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Everything posted by cstewart

  1. PC DOwnload I've been sitting on this for a while because I ran into a problem with note detection with a capo, which you need for this song. It's been brought to my attention that it may not be the game and that my guitar just needs a setup. So I have a simple request. Somebody try this and tell me if it works or if you miss 90% of the notes.
  2. 110% is the highest with the master mode bonus.
  3. Maybe that's why my note detection on that song is absolute crap. Do you have to do anything other than just setting the capo in EOF? Anything in the toolkit?
  4. Wait...does Rocksmith prompt you to tune again after you put the capo on? The only capo arrangement I've tried to play is one I made and it doesn't do that.
  5. Hillstomp! http://vimeo.com/14272331 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUL-y9pLGRA&feature=kp
  6. I tend to have moods and phases more than constant favorites, but these guys are consistently near the top: The Clash The Ramones Tom Waits Junior Kimbrough The Decemberists Buddy Holly The Black Keys
  7. Thanks guys, I appreciate the help! Berneer- the song is Meet Me In The City by Junior Kimbrough. I hope to get at least a WIP thread up in the workshop in the next few days. Raynebc- I have a lot of other fingerpicking and slide tunes I want to try out so if you can make this work it would be awesome.
  8. Whoa, the Shods. I saw them in the 90's with the Bosstones and I think a band named Honkeyball. I remember they had matching jackets and I thought they were going to start singing doowop or something.
  9. I guess I don't understand the trouble with importing guitarpro tabs since I don't use that method. I just do everything manually. Maybe that's why it takes so long. The division of labor doesn't have to work the same way for every song. One person can import lead and sync it and the other can manually input the bass. Or one person can import all the arrangements and someone else can sync them. I think making the system too rigid would be a mistake.
  10. I would imagine that if it were as easy as just importing the bass tab the original author would have done it. I have a bunch of songs that I would like to do (or have started already) that I couldn't find any bass tabs at all for. This would be the kind of custom that I would put up for collaboration in the hopes that a bass player with a good ear would like the song enough to try transcribing it and either putting it into EOF or handing over his transcription so I could do it. I also suck at creating tones, so someone who knows what the hell a phaser pedal does could take care of that part. I guess the benefit of this would be that all the customs floating around where people only do the bass or lead because that's all they want to do or can do, can be made complete if the original authors are willing to give up their babies (or at least loan them out).
  11. Saw these guys in Manchester, England a couple years ago a few weeks before Christmas. Shane was drunk and forgot a lot of the lyrics, but it was the best concert I've ever been to. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrBLqp-s__o
  12. It looks like capk converted it too. Or at least he posted it up: http://forums.smithyanvil.com/viewtopic.php?id=13916
  13. Maybe you can suggest a better alternative to my problem. This works, but it's clumsy: http://imageshack.com/a/img855/4645/iyrb.jpg The problem is that the crazy-note 6 isn't snapped to the beat marker because if I did that, the open A drone would take on the crazy-noteness also and the sustain of the 6 would end at the next drone note. Also, where the six slides down to a four, it should ideally sustain to the 2 on the same string but I would run into the same problem. There are 3 problems really: - I can't select-all>resnap like I tend to do occasionally to keep wandering notes in line. - I'm not sure how the unsnapped 6 will react to the DDC. - This happens a lot in this song so this solution becomes a real pain in the ass. I was hoping that tech notes would be a simple solution but it seems that isn't the case.
  14. So if I place a tech note slide in the middle of a quarter note sustain it won't slide to the new note and then sustain for there for another eighth note? I should still be using linknext for that?
  15. Yeah, apparently they were all jazz students at the New England Conservatory. I may try to do that first one for guitar. The only tab I've found for it seems deceptively simple.
  16. I definitely consider this all collaborative. After all - the tab I used, for the most part, is not my own. The cover art and youtube videos I'm linking aren't mine. I didn't write any of the software that makes any of this possible. I don't own the website or the hosting services. The only thing I can claim ownership over is the time and work I put into it, and I like doing it so who cares?
  17. cstewart

    TMc51's Corner

    Looking forward to more Ramones!
  18. Every other music-related website I've been to has one of these threads, so we have to as well. I've been listening to Lake Street Dive pretty much nonstop since their new album came out last week. http://youtu.be/CPbfBijOqz8 They also have an excellent cover EP: http://youtu.be/6EPwRdVg5Ug
  19. I always make a "COUNT" phrase at the very first beat, before the music even starts. Assuming you added a few seconds of silence to the beginning of the track, it shoudn't mess with any of your other phrases.
  20. Perfectly understandable Marty, but you've already been helpful to me with the feedback. And I'm certain that official DLC is done by a team. I remember reading that there is at least a peer review process.
  21. Thanks! I'll check permissions. Not sure why it would have changed spontaneously but you never know.
  22. I hope you guys are posting constructive feedback in the songs' threads. Otherwise all this is is complaining that the things you're getting for free aren't good enough. Help make them better.
  23. I'm afraid I may have a corrupted eof file. When I try to save it says it can't find the song folder but trying to reconnect it through file>song folder doesn't seem to work. It asks if I want to recreate the folder but if I say yes it pops up an error message saying it failed. And since it won't save, it won't update the xml files. Any ideas?
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