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I don't know if anyone else has had this problem, but everytime I play a song or two or three, happens at different times, but once a song is done the guitar immediately goes to clean.  Even in the song selection screen the guitar tone is clean.  If I choose another song, it is still clean (the tone doesn't switch to anything).  I constantly have to restart Rocksmith to fix this issue.  Is there something I can do to fix this?  It doesn't matter if the songs are CDLC or regular on-disk songs.  Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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10 answers to this question

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I get that too. i presume you also keep playing after the chart/song ended? I used to play on a low to average pc and used to get the clean alot. I think its because of lag and the game is taking alot of space(not on the hard rive). I eliminated the problem by closing every window and program. And then using task manager > processes(second tab)  i closed a few programs that are running in the background. Then run rocksmith. And also you should try to minimize the jamming after the song until the song tone switches to your regular tone.hope it works for you.

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----------------------Copy paste from my topic.---------------------------------------

Dead Tone:

PC: After you have started Dead Tone song you have to restart, if you want hear modified tones again.
Mac:  More harm, it corrupts, all songs. Restarting game won't help. Have to delete all.
Some charters didn't mind to add tones to their songs (playing through amps and its OK for me) , but it caused   Dead Tone issues...
New toolkit solves this kind of dead tone issues (which were majority in Dead Tones).
Default tone no longer causes Dead Tone, if latest Toolkit is used.
 Latest Toolkit build
 Fast fix for Dead Tone"you need to regenerate it, use "Import package" feature and generate cdlc from it"

--------------------end of pasting---------------------------------------


So...At least For me.... Issue is called dead tone issue. My estimate is that if you download random about 1-2% of songs are dead toned. 

Avoiding is easy, don't play/insert in dlc folder any song that's dead tone. 

In song topic marked as not toned songs.... can, but will not always mean dead tone song. Clean tone is not same as dead tone. Dead tone just sounds clean. Difference between is only that dead tone will bug tone system totally, restarting necessary to fix a bug. (pc)


I have listed some dead tone songs/charters more than one year.

List does not contain all dead tone songs, doing my best, but need still aid to improve list... latency and making list more accurate etc... so, you can send me report if you find any song that's not isted and cause dead tone issue (or should not be in list)


I personally would love to see machine that would do find and remove these automaticly in dlc folder. (tip for programmers)

Can be tester, collected all dead toners i have tested/founded (239 songs).


Ultimate Fix is easy, just to tone em properly, clean, whatever...not bugging tone and you can then change tone still later in game and play song with modified tones.

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So after having this tone issue for a good two years, I can say that I think I have an idea of how to fix this problem. While some may say this issue is not performance related, I disagree.
Alongside the tone bug I noticed that while playing that my FPS would drop while playing songs at random points in various songs.  I have an older custom built PC and while it’s older
it should be able to handle this game with no issues.  

So after playing with the Rocksmith.ini file I configured it best for my system. (This could be totally different for others depending on your machine.

Read this guide for best results



The next step may be different as well for certain users, I have an NVidia graphics card, and it will be different with for people with Radeon graphic cards and Intel integrated graphics Chips.

Screenshots of my 3-D settings within the NVidia graphics

I manually configured the 3-D settings within the NVidia graphic card settings for Rocksmith by adding it to the list of games, I pretty much turned everything extra off to maximize the best possible performance. This should be possible with Radeon cards and Intel integrated graphics Chips, I would suspect the settings are very simllar.

This was the key factor for me, once Rocksmith was running smooth as possible it was like playing on a different machine, I have not had the tone bug since. I played with the tone designer and session mode which pretty much always forced me to have a tone bug. I think the key factor is getting it to run as smooth as possible and the best way to do that is configuring the graphics card settings manually.

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I have had the tone crash happen a fair bit, once you narrow down the song causing the issue. Open the rocksmith toolkit> import package> saved the folder to my desktop> Generate> save the new .psarc file to my DLC folder and that fixed it (manually removed old .psac first).

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  • Developer

Latest CFSM beta should also be able to automagically fix the Dead Tone issue as well.  Just run all your CDLC through the CFSM Repairs option making sure Mastery 100% Bug radio button is selected in addition to your other choices.  See the CFSM Repairs Help menu for an explanation of the available options. 


Be sure to post a link to any CDLC that CFSM is not able to repair so that CFSM can be improved.

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Are you tired of AV False Positives???  Now accepting donations on my website (Click Here)  Your donation will be used towards buying a code signing certificate.   CGT is now compatible and safe to use with Rocksmith® 2014 Remastered ... 


Latest Build of Custom Game Toolkit (CGT) w/ Game Save Gigbox       Latest Build of Rocksmith Toolkit       Latest Build of Customs Forge Song Manager (CFSM)


All bug reports and help requests please include your: OS, CPU, AV, .NET Framework versions along with a description of the issue (include screenshots of error if possible).  It should go without having to say ... make sure you are using the latest build before submitting bug reports or asking for help.


*  Remember to use your magic words (please and thank you) if you would like a response.  Don't use phrases like 'thanks anyhow' as it is demeaning.

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I can't solve this problem I ran the beta on all songs. Still after 1 or 2 songs it switches back to stock tone and won't play any other. Only way I can get it to work is restart the game. I have checked everything for updates still won't work.

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  • Developer

@Smash54  post a link to the CDLC that is causing the problem.

Are you tired of AV False Positives???  Now accepting donations on my website (Click Here)  Your donation will be used towards buying a code signing certificate.   CGT is now compatible and safe to use with Rocksmith® 2014 Remastered ... 


Latest Build of Custom Game Toolkit (CGT) w/ Game Save Gigbox       Latest Build of Rocksmith Toolkit       Latest Build of Customs Forge Song Manager (CFSM)


All bug reports and help requests please include your: OS, CPU, AV, .NET Framework versions along with a description of the issue (include screenshots of error if possible).  It should go without having to say ... make sure you are using the latest build before submitting bug reports or asking for help.


*  Remember to use your magic words (please and thank you) if you would like a response.  Don't use phrases like 'thanks anyhow' as it is demeaning.

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Have you got any other processes running while playing? Anything that pushes your CPU usage could cause the tone bug. I was getting it a lot while streaming and worked out the tip jar was causing OBS to run at about 30%-40% when it should be below 10%. Ever since cutting out all unnecessary processes it is now an uncommon occurrence. If you can track your CPU usage in Task Manager while playing you should be able to see if anything is using up a lot of resource.

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