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Everything posted by Azrael

  1. Thanks for your answer! So you are telling me that the count-in ticks are generated ingame? I always assumed they were part of the audiofile! Does this mean that I could add count-in to my own CDLCs as well? Sweet! And does this mean that I could possibly create bonus arrangements that have the ticks throughout the whole song, just by adding a modified xml? That would be really awesome! But as far as I understand, I would have to look up and fill in every single time stamp manually, right? That would mean an incredible amount of work^^ Or is that what you mean with the "map" and the <ebeats>? Could please try to explain this a little bit? I have never edited a xml before... Edit: Ok, I have found the ebeats and their time stamps... I will see what I can achieve :-)
  2. Hi everyone, I was wondering if it would be possible to create an audiofile with a metronome based on the beat map in EOF. Playing with Rocksmith feels great, and there are a lot of songs I feel comfortable playing inside Rocksmith. But I realized that often enough e.g. fast riffs give me a hard time when I play them on my own without a beat, while they seem to work fine in Rocksmith (where I kind of flow with the beat^^). As a similar issue, once I start lowering the sound of the music and increase the volume of my guitar, I realize that I don't sound as super awesome as Rocksmith made me think I do. One problem for me is that I have difficulties keeping up the beat when I silence the music ingame. Of course the ultimate solution is having a backingtrack of your song, but they are quite rare. So I was thinking, what if I had a metronome ingame? I have posted my idea in the official Rocksmith Feedback thread, but of course the chances that this is seen are extremely low: Then I had another thought: Would it be possible to use EOF to create a seperate metronome audio file that we can use to create a "metronome version" of any CDLC? Similar to the midi-sound EOF can already produce, could EOF just create a "tick" on every beat and save it to a file? Please let me know if you think this would be useful and whether this is realistic to implement :-) Regards, Azrael
  3. Junge! I've been working on this for the whole week and until yesterday it sounded really crappy, but for some reason today it just made *click* in my head/fingers and now the song turns out to be "somewhat playable" (for me most of the time having a score of 95% does not mean I could present this song to anyone^^). I am still happy about the progress I made, awesome :-) Advanced Rhythm: 94.72 % http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=342046834 This was a very nice week :D
  4. When I type "multitrack" into the search box, it gives me 30 results. ;) (searching for "multitracks" only gives 29 results...) I don't know if thats all of them, though.
  5. Here are my scores: Intermediate: Lead: 96.38 % http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=341677060 (I thought I could crack the 97%, but after all I'm happy how far I got :)) Rhyhtm: 97.52 % http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=341668811 That was an awesome run :D I hope I can post a score for "Junge" Rhythm tomorrow...
  6. There you go, much better :-P Your best bet is to take an existing tone, instead of doing one from scratch. Since there are already CDLCs from your band, I would recommend using the tones used there (at least as a starting point). Fastest way: In the Toolkit, you can click on "Import Package" and select a psarc file (the CDLC) that contains the tone you would like to use. Then the tones show up in the list. In the menu "Edit Tone" you can save the tone to a *tone2014.xml file. Head back to your own Toolkit-project, create a new tone and load the file that you saved before: Now all the settings are transfered. Another option is to use the ingame Tone Designer. Again, instead of creating one from scratch, you can load up any tone from any song ingame. Try loading up one that sounds good, and then try to improve it. Now you want to get the tone you saved ingame into the Toolkit, and that is possible, too: In the Toolkit hit the "Import" button, then you can import the file that ends on "_prfldb" from the folder "Steam\userdata\XXXXXXX\221680\remote". It contains all of the tones that you saved ingame. Alright, I hope those two ways on how to access tones give you a good starting point ;-) Regards, Azrael
  7. If you could rephrase your question to make it clearer what you mean and what you want to know, maybe someone can help you :-)
  8. Since you wrote that I was challenged to go for the 100% Now after what felt like endless amounts of tries where I missed only one or two notes (the counter did reset with every new version you uploaded*) - I now finally did it! My hands are still shaking :-) Beginner Lead: 100% http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=339970665 I think this is my first (non-bass) 100% ever :o * I don't know if that is intended, but normally the stats do not reset when a CDLC is generated again... So I would advice you to check on that in the future (I don't want to loose my 100% if you ever upload a new version :P ) With Alice In Chains, the main riff is really cool... but other than that the song feels a little bit to "experimental" for me to play... anyway, I'm getting there
  9. Hi Draxxus, I am not aware of any tutorials on this. After all it's quite easy, but you have to know what to do :-) You have to be familiar with the process of creating CDLC, though. Even though there is also the "unpacker" in the Toolkit, I would give you the following advice: In the Toolkit (Tab "Creator"), hit the "Import Package" button. This will load everything into the Toolkit and now you could already alter stuff like tones, volume, CDLC name and just have to hit "Generate" to get the updated CDLC. If you want to edit the project in EOF, go to the folder "EOF" that was created. You won't find a ready-to-use .eof file there, but you can use those files to start a new project. Load the .ogg into a new EOF-project and then import the xml files from the same folder with "Rocksmith Import" (Watch out for what PC Plum said.. didn't know that) BAM! Now you have the complete project to manipulate as you like If you update the xmls in the EOF folder with the xmls that are produced when you hit save in EOF, then you just have to hit "Generate" in the toolkit to create the new CDLC(0.) When the original CDLC contained Dynamic Difficulty, I sometimes experienced weird things in EOF