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handshape/arpeggio for multiple notes at a time?


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  • 2 weeks later...



  In an official DLC I found this specific way to manage handshape phrase with partial chords inside :

  <chordTemplates count="4">
    <chordTemplate chordName="D" displayName="D" finger0="-1" finger1="-1" finger2="-1" finger3="1" finger4="3" finger5="2" fret0="-1" fret1="-1" fret2="-1" fret3="2" fret4="3" fret5="2" />
    <chordTemplate chordName="" displayName="-nop" finger0="-1" finger1="-1" finger2="-1" finger3="1" finger4="3" finger5="2" fret0="-1" fret1="-1" fret2="-1" fret3="2" fret4="3" fret5="2" />
    <chordTemplate chordName="" displayName="-nop" finger0="-1" finger1="-1" finger2="-1" finger3="1" finger4="2" finger5="-1" fret0="-1" fret1="-1" fret2="-1" fret3="2" fret4="3" fret5="-1" />
    <chordTemplate chordName="" displayName="-nop" finger0="-1" finger1="-1" finger2="-1" finger3="-1" finger4="3" finger5="2" fret0="-1" fret1="-1" fret2="-1" fret3="-1" fret4="3" fret5="2" />
        <chords count="3">
        <chord time="4.295" linkNext="0" accent="0" chordId="1" fretHandMute="0" highDensity="0" ignore="0" palmMute="0" hopo="0" strum="down">
          <chordNote time="4.295" linkNext="0" accent="0" bend="0" fret="2" hammerOn="0" harmonic="0" hopo="0" ignore="0" leftHand="1" mute="0" palmMute="0" pluck="-1" pullOff="0" slap="-1" slideTo="-1" string="3" sustain="0.000" tremolo="0" harmonicPinch="0" pickDirection="0" rightHand="-1" slideUnpitchTo="-1" tap="0" vibrato="0" />
          <chordNote time="4.295" linkNext="0" accent="0" bend="0" fret="3" hammerOn="0" harmonic="0" hopo="0" ignore="0" leftHand="3" mute="0" palmMute="0" pluck="-1" pullOff="0" slap="-1" slideTo="-1" string="4" sustain="0.000" tremolo="0" harmonicPinch="0" pickDirection="0" rightHand="-1" slideUnpitchTo="-1" tap="0" vibrato="0" />
          <chordNote time="4.295" linkNext="0" accent="0" bend="0" fret="2" hammerOn="0" harmonic="0" hopo="0" ignore="0" leftHand="2" mute="0" palmMute="0" pluck="-1" pullOff="0" slap="-1" slideTo="-1" string="5" sustain="0.000" tremolo="0" harmonicPinch="0" pickDirection="0" rightHand="-1" slideUnpitchTo="-1" tap="0" vibrato="0" />
        <chord time="6.295" linkNext="0" accent="0" chordId="2" fretHandMute="0" highDensity="0" ignore="0" palmMute="0" hopo="0" strum="down">
          <chordNote time="6.295" linkNext="0" accent="0" bend="0" fret="2" hammerOn="0" harmonic="0" hopo="0" ignore="0" leftHand="1" mute="0" palmMute="0" pluck="-1" pullOff="0" slap="-1" slideTo="-1" string="3" sustain="0.000" tremolo="0" harmonicPinch="0" pickDirection="0" rightHand="-1" slideUnpitchTo="-1" tap="0" vibrato="0" />
          <chordNote time="6.295" linkNext="0" accent="0" bend="0" fret="3" hammerOn="0" harmonic="0" hopo="0" ignore="0" leftHand="2" mute="0" palmMute="0" pluck="-1" pullOff="0" slap="-1" slideTo="-1" string="4" sustain="0.000" tremolo="0" harmonicPinch="0" pickDirection="0" rightHand="-1" slideUnpitchTo="-1" tap="0" vibrato="0" />
        <chord time="8.295" linkNext="0" accent="0" chordId="3" fretHandMute="0" highDensity="0" ignore="0" palmMute="0" hopo="0" strum="down">
          <chordNote time="8.295" linkNext="0" accent="0" bend="0" fret="3" hammerOn="0" harmonic="0" hopo="0" ignore="0" leftHand="3" mute="0" palmMute="0" pluck="-1" pullOff="0" slap="-1" slideTo="-1" string="4" sustain="0.000" tremolo="0" harmonicPinch="0" pickDirection="0" rightHand="-1" slideUnpitchTo="-1" tap="0" vibrato="0" />
          <chordNote time="8.295" linkNext="0" accent="0" bend="0" fret="2" hammerOn="0" harmonic="0" hopo="0" ignore="0" leftHand="2" mute="0" palmMute="0" pluck="-1" pullOff="0" slap="-1" slideTo="-1" string="5" sustain="0.000" tremolo="0" harmonicPinch="0" pickDirection="0" rightHand="-1" slideUnpitchTo="-1" tap="0" vibrato="0" />
      <handShapes count="4">
        <handShape chordId="0" endTime="9.326" startTime="4.027" />
        <handShape chordId="1" endTime="6.280" startTime="4.295" />
        <handShape chordId="2" endTime="8.280" startTime="6.295" />
        <handShape chordId="3" endTime="8.326" startTime="8.295" />

The first chordTemplate "D" define the main chord and its finger positions.


The first handShape references this chordTemplate and is not associated to a specific chord. It encapsulates the three following handshapes by its duration (startTime = "4.027" to endTime = "9.326")


The three other handShapes :

- are included inside the global handShape (startTime and endTime are embedded inside the time positions of the first handShape)

- are linked to a specific chordTemplate with no name but a specific tag "-nop" inside the displayName

- are associated with their chords (same time position and same chordId)


I tried to reproduce this specific case in RS2014 :

- The global handShape works fine as an handShape phrase (continuous lines + finger positions)

- The three embedded handShapes are displayed with their handShape box without a name and inherits the finger positions of the global handShape


The only thing that doesn't work is the chordNotes which are not displayed inside their handShape boxes (for all chords) !


Maybe someone has an idea why the chordNotes are not displayed ?

Is it a limitation of the RSToolkit about the "-nop" flag (I don't use DD for this test case) ?


Thank you

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Overlapping handshape tags? If the game supports that I guess that could formally cause chord boxes to be drawn inside the scope of a handshape, but I wonder if it would just be simpler for EOF to do handshape-contained chords as repeat lines with the single notes that make up each chord?

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