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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/21/2016 in all areas

  1. I'm actually having more success with the MC this week but still can't get past the last few phrases of the song after the slide on the 21st fret G string without being triple X'd :( .. have no time to play the others and I love The Breeders but busy week with #2 son starting playschool tomorrow, training for big run and work, if I manage a score for MC bass in SA I'll be over the moon. Even if it's shit :) /applause to all getting their scores on, the songs this week are pretty knackering!
    4 points
  2. A big(ish) improvement tonight: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B49Qq-EFnmrKd1h6bXd6c1VvbHc/view?usp=sharing I don't know where that came from…
    3 points
  3. Thanks @@franfit but I don't think I will have time now, I got an unlocked trophy for failing to get through score attack ten times in a row... I win at sucking :D
    2 points
  4. My submission goes... Were training this all this week, now can play it with a small amount of mistakes only at 80 percent of speed. At 100 I simply get lost in speed and miss everything possible in this two shred parts... http://i.imgur.com/zNvyGkT.jpg
    2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. and of course, Mr. Big rhythm: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/365157185045971769/BC8F2A8C53C8813BDADC35AB941E2C1E2FDFCC8A/
    2 points
  7. catching up diddie! cannonball lead: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/365157185045902023/541CB8C0797E4821827ADEE9A2D29D91C9D73C35/
    2 points
  8. one last try http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=605047386 That red bit's a flippin' arse ache! :)
    2 points
  9. Adv Lead I feel that my hands are stiff recently and i don't know why :(
    2 points
  10. [update: The latest release is v0.9.9, visit the website: http://www.rocksmithtotab.de This program can convert any official or custom DLC into Guitar pro tab files (either .gp5 or .gpx). All of Rocksmith's features are supported and mirrored in the tabs. There may still be a few bugs left, and the rhythm notation is occasionally weird or just plain wrong, but overall the output is very decent and usable. The program can now be used on a Mac.] Hi all, over the past week I've begun to write a small program that can convert Rocksmith 2014 arrangements to Guitar Pro .gpx files. While Rocksmith's way of showing songs has its advantages, I've always had difficulty to figure out certain things from it, particularly strumming rhythms and quick passages. So for a while now I had been searching for a way to extract tabs from Rocksmith's tracks, and from a quick look through the forum, I might not be the only one. Recently I stumbled upon the RSTabExplorer, which attempted to do just that. Unfortunately, it wasn't in a state where its output was really useful to me, but at least it was a starting point. I had a look at the code and decided that I might have a shot at creating my own attempt. I have chosen to export the tabs to Guitar Pro, and specifically Guitar Pro 6. The reason is that I own Guitar Pro, and the gpx format was the quickest one for me to figure out (because at its core, it's just a very readable xml file, as opposed to the fully binary format of gp5). I also considered MusicXML, but it was a little more awkward to write, and more importantly, Guitar Pro's import is not advanced enough to capture all the relevant features. Now, the program isn't fully finished, yet, but it is in a state where I think it is already useful, and also could benefit from getting some feedback from other users. The program is a basic command-line utility (no GUI, sorry), where you specify the .psarc file and an output directory, and it will process all arrangements found in the archive. It already exports most of Rocksmith's features and does a decent job at rhythm detection, so many arrangements (at least in part) look quite good in Guitar Pro. There is one additional reason I'm releasing this now. Of the two major missing features (sustains and bends), I need help with the bends, specifically in understanding how Rocksmith interprets bends. I read the tutorial post about authoring bends in Eof, and that is all quite straightforward. However, in practice I found several tracks where a note has just a single bend value, yet sometimes Rocksmith interprets it as a simple bend, and sometimes as a bend/release. I can't figure out how Rocksmith differentiates between the two. For example, in Black Magic there is a bend/release on the 6th fret of the 5th string, but looking at the arrangement xml, I only see a single bend value for this note. Can anyone help me out here? Thanks :) Other than that, well, just try it out and let me know what you think. Just a little heads-up: Slides are only semi-working at the moment. Unpitching slides are fine, but slides to a target note only work in some instances. I know why, I just haven't had the time to correct it, yet. Also, the rhythm. Obviously, since Rocksmith has no direct notion of rhythm, it is quite a challenge to get an accurate rhythm representation out of Rocksmith's tracks. Basically not a single note maps 100% to its original rhythmic duration. I have experimented a bit with this, and my current approach is still quite basic, *but* it works surprisingly well in most instances. However, you have to expect the occasional oddity or error in the output, particularly in fast and "sloppy" solos. I have some ideas about cleverer approaches that I will try in the future, once all other features are implemented. One final warning: By default, the program puts all arrangements of a song (e.g. lead, rhythm, bass) into a single .gpx file. This is generally fine, but one caveat in Guitar Pro is that all tracks share the master bars, which dictate tempo and time. This is almost never a problem, but I did find in "Red Fang - Number Thirteen" that at some points, the lead and rhythm arrangements use different time in some measures. So when you combine them into a single file, this distinction is lost, and the result is simply wrong. There's not much I can do about that. I have implemented a switch to the program (-t) that will split the arrangements into separate files, if you need it. Now, finally, here is the link to the project: https://github.com/fholger/RocksmithToTab And the first release is here: https://github.com/fholger/RocksmithToTab/releases The program requires .NET 4.5. I hope I packaged everything correctly, please let me know if something isn't working. There are basic instructions on the GitHub page. I hope you get some use out of it, and please do point out any errors you spotted (besides those already mentioned above) in conversions. Many thanks to all you guys here who created the Custom Toolkit, and also to the RSTabExplorer team, because without you this project wouldn't exist.