with imported projects. E.g. the highest difficulty didn't contain all the notes, but they were instead split among the difficulty levels... It will help to remove DD with the DDC in the Toolkit, before you import (step 1) it. Keep in mind: Before thinking about altering the original authors work, leave a comment for him and ask him to improve his CDLC himself. Give him as detailed feedback/advice as possible. And have some patience.Of course, never upload your edited work as a new entry and claim it is you own.If you feel like your changes turned out really good though, show it to the original author and ask him if he wants to publish your updated version (so the rest of the community can benefit from your work, too)I have done the last thing myself (I added vocals to a CDLC and gave the new file to the charter). I have also completely recreated an existing CDLC, because I knew the creator couldn't work on his version anymore and was ok with it. Nevertheless I think it's quite a pain when different versions of the same song appear in the search and not even reading the details/comments gives you an idea why someone had to make a second one and which is better. All in all: Handle this with care ;-) Regards, Azrael
  10. Die Ärzte, very nice choice! Rhythm might be above my skill level, but I am going to try it, anyway :-)
  11. Last minute: Intermediate Lead: 93 % http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=338752437 Rhythm: 96.8 % http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=338752523 ... these solos were really killing me, especially in Lead. But to be honest I started practicing too late :-(
  12. Thanks for the heads up! Normally that's not my style (I try to only download what I really intend to play, and Jimi has been quite out of reach so far) but now I just grabbed everything I could - better download those CDLCs to my harddrive before they get deleted here :-)
  13. I had to stop when I noticed a small bubble(?) showing up on the lower part of my index finger, where it slides across the frets all the time^^ Intermediate: Lead: 96.34% (Master Mode) http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=334409570 Rhythm: 97.07% http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=334409523
  14. Hi everyone, my usual just-in-time-entry :-) I spent nearly all of this week's guitar time with charting so I didn't really practise much, but hey, I still got some scores to share: Intermediate: Lead: 91.94% http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=331609905 Rhythm: 96.12% http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=331611120 PS: @@Kaijin I wish you lots of fun with your new bass, too ;-)
  15. There is an "official" Customsforge Desktop Application in development that should be(come) exactly what you are looking for: http://customsforge.com/topic/11788-the-customsforge-desktop-app-how-would-you-like-it-to-look/ I guess you could offer them your help :-)
  16. Tiny improvement: Intermediate Rhythm: 97.14% http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=327725425
  17. I was just browsing the steam forums and saw the post I linked to, so I checked steamdb to see if there actually was an update.
  18. Apparently there has been an update through Steam... https://steamdb.info/app/221680/history/ http://steamcommunity.com/app/221680/discussions/0/619568708436470071/ Has anyone noticed any changes, or can understand the SteamDB information?
  19. This week I am early with my scores. I don't think there is much room for improvement, though... Intermediate: Lead: 98.91% http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=326957480 Rhythm: 97.00% http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=326957426 I would rate Rhythm more difficult than Lead, because of all the chords you have to keep strumming - but I guess it happens fast to see note recognition problems as difficulty problems... So I guess I would agree with Motive's Lead: 4, Rhythm: 5
  20. I agree! Also I feel like the fret changes are not correctly timed at this part. By listening to the music I always want to change the fret one or two notes earlier than displayed in the chart. This is even more of a problem to me in the corresponding Rhythm section, where I always kill my streaks with those misses.
  21. Just in time... maybe I still got a couple of minutes to improve, but first I must post some results: Beginner Rhythm: 98.50 % http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=325253058 Intermediate Lead: 90 % http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=325253576 Rhythm: 96.11 % (Master Mode) http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=325267548 @@Rodman Thanks for the leaderboard, great idea! One question though: Some people are ranked in more than one difficulty, shouldn't they only be ranked in the highest one? :-)
  22. Thanks everyone for your feedback. I went back to the store today and tried some other guitars, but in the end the LPJ was the one for me. Now I played a couple of hours at home and I am very satisfied, it is awesome :-)
  23. Hi everyone, I am about to buy my first electric guitar, after playing Rocksmith for the last half year with my western acoustic guitar that I own since 10 years or so. Today I went to a shop, spent a while playing some guitars and I felt like my favourite was a "Gibson LPJ 2014 fireburst satin". To be honest I couldn't hear a big difference between the LPs and Strats I played, and in terms of ease of playing they all felt good as well... but I really liked the "non-sticky" neck and looks of this one. Any comments or experience with this guitar? :-) At the moment I am not planing to buy an amp, because I will always play with headphones and thought that I can just do that through RS. Furthermore I will probably be able to get an acoustic amplifier from a family member for free together with a distortion pedal. Basically I am wondering if this is a stupid plan and if I am missing a lot if I don't buy an amp...
  24. @@bob64 Thats a wise question ;-) You can always post unfinished CDLC in the Workshop: http://customsforge.com/forum/41-workshop/ Thats how I got feedback for my first CDLCs before publishing them.
  25. I would assume that you can get better feedback in the Steam OS group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/steamuniverse/discussions/1/ Rocksmith 2014 doesn't even run on Linux / Steam OS, so since I don't have a second PC its not really an option for me. I am really looking forward to the Steam Controller, though. :-)
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