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Everything posted by Azrael

  1. I added the paragraph "5. How to add metronome events directly in EOF" to the tutorial. Use it for manually placing the count-in ticks in the bar before your instrument starts ;) Then your regular arrangements will have the same metronome as the official songs!
  2. In case someone ever has the same problem, here is the google translation of the dialog above: The important part for was the feature of EOF to move notes along the fretboard with the combo "CTRL + Mousewheel" (it will de- or increase the fret number of each selected note). Be aware that e.g. end positions for slides are not moved, you have to edit them by hand.
  3. Hello there! Can you play pinch harmonics? Because I can't, even though I'm starting to get the idea how they are supposed to work... I am currently improving my custom Life by Devin Townsend, and it seems like there are two pinch harmonics that weren't properly charted in my sources. I came up with a guess, but I might be totally wrong... therefore it would be a awesome if someone could help me identify those harmonics. This folder contains the _p.psarc, a gp5 and the mp3 of the song. (See the song thread instead) The bars in question are #62 and #63 (they are repeated a couple of times) (I should mention that this song is in Open C tuning) #62 #63 p.h. A p.h. B 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1In the gp5 (Lead), in bars 62 & 63 you see my guess, and in 64 & 65 the way it is charted in the tabs I found on the web. In the mp3, that part beginns at 2:34. This is the best video I have found to spot that part, Dave Young (the guy on the right) plays it @29:08 http://youtu.be/CG126BydKHI?t=29m8s So, I hope this is enough information for someone to help me :) Regards, Azrael
  4. I cannot help you with your question, but... ... just to be sure: Are you aware that you can add dynamic difficulty to any CDLC on your own in one easy step? Adding DD with the Custom Toolkit might be best choice for your kid's experience ;-)
  5. Damn right! So... if Deathray is out for this week, could we please fix it as Intermediate for the next week? I would really like to play some Devin Townsend in the championship :D
  6. GIve Night Fever another go. You know you want to. P.S. Is it late in Germany now? Do you have neighbours? :D We'll see about Night Fever. But to be honest I don't think getting 99% in this song qualifies for Advanced class (even though I might be able to reach that score if I try often enough). And yes, it was close to midnight :-) Beeing able to play guitar silently (thanks to headphones) was one of the reasons why I bought my first Electric 6 weeks ago. I played my Western Acoustic for the last half year with Rocksmith... and even though no one ever complainted, I always felt guilty when repeating stuff over and over and over and...
  7. Just like I explained above, first you import the package into the Toolkit. In the new folder there will be a folder called "Toolkit" that contains two .wem files. Those are the audio files you need to replace (one for the whole song, one for the 30s preview). Check this tutorial for information on how to create the .wem files: http://customsforge.com/topic/1922-how-to-make-pc-cdlcs-for-rocksmith-2014-tutorial-wscreenshots-by-darjusz/?p=8918 The only major problem might be that the original file has leading silence added to it. You will have to add exactly the same leading silence to your own file. First load the original files into EOF (see step 3 above) and then load you own file into EOF to check if the sync is ok. If not, you can adjust the leading silence with EOF. Work through the complete tutorial above to find out how that works. After you have replaced the two files, hit "Generate" in the Toolkit and you should be done. If you get stuck at some point... Basically: Try to make your own first custom from scratch, just follow the tutorial. This will teach you everything you need to know ;-)
  8. Here are my scores: Intermediate Lead: 98.04% http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=344493006 Rhythm: 98.22 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=344493054 I feel like I could have gotten even further in both cases, but it would have taken a lot of tries :-)
  9. Hey everyone, I always enjoy having a look at the leaderboards ingame to compare my highscores. We are really lucky that the leaderboards work for our CDLC, too. Then I was thinking that no one knows my u-play name (it's a different one, because the one I'm using here was already taken). I also thought that it might be nice to have people from here as friends on u-play. I don't know if there are any features with the friends besides from the leaderboards, but well... sometimes I get the mission to beat some strangers score. It would be fun if the game would challenge friends to beat their scores. Anyway, if anyone wants to add me on uplay for whatever reason, here is my name: teh.flame
  10. Well, that is good to know! But when I think about it, it is (only) practical for adding the four ticks in the count-in measure. Going through the whole song and adding B0 and B1 manually on every beat is far more time consuming then editing the xml... But with that said, shouldn't it be quite easy for you to implement the following function: An option in the preference window: "Export seperate *_metronome.xml" (This will export another xml for every arrangement and has the ticks on all the beats (with B0 on every first beat of a bar)) Edit: On second thought, if I had to choose between the advanced export and alex's suggestion for an option to automatically add the metronome bonus arrangements with the click on the generate button in the Toolkit, I would prefer the latter. It would be far more convenient and, more important, work for unpacked psarcs, too. ... so, don't waste your time on this :-)
  11. Alright, good to hear! Feel free to contact me if you still have any trouble. -- To all charters: I suggest we all tag our Metronome-enabled CDLCs with the tag "Metronome Bonus Arrangement" so that they are easier to find :-)
  12. I think I have read comments about this seemingly random behaviour before. But it's good to have it confirmed by you that when steam lets you buy it, you can indeed play the song!
