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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/28/2021 in Posts

  1. Neck pocket time.... I must say deciding to use that slim bridge - hard egg.... the saddles have like 2.5-3mm adjustability, and like 1.5 is already used for the (middle) strings match the radius... so so so - i gotta create the height of the fb on the body and the angle perfect in a way that my remaining 1.0 - 1.5 mm adjustability grants me a perfect action. pffffffffff Neeeew arrivals Far better to handle dust extraction, thats good Yeah, sometimes size does matter - those guys will be needed soon, hopefully looks like a wooden guitar... that magnet bar, usually for kitchen knifes is also a new arrival - will hold my scrapers and chisels nicely So... for the dangerous part - bringing the neckend to size... didn´t dare to plane, as that will be problematic on that small area in terms of keeping it perfectly straight and flat.. so sanding is tried like that man.... that wood is soooo hard - 10 mins of good sanding does not remove more than 0.1 mm (!!!!) not far apart... if i was to use a Gibson style bridge - all would be perfect already for there would be 8mm+ ad adj. space might work out nicely that back still there was that hole on the spot i drilled too deep, would of course be hidden inside the joint and well filled with glue, but no, lets close that sawdust superglue .... cough cough.... hmm... there was a strange chem reaction with smoke coming up from there, that was unexpected but unimportant also. Opening the window a bit before next layer ... and putting on a FFP3 mask, good thing those are everywhere those days that will reach the desired height a bit of sanding yes, that´s good. I think 1mm of too much material left on the neck, and i´ll have to measure so precise ... though i don´t think this ever can be submillimeter science within the building process as we have dynamic material for some extend... the action is the most important thing for playability though........ so in the back of my head i have worked out the escape plan just in case.... if i was ending too low - not a problem cause sanding down a lil the bridge position will always be possible, still unwanted for it is straight and good already. If i was going to end up too high still i can augment the bridge a mill or 2 with a couple of washers in the matching colors which i tried and gives a fancy elevated bridge look... so here we will survive the storm.
    3 points
  2. Same, I spent most of last week on planes There is no honest reason this song should give me as much trouble as it does
    1 point
  3. I'm happy that the songs are the same. Didn't get much playing time in last week and some of the songs were cooo-elllll.
    1 point
  4. I'm in MC, my meelo -> milo name change hasn't been updated to the forums
    1 point
  5. The trilogy is done, time to wait for new songs next week
    1 point
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