZtSXNjM3BHdVE/view?usp=sharing Good luck on the dissertation Berneer :D
  20. Oh no, thats Berneer busy for another month. We ain't never gonna see this Blaze custom :lol:
  21. You could do worse than opening up a custom you like (and know) and having a look, if you are just starting out. Or look at a good example from an experienced charter. It might not have all the data when you get it into EoF, but load it up, turn on hand claps and play it. The penny will drop. Now the hard part is getting the songs you want to play into that condition :D And I would use Unpack option in toolkit and tick the box "Decode Audio", this is the audio you need for EoF. Once you load EoF and start a new project using the the .ogg music file the toolkit gave you, go to an appropriate guitar track (it will say Real_ in the name) and do a Rocksmith import. Go to the tab with 0* written on it and you should see lots of coloured gems. Hit the space bar to play and use the arrow keys to move about. Press C to turn hand claps on and off. Have fun :D
  22. Upload guitar.ogg and eof.notes, I will have a look (if someone else does not beat me to it :D )
  23. NO!!! Do not give up, you will be great charter only takes time. You are good on guitar, this is most important when you make the customs. Fuck GoPlayAlong, do it on EOF. I do all my songs on EoF. You have very dedicated person (raynebc) who makes EoF and tries to answer all questions. You get no "official" support from GPA. I can also answer EoF questions. We need charters who can play guitar and know what charts look like. You must try harder :D
  24. Never had a problem with Uplay (darn, jinxed it now :doh: ) You have to change the app id of every custom you download. So for the 3 songs you mentioned, you must do it 3 times. Save yourself a tonne of hassle and buy Cherub Rock, best $2 you will spend :D
  25. - Load up project in EOF - Re-snap notes - Save - Re-build custom To re-snap notes - Make sure Grid Snap is on (Edit>Grid Snap>1/48) - Press CTRL+A to select all notes - Press CTRL+Shift+R You may get messages if notes are too close together. They will need fixed on a per note basis, but this is unlikely unless you have fast masterclass solos. Not guaranteed to work, but worth a shot. Let us know how you get on.
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