  13. Since you mentioned the lack of explanation for the symbols: It's always a good idea to open the steam overlay (if you are on pc) and check this guide for the symbols: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=209561339 If you favourite this one, I think it will always show in the overlay. Another point: The Guitarcade games have not yet been mentioned, but they are definitely worth checking out. In my first months with Rocksmith I have played them a lot, e.g. the Saloon and Ducks Redux for warming up and getting used to handling the pick. I recommend playing each game at least once. Then you will find out that there are two(!) games that include learning pentatonics. You will be overwhelmed by some games at first, but be sure to check back a couple of weeks later. Chances are that you will suprise yourself with the progress you've made in the meantime ;-) Oh, and in contrast to hellohello I like Score Attack. It will put a lot of pressure on you (it does a loud, frustrating sound evertime you miss a note) but I think it may help to, well, play under pressure. As well as force yourself to repeat over and over again to get the best score :-)
  14. Depending on the length of your leading silence a couple of pushs should be enough. If you give me a link to your custom I will have a look at it. About multiple time signatures: You just add a time signature change at every beat where a change occurs. It is then valid until the next change is found.
  15. While I don't know much about the consoles, I guess it would have been pretty big news if someone found a way to do that. If you don't want to mod your console, buy the PC download when it's on sale. Also: This is the tutorials forum, where you are supposed to post tutorials (guess what?) and not ask questions like that. Can someone please delete this thread?
  16. I would like to raise this topic again and ask to remove the "reset offset to zero" promt. While this has been a rather "cosmetic" problem before, with the new metronome feature it becomes a real problem that charters unsync their bars by accepting this promt - resulting in the metronome to not work properly! As far as I can tell, it doesn't seem like anyone saw a problem with the removal of the prompt. :) Regards, Azrael
  17. Great!!! Cant wait for those to hit me. Thats why i love multitracks, where i am left alone with my questionable sound-output :) Because making it sound like it should is the thing you should go for (do never give in to the numbers on screen and ignore what your ears tell you) i like to do the following esp. if there is no multitrack: In mixer i leave git/bass volumes at 100% but reduce music volume to 75(-80) - so whats heard most clearly is the guitar sound output which has to be worked on then... Exactly! I have set all the volumes in the mixer to 50% and make the guitar louder if I need to. I found the loud "bang" you hear while navigating the menus very annoying, that's why I decided to not only make the music less loud. But playing with louder guitar and playing only with guitar are still two very different things in my experience... (the background music will still hide some of your messing-up) that's why the metronome feels so important for me.
  18. That checkbox idea sounds great! I'm using notepad++, but for now I just recorded a makro to do the replacements :-) But shouldn't B0 be something like (measure="[0-999]")? Just guessing :-)
  19. Yes, and it' very easy! In EOF, under "Beat" click on "Push Offset Up". Repeat as often as necessary, until it looks like my picture above. Make sure to set the correct "Time Signature" under "Beat", too. Otherwise the yellow numbers couting the bars will not show up, because Rocksmith will not know which the first beat of every bar is. Your notes will not move, so don't be afraid that you might break your chart.
  20. (Sry for doublepost, but...) I would like to draw your attention to this tutorial I did on how to add a metronome to your CDLCs as part of a bonus arrangement. The idea is: Mute the original music, play only with the metronome and find out how good you really sound! (Spoiler alert: You will sound pretty shitty when you play a song without the original music for the first time :rolleyes: ) I like to think of it as the "low-man's-multitracks" :D I assume that everyone who is interested in multitracks might be exited by this info!
