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Mostly Rancid

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Everything posted by Mostly Rancid

  1. Eh. it runs but only if i have firefox and everything else on the PC closed. also it sometimes has issues while playing. - the audio is fine. but the scrolling of the notes gets very slow. eventually it catches up and it's fine. but it does happen randomly. another ram issue, I'd assume. right this second Firefox is using roughly 900 Megs of ram. but i do have quite a few tabs open. - opening tabs isn't the problem. as much as the page and the ram each tab takes, Other pages, i've been just fine. this one, after i open 10 tabs. it freezes and either crashes or i have to end task and restart it. but then it's good for another ten tabs (roughly) if I don't open the previous ones. again, it's just an older PC. but before Ignition that wasn't ever a problem. Apart from an upgrade , I suggest trying Internet Explorer or chrome instead just as a test. I'm guessing you know that your system is clean , if so ,If you have any anti-virus , anti-malware or anti-spyware running in the background turn them off while on Ignition & CustomsForge. Also a clean install of your OS speeds up tired PC's although a bit of a faff.
  2. Sounds to me like a Firefox problem , try starting it in safe mode then see how much ram is used. Too many extensions running can cause ram hogging and crashes.
  3. Awesome work dude :) Whoops , double post due to excitement
  4. I really need to have this done but I cant bear to part with my guitar. How long does a setup take? If i could take it home the same day that would be awesome. You can get it done sameday or while you wait but that all depends on the shop and how busy they are. You will need to contact all your local shops :)
  5. The notes will start as they do on the GP file. If they start too late then either the bpm is wrong or the gp file is wrong. Either change the bpm or If the notes are only slighly out you can drag a beat marker till the notes are in the right place.You can also select all notes and drag them into place or copy all the notes , delete them then paste them where the first note should be.
  6. I use a Marshall AVT100 with a simple splitter cable to play along with Rocksmith , I dont really use the amp without Rocksmith. I also use a Boss DS 1 , Mooer Reecho , Digitech Whammy DT and a Boss GT-6 ( can't use it as you need a degree in physics to get a decent sound from it)
  7. Have you ever tried to be funny and fail , this is one of those times :( I think I might have Aspergers :D I mean the default tone in EoF with a (D) I have no idea about dummy tones ??? maybe this issue was fixed before I started making customs. What I said earlier only applies to 3 tone changes but only two tones. Your mark the 2nd & 3rd tone change. Which ever tone you choose as default (D) is the starting tone.
  8. Dude your wasting valuable seconds putting a tone at the start. As I said earlier and Firekorn reiterated the default tone always starts first. I reckon it takes you about 2 seconds per song to put the first tone in , that's a minute saved with 30 songs , an hour with 1800 songs and a whole day with 33200 songs :P
  9. You cant switch off a tone , only change it. A tone starts wherever you place it on the chart. Lets say you have a song that has an acoustic intro but then changes to distortion for a bit and finally back to acoustic for the ending. The way I would do it is find the place where the distortion starts and insert a tone name just before the tone starts , lets call it "Distort". Then I would find where the distortion changes and insert a tone name just before the acoustic tone starts , Lets call it "Acoustic". Then go to the list of names of tones and make "Acoustic" the default , A track starts with the default tone unless told otherwise. When you pack the track in the toolkit you will have to create tones called "Distort" & "Acoustic". I hope that makes it clear.
  10. Can you take a decent photo of the headstock
  11. rubbing a pencil on the nut would not have ruined it unless you damaged the channel. The graphite in a pencil just acts as a dry lube. Are you using the same guage strings that came with the guitar? Honestly i have no idea,but when i got this strat. it had 9th string on it,but i use 10th strings on this and also on the les paul and sg.I even tried the pencil again,and it just ruined on the nut more. I can guarantee you that just putting graphite on your nut would not ruin it. Even if it did you can remove the graphite. Just a thought , do you here the buzzing through an amp or just acoustically I hear it when just play it without an amp,like a normal guitar. Then you should just forget about it , it's not an issue as it's an electric guitar , if it was an acoustic it would be a different story. I'm sorry but i'm not so sure what are you talking about. I do now want to just ignore it,because it anoys me as hell. It might just be one of those guitars that always annoys , it happens. I've spent months trying to get rid of fret buzz and nothing worked except hanging it on the wall.
