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Original free Christmas DLC pack?



Hello, I'm not sure If I can ask this or not but since it is concerning a DLC pack that was free I did not see the harm.. anyways some of you may have known that in the days of the original rocksmith they released a free Christmas DLC pack which also worked with 2014, however part of why I switched to the PC version was because my xbox was breaking down again and for the last time.. it has since died and so I am unable to play these tracks anymore.. I dont know if this would work but if anyone on here happens to have that original pack if you could message me Id be extreamly grateful.. I wanted to play these tracks with my family in multiplayer like we used to before the xbox broke down but was unable to, it would be nice if we could scheduled a make up before the new year.. I tried posting on the rocksmith Facebook but I never even got a reply, granted that was a long shot and I looked though the DLC list again yesterday hoping they put them back up like they have some years cause  If I could find the tracks my self I would have so this is pretty much my last hope I think... it sucks they wouldn't just send me the files as Ive always been a heavy supporter of rocksmiht, I pretty much buy every DLC that comes out, I also do my best to spread positive word of mouth about the game when I have an opportunity even this late in the game.

P.S I know there has been some CDLC versions of those 3 songs that came in the pack but Id much prefer the original versions for a number of reasons.

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This songs?

I know it's exist in rs1compatibilitydlc_p.psarc file, but it's locked to specific ID, so you probably could unlock them if you know how cdlc works, but it seems this in very grey area ;P

also here's Dad's Dan's answer about this issue, so go ahead and play it from youtube :P
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Well thank you for that.. seems its just red that keeps it from being available.. their is not even any recourse for people who already owned it sadly.. I asked RS about it and they just coldly said it was a one time gift and is no longer available... which I already knew or I wouldn't have been asking for them again.. So yeah that was indeed one of the 3 songs.. I just dont understand why they are so firm on not letting people have those tracks anymore was it cause Seth is no longer with them after the band fuse irony? I dont know.. it just sucks cause they were free tracks in the first place... Yeah i dont know well how all this works I just thought that if someone had the files in their DLC that it would be straightforward but now I guess not... eh..

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