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I am tweaking someone else's custom for my own use - adding arpeggios etc where there are none in the original release - so

I used  DDC v2.5 to remove the DD.

Unpacked using toolkit - updated to

Rocksmith Import into EOF - edits done then saved as normal.

I try to create the package and the toolkit drops the following error every time.

I have tried saving templates and re-loading after restarting the toolkit, but get the same error each time.


Any tips on where I have gone wrong?




is there another log file somewhere? the log in the root folder of the toolkit only shows this as it's contents.


2014-09-15 19:51:42.5954 | RocksmithToolkitGUI.Program (INFO) : 
2014-09-15 19:51:42.5954 | RocksmithToolkitGUI.Program (INFO) : 
 OS: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 
2014-09-15 19:51:42.5954 | RocksmithToolkitGUI.Program (INFO) : 
 Command: "Z:\Rocksmith Custom DLC\RocksmithCustomSongToolkit-v2.6.0.0-4174fc7b3141_PC\RocksmithToolkitGUI.exe"  

https://copy.com/rjo88TjKxQF9Dc9C - linky to files for building package

@@ZagatoZee, you've got invalid arrangement file, please remove redundant phrase iterations, (left only main phrases) and FHP, than pack again(tip: you can disable RS1 export in eof).

also EOF version is v1.8RC10 (r1338). still no warnings for redundant phrase iterations(and it's even export them).

PS. EOF doesn't import RS2 techs, so you'd better use this utility to get gp5 from your xml file and after you imported xml file in eof, reimport all from those gp5 file.

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