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Everything posted by manchot66

  1. http://customsforge.com/topic/15575-classic-rock-coalition-home-page/ or click on top part of my signature.
  2. I've been relying a lot on Youtube bass covers to try and get the bass tabs right. There's some really good guys out there doing covers, and they may not be 100% accurate, but at least you can see them playing along to the song and get a gauge on how close they are. I personally like this guy, Constantine Isslamow. He does a lot of classic rock covers. I download the video and then play it at half speed in VLC to get the fingering right. Time consuming but accurate.
  3. Fu*k that sh*t! Do your best, put it out there, if someone doesn't like it, they can redo it themselves. If you're proud of your stuff and enjoy playing it, that's all that matters. Personally, I like your stuff. As my personal hero, the great Raoul Duke, once said, "Don't take any guff from these fucking swine." http://i.imgur.com/xcGrege.jpg
  4. Hey, @@dpslikeits1999, This is the only way I've found to add a 'let ring' note. You can even use it when you are mid bend and want to hit a note but still maintain the bend. Try this: Add "linknext" to the note you want to ring. Then add a gem further down the track that your first note can 'link' to (you're going to remove this note later, so it doesn't matter where or what it is, just as long as your first note links to it with a long tail). Then place the notes you're going to play while the original note is ringing. Then, remove linknext from your first note and remove the note that it was 'linked' to. Now, you still have the tail on your original note and it overlaps the notes you want it to 'ring' over. You can adjust the tail on your first note however you like and it will show up in game.
  5. I bought one tab from there and it's the same one available on all the tab sites.
  6. Pas de probleme, @@Chlipouni. I appreciate all your hard work and help. Profitez de vos vacances!
  7. Got this error message today: http://i.imgur.com/gFamyHp.png Only get this error for one song. I am able to add DD to all other songs. Any ideas of what I can do? Link to EoF files Thanks.
  8. I think I might do the same thing. I have hitchhiker's thumb, so if I place my thumb on the back of the neck, the end of my thumb is at a right angle to the neck and placed under a lot of stress. So, I think I grab the neck with my palm with my thumb over the top, like you, as a way to create a brace for the pressure I want to apply to the strings. If I try to keep that thumb pressed up against the back of the neck, my hand fatigues very quickly. Unfortunately, I think it's easier to play the notes on the small strings with my thumb behind the neck; it gives my fingers more range and less of a chance of accidentally muting strings I don't want to. The tips of all my fingers bend back almost 90 degrees, which sucks when you're trying to lay your pinky on a string and it decides it doesn't want to stay straight but would rather bend into a crazy angle. Great for Fonzi impersonations, though. http://piedtype.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/hitchhikersthumb.jpg
  9. All your .xml files will be in your EoF song folder. In EoF, did you use the "part real_guitar" track to chart your song? If you used a different one to chart, your .xml will have the name of the path you used. Make sure to only use the tracks in EoF that are in the format of "part real_(track)" instead of the ones named "part_(track)".
  10. Depends on which kind of music you like, but some good bands for beginners are The Black Keys and The Cars. Black Keys don't use many chords, mainly fairly simple riffs. The Cars use all power chords and lots of palm mutes, but not too difficult. UFO songs aren't too hard, cool riffs and lots of power chords. I suggest using riff repeater and slowing down the track to match your playing speed rather than using dynamic difficulty. Even if you have to slow the track down to a crawl, it's better than DD. With DD, you don't see the chord progression and how all the notes fit together at speed. Just my opinion.
  11. Just pulling your leg on the spelling. I'm not sure about who can tell what you have in your dlc folder. I personally don't care, but I see your point.
  12. Your cdlc is local to your dlc folder. I don't see it having anything to do with what network you're on. I can help you out on the spelling of 'untrusted', though.
  13. You can go to Tone Designer in the options menu, load up the song tone, then edit it to turn down the gain. Save the tone if you want then assign it to the tone stick. Play the song and use the tone stick or keyboard to load up your new tone. If you want to permanently change the tone for the song. Unpack the song in RS Toolkit. Then you can load whatever tone you want in to the song or adjust the tone by clicking on edit tone. Then create the new cdlc and put it in you dlc folder. These are brief summaries, of course. More in depth tutorial by Izzy here.
  14. I think drugging your files might make them not work as well. Of course, all my Pink Floyd songs are currently on methodone and there's nothing you can do about the Marley songs puffing away all day.
  15. I'll go with ... Jimmy Page Brian May Nuno Bettencourt Michael Schenker Franklin Delano Roosevelt
  16. Here's an .xml that's giving the error. Let me know if you need anything else. Thanks, guys.
  17. I used to be able to name the tones whatever I wanted in EoF, i.e. clean, distortion, a, b, c. As long as you didn't give the tones numbers for names, you were fine. Then in Toolkit, you just subbed in your pre-made tone into the slot, names didn't need to match. Now, I get the same error as above (undefined tone name: "tone you named in EoF") if they are not named exactly the same. Not that big of a deal, just adds a few extra steps, but will probably stump a bunch of people when they get that error in Toolkit. Thanks for all the work you guys put in, much appreciated.
  18. Recently, whatever tone name you are using in EoF must match the tone name in RS Toolkit or you get that error. RS Toolkit also saves a second copy of all the .xmls, not sure why. The only way I've been able to correct it is as stated above.
  19. @@Kiscsak98, I've been having the same problem. If you've got tone changes in your song, go into EoF and name the tones whatever the name of the tone you are going to use, i.e. Metallica-Distortion. Or change the name of the tone in RS Toolkit to match the tone name in EoF. If none of that works, with your songs open in EoF, delete all your .xml files for that song, then save your song in EoF. Load the new arrangements (.xmls) that were just saved in EoF back into RS Toolkit and create your song. I've had this same problem for about a week and this has always fixed it. Hope this helps. Good luck.
  20. Found fix to problem from SmellyOrc. With song open in EoF, delete xml's, then save song. Create song in Toolkit then add DD. Should work fine now.
  21. Followed SmellyOrc's fix and deleted original xml's with EoF open to that song, then saved. Recreated psarc then added DD with no errors. Thanks Orc who needs a bath and Chilpouni for your help!
  22. Hey Chilpouni, I've done everything the same as SmellyOrc. Using latest Toolkit and EoF. Tried add DD to both psarc and xml, same error for both. Xml's created by EoF, no unpacking, etc.
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