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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/17/2020 in all areas

  1. Hey guys, just got Rocksmith a day or two ago and saw this and had to participate, even if Im late. I messed up on where to take the screenshot but it was like a 92% or something. (I know it doesn't exactly count for the leaderboard but it's okay, I just wanted to participate. Will try better next week) I also tried to play the black sabbath one but holy cow that beginning solo is hard! Question for the bass players, do you calibrate again if you switch between guitar and bass? Also, what is the best way for me to learn what all the symbols mean? The lessons I've done are all videos and nothing practical so when it started throwing bends (or what I assume are bends) at me I was really confused haha.
    6 points
  2. The bending = BS ------------------------------------------------------------ I have dreams of this song not constantly telling me i miss entire phrases of open notes ------------------------------------------------------------ I practiced this in RR for hours. HOURS. The intro just kicked my ass so bad. On attempt 2, after my 3 X's, I got so pissed off that i grabbed the neck of my bass, pulled it up to shake it, and incidentally ended up smashing my nose on the part where the strap connects to the body giving myself a small nosebleed. So, yeah. ------------------------------------------------------------ Ok, seriously... wtf is this lmao ------------------------------------------------------------
    4 points
  3. Decided to try this one on Bass as well: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2169276935 Lead: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2169277091
    3 points
  4. Welcome to the championship. You don't need to recalibrate between bass and guitar. Here is a guide to what the symbols mean. http://static2.cdn.ubi.com/ncsa/rocksmith/website/guides/Notehead-tail%20guide.pdf
    3 points
  5. I like this song. Funny to play :)
    2 points
  6. cfsm can repack songs to E standard/drop D with a pitch shift effect on the tone. In the custom mods section you select the pitch shifter.
    2 points
  7. a quick run though while waiting for pizza...and a new best!
    1 point
  8. So, curious then, there are multiple ones in red that show that people have downloaded them? Bon Jovi- Dead or Alive shows that 1400 people have DL'd it. Usually that means that the CDLC was released before the Official version came out, then was delisted and changed to a link to purchase page after Offical release.
    1 point
  9. Hello dear ladies and gents of CustomsForge, welcome to the Official Guide for CustomsForge Song Manager, aka CFSM. You can use the table below to jump to the section you are interested in. If you have any further questions, feel free to join our Discord server ( discord.gg/cf ) and ask us there! http://ignition.customsforge.com/assets/cfsm/img/cfsm.png Settings Song Manager Repairs (something you should use atleast once on your whole collection!) Arrangements Analyzer Duplicates Renamer Setlist Manager Profile Song Lists Song Packs About
    1 point
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