  21. I think you all appreciate new features for our CDLC that allow us to push the use of Rocksmith even further! So I would like to draw your attention the tutorial I did on how to add a metronome to your CDLCs as part of a bonus arrangement. The idea is: Mute the original music, play only with the metronome and find out how good you really sound! (Spoiler alert: You will sound pretty shitty when you play a song without the original music for the first time :rolleyes: ) I like to think of it as the "low-man's-multitracks" :D
  22. I've written a tutorial about adding a metronome to any CDLC: http://customsforge.com/topic/13688-how-to-add-a-metronome-to-any-song/ I will updated it if you write such a script. Even with a script I think it might be nice for people to know how it works and (really important) how to make sure the beat map is well prepared for the metronome.
  23. This tutorial will show you how to add an automatically generated metronome sound to any CDLC of your choice. It works really fast and enables you to play a song completely solo. Mute the original music, play only with the metronome and find out how good you really sound! Don't know what this means? Check out one of these customs, they have been updated with metronome bonus arrangements! Contents: IntroductionHow to set up the metronomeHow to use the metronomeKnown issuesHow to make sure your beat map is prepared for the metronomeHow to add metronome events directly in EOFFAQAppendix: Add the metronome in the xml manually 1. Introduction: Hi everyone, with the help of @@Alex360 in this thread I was able to achieve something I had dreamed about for a longer time. I don't know if others are aware of this great possibilty, so I'm sharing my new knowledge with everone here. Rocksmith teaches us a lot of things and is an awesome tool for learning guitar. But it also tricks us into believing we play and sound better than we actually do. When you play a song that you feel comfortable with inside Rocksmith on your own for the first time, you will most likely realize that you suck at playing! You can never find out how good you really sound if you just play with the original music. Now of course the ultimate solution is playing a multitrack CDLC, but those are rare (Don't know what that is? - Then search for the word 'multitrack'). Another option is to play with a real amp in parallel, but not everyone has that option. The next one is to just lower or even mute the original music in the mixer. But from my experience it is difficult to keep up the tempo and stick to the beat when you have no music at all... this is a frustrating experience. Now what is the solution that musicians have used since like forever? Correct: The metronome! Professional musicians still use them for training and recording to get the best results. Rocksmith has a metronome available. It counts you in when you play an offical song. But Rocksmith lacked the feature to accompany you with a metronome through the whole song - until now! I hope you are as exited as I am! I wish for the next search engine to include filters for "multitracks" and "metronome bonus track". 2. How to set up the metronome: With the recent (beta) version of the Custom Song Creator Toolkit, it is possible to generate the metronome bonus tracks automatically, with just one click! Special thanks to Alex once more :D In the "Edit Arrangement" window, just tick the box "Create Metronome Bonus Arrangements" in the bottom of the window. Then generate the custom as normal, you are done! If you are a charter and plan to update your Custom after you have tested your work, please consider tagging your search entry with the tag "Metronome Bonus Arrangement". This will help others find your CDLC. 3. How to use the metronome: You will find the Metronome ingame under the "Bonus Arrangements" of each path. At default mixer settings, you will hear both the original music and the metronome. If you want to hear nothing but the metronome, you will have to mute the regular music in the mixer. Also make the "Sound Effects" at least as loud as your guitar. 4. Known issues: If you play a song, hit ESC and then "restart song", the metronome will be gone. It happens in official content, too. Just exit the song and start it again!The metronome will only work poorly if the CDLC beat map is not well done. Sadly, this is the case with lots of customs... see the next section5. How to make sure your beat map is prepared for the metronome Follow the instructions for the Dynamic Difficulty Creator: Important for us: All notes must be grid snapped to the beat grid.Also: The beginning of your chart should look like the following example: This means: The bars of the chart must be in in sync with the bars in the music. Every bar has a first beat, and the drummer normally plays that beat a little bit louder, so listen!The very first note (if it is on the very first beat, not some sort of off-beat) must be on the beginning of a bar, ideally the second one. In the picture you see the yellow number "2" indicating the bar counter.One complete bar (in this case four beats) should be placed before the first note. This is where Rocksmith counts you in!The rest of the leading silence must not be filled with beats! (!!!) In the past, EOF asked you: 'The first beat marker is not positioned at 0 seconds [...] correct this condition with "