  12. rubbing a pencil on the nut would not have ruined it unless you damaged the channel. The graphite in a pencil just acts as a dry lube. Are you using the same guage strings that came with the guitar? Honestly i have no idea,but when i got this strat. it had 9th string on it,but i use 10th strings on this and also on the les paul and sg.I even tried the pencil again,and it just ruined on the nut more. I can guarantee you that just putting graphite on your nut would not ruin it. Even if it did you can remove the graphite. Just a thought , do you here the buzzing through an amp or just acoustically I hear it when just play it without an amp,like a normal guitar. Then you should just forget about it , it's not an issue as it's an electric guitar , if it was an acoustic it would be a different story.
  13. rubbing a pencil on the nut would not have ruined it unless you damaged the channel. The graphite in a pencil just acts as a dry lube. Are you using the same guage strings that came with the guitar? Honestly i have no idea,but when i got this strat. it had 9th string on it,but i use 10th strings on this and also on the les paul and sg.I even tried the pencil again,and it just ruined on the nut more. I can guarantee you that just putting graphite on your nut would not ruin it. Even if it did you can remove the graphite. Just a thought , do you here the buzzing through an amp or just acoustically
  14. rubbing a pencil on the nut would not have ruined it unless you damaged the channel. The graphite in a pencil just acts as a dry lube. Are you using the same guage strings that came with the guitar?
  15. Two of my strings were buzzing awhile ago too so me being the master guitarist I screwed around with the screws and shit on the bridge until it didn't buzz anymore...the green string is slightly higher than the rest of them now buy hey who needs the bottom two strings anyway :) Thats a novel way of fixing it ;)
  16. Probably overtightened. You might need to heat it up (soldering iron is good) What I would do is rub a pencil in the string channel on the nut, this acts as a dry lube and sometimes removes buzz. Are you using the same string guage that came with the guitar? Don't take this the wrong way but it seems you are inexperienced in the mechanics of a guitar. Inexperience and advice on a forum can be a lethal combination and can ruin a guitar. You need to find an experienced friend who can show you first hand how to do things. I'm guessing your in school or college so it should be quite easy to find someone.
  17. If most of your strings buzz in the open position it is likely that the neck of your your guitar is back bowed. http://jacksinstrumentservices.com/shared/images/info/truss%20rods/tight.jpg This is fixed by loosening the truss rod ( read up about it before trying )
  18. Does anybody have any reasons why: Guitars are better than women. Guitars are like women. Women are better than guitars. Start you reply with one of the above giving reasons. e.g. Guitars are better than women because you can watch videos of people playing guitar to learn new tricks without being considered a pervert. Guitars are like women because it is considered rude to play somebody else’s guitar without their permission. Women are better than guitars because there’s something slightly weird about being sexually attracted to your guitar If you are a woman replace women with men.
  19. If there's no quality control, what is the point or benefit of being a Magna Charter? because you will be distinguished as more than a "regular user" , have your name enblazened in finest green and automatically pass the cbr check so you can adopt from the orphanage.
  20. Did you not watch the numerous videos and/or read the tutorials that we sent to you? It might make more sense to resume things in your original thread. I'm really not trying to be rude. It's just rather frustrating that multiple people have tried to help you with this subject, in multiple threads, and it seems like you haven't taken the time to learn from the materials we've provided you. Instead you keep asking questions that are answered in the tutorials that we provided. It's not that difficult to set up a guitar, but there are several steps, that need to be done in order because they affect one another. The principles are exactly the same, no matter the type of guitar. The hardware is just slightly different. Again, I really think this tutorial will help you - http://www.samash.com/help/library/main/How_to_Set_Up_an_Electric_Guitar.html PLEASE, read through each step, starting at step # 4. If you have questions, on any of the steps, just let us know. Yes i watchd them im not so retard,bur none of them solved my problem,and i look at a lot of pages of how to set up,but then again, none of them helpd me out still,i even watchd full set up videos,but those 2 were wrong,one was still not understandible and had tools that i don't have,the other was about how to clean it,altough it had the full set up in the title.Back to the websites,the setps that in the website you just linkd it's not to so clear what to do,at the clean the nut part,i can't do the clean the alcohol part because i have small fingernails and i don't want anyone in my family do it,because the just fuck up everything,and i'm not wiiling to skip this part either,because i tryd several mods at the pickups and the bridge part at my Les Paul but after a time the result was the same,uncomfortable playing and buzzing all strings,and the problem is has to be the nut part,because it can't be any other thing that cause string buzz Do the strings buzz when played open?
  21. Nah not me , the music lessons were crap when I was in school. If you were lucky you could find a girl who played the skin flute ;)
  22. sorry I'm all out of ideas then :(
  23. toggle your pickup switch to see if helps
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