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Everything posted by Chlipouni

  1. @@DeadlyPower, don't forget to define the time signature. If the song is based on a 4/4 time signature, each measure is divided in 4 beats. So, in this case, sync the first beat of the first measure (with the first note of the soundtrack), then set the BPM on the first measure, then adjust the first beat of the second measure, and so on until the end of the song ...
  2. @@DeadlyPower, you have to do the sync process from the first measure until the end. Sync the first one with the good bpm, then sync the second one, and so on.... When you change the BPM it applies to all following measures, the preceding ones are not impacted ... To limit the work, try to sync first the main measures, in major cases the beats inside a measure will be synced automatically.
  3. Hi, You can add DD yourself with RSToolkit (DDC tab) and/or BPR tools. Just select the "psarc" file and apply DD. DD quality is depending on the CDLC quality ...
  4. Hi Kaijin, DDC never updates the tones setting in the XML files. To remove DD, you can also use my new BPR tool with these few following steps : - Unpack the CDLC ([File][unpack]) - For each track having DD, simply use [File][save] - Pack the CDLC ([File][Pack]) Thanks
  5. In RS2014, phrases are used to identify the same sequences of notes. As DDC is able to identify similar phrases, it is a waste of time to do this manually. The only thing you have to do is to correctly define the start and end measures of each phrase. That's why they are automatically named by tools like BPR and DDC.
  6. In BPR, a phrase name is based on the name of its section and the sequence number of the phrase inside the section. You can create or modify the name of a section by selecting the starting measure and setting the section name field. You have to use a name which is supported by RS2014 (like into, verse, chorus, etc ...)
  7. Thank you for this additional information
  8. You're absolutely right ! In RS2014 and BPR, each track can have its own beat map. In a well made CDLC this should never occur. As BPR is intended (for now) to correct CDLCs in which each arrangement was synced by notes and not by the rhythm, I have never investigate the ability to import it back in EOF ... I already tried to display multiple arrangements simultaneously in BPR, but without success because the same note in different tracks is rarely displayed at the same position.
  9. With BPR you can resync measures and beats, but you cannot move notes and chords, so they have to be in sync with the soundtrack (EOF work). Using EOF to only sync the notes and chords with the soundtrack is not the best way to create a song (because you have to do this work for all arrangements). So your advice is not totally wrong but not the best way in my opinion ;)
  10. BPR is only intended to easily update existing CDLC. EOF must be used for creation process ...
  11. Yes, you can try to resync the measures and beats with BPR ...
  12. Patch v0.3 (07/06/2015) - Fixed bug : Error about a missing variable when using [Measure][Distribute] - Fixed bug : Cannot save when no comment found in the XML file - Fixed bug : Beats are not automatically distributed inside their measures when the Time Signature is changed If you have this error, download again the "BPR_v0.3.zip" file ...
  13. When you unpack an existing CDLC with BPR, a new folder is automatically created inside the BPR folder. If you modify a track and save it, only the files in this folder are updated. To use the modified files in RS2014, you need to pack again this folder ([File][Pack] in BPR menu). This will create a new ".psarc" file with the name and the location of your choice.
  14. A short example (BPR view but EOF view should be the same) : Notes are not in sync with the rhythm (vertical bars for measures and beats) : Notes are in sync with the rhythm : When you create a new song in EOF, you should synchronize the measures and beats instead of the notes (you can move the vertical bars and the notes should follow in their relative position).To facilitate the rhythm sync, just import one track in EOF to see the notes and move slightly the vertical bars to sync the song.With this method, you have to do only one sync for all arrangements. You just need to import the other tracks (no note move is necessary)
  15. You should have this information in the guitar tab. The 4/4 information at the beginning of the tab means that each measure is divided in 4 beats. Many songs use the 4/4 standard time signature. Here is a wikipedia link about time signature.
  16. Did you set the time signature in EOF ? DDC never updates the time position of notes, chords, measures and beats. It may move a phrase or a section position if they are not on the main beat of a measure.
  17. Update v0.3 (03/06/2015) - New functionality to update Score Attack levels. - New XML comment added to trace BPR modifications. - New functionality to show or hide similar measures. - New functionality to show or hide similar phrases. - New graphical indicator for changes in time signature. - New statistics about synchronized events. - Contextual menu items reordered in same manner as main menu items. - Fixed bug : Detailed informations may not be refreshed when updating a section or a phrase. - Fixed bug : Synced beats may not be displayed in blue. - Fixed bug : Update BPM may generate an incomplete measure at the end. - Fixed bug : Translate action may generate disorder in the following measures if a locked measure exists.
  18. For information, BPR v0.3 will permit the adjustment of Score Attack levels ... It should be released soon ! What's BPR? Just a graphical tool for updating XML files in existing CDLCs (measures, beats, sections, phrases and score attack levels). It doesn't permit to modify notes and associated technics. You can download it here
  19. For information, BPR v0.3 will permit the adjustment of Score Attack levels ... It should be released soon !
  20. Folk Metal bands with existing CDLCs : - Ensiferum - Skyclad
  21. I encountered the same problem this morning on a new song with the release 1404. I needed to delete all notes and reimport them after a beat move ...
  22. Hi, Did you install the needed "DLL" file in the RS2014 folder ? If not, please read this post : How to use CDLC
  23. Yes, I made it to facilitate these operations on existing CDLCs ...
  24. May be a new error in the latest release of the Toolkit ! Can you try with a previous release of the RSToolkit ? ( for example) ? The issue was concerning EOF only ...
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