    1 point
  11. I'm back in the game! http://i.imgur.com/RU10T1K.jpg
    1 point
  12. understand. you'll get them next week and just remember, I'm the king winning at sucking. check out @@Rodman rankings :ph34r:
    1 point
  13. Crazy busy all week, only getting time to play this weeks songs tonight. http://s22.postimg.org/hk0p42bv5/breeders_cannonball_lead.png Played this a bunch of times before. Difficult but fun beginners song. http://s16.postimg.org/5q05tx5ed/the_fratellis_henrietta_lead.png Used to be able to play this in the pre-rocksmith days, still remember most of it. Sync is out a bit. http://s22.postimg.org/8sy9njhxt/free_mr_big_lead.png Suprisingly difficult to keep the appargios accurate. http://s2.postimg.org/happnj961/prince_of_persia_rhythm.png http://s30.postimg.org/nw369l5oh/prince_of_persia_bass.png Easy but cool http://s27.postimg.org/saiwkkbwj/the_fratellis_henrietta_bass.png Some charting issues to go along with the sync problem here, cool bassline though http://s24.postimg.org/dd6c6hg9x/free_mr_big_bass.png Failed out the first time, scraped through on the second attempt. May or may not get more time tomorrow and I'm off hiking Saturday so this could be my only update for the week.
    1 point
  14. @@NoonyDeloony do it again. do it again!!! you got this B) intermediate lead: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/365157185049429692/8677688B9559D725ED435C5E2001797834E11C4B/
    1 point
  15. I have resigned myself to the fact the MC song is just that tad too twiddly, much to my chagrin, the speed I'm fine with, I just can't get that last phrase of the run up the G string (fnar) solo ... next year. :angry:
    1 point
  16. I see. The FHP generation is forced to change position at the end of the slide but immediately wants to get back to a position where all notes are playable in a 4 fret range. I may be able to make a special condition in the logic so that an FHP change isn't automatically created for a repeat chord perhaps except in some cases (ie. the latter instance defines use of the index finger and the previous did not). I would imagine it exported this way since the r1396 hotfix (April 25, 2015), which was the first hotfix to have the logic to place an FHP change to reflect the end position of a slide. Edit: I added a condition to the FHP logic and it gets the desired result on PC Plum's example now.
    1 point
  17. Steam has an offline mode and RS can be played even if the game can't log to Uplay server. You'll still have access to all on disc song and DLC that you bought and also all the CDLC that you've downloaded. So you definitly can.
    1 point
  18. I,ll add something about holding the pick...2008 i nearly cut my right arm off at work,mid fore-arm..Doc said i cut everything there was to cut except the bone..anyway,2 years of therapy to get use of my hand back..Lost feeling in thumb,index and middle finger,,.so as far as holding a pick ,,,don,t know if i,m holding it or not..solution,,, I wrap duct tape around index finger and pick,,but that works pretty good..never drop the pick and always stays pointed the right way..
    1 point
  19. Very hard song for beginner + fight with recognitions. http://i.imgur.com/o6UcOBp.jpg
    1 point
  20. Rhythm, like having small fills that test my speedyness in rhythm, should happen more often :) http://oi64.tinypic.com/30241vd.jpg and a + on lead http://oi64.tinypic.com/29kqla9.jpg
    1 point
  21. I just use the custom tones from the game, there really is no excuse for no custom tone. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9xag4jw7i29b54d/ps4LuvWGW_
    1 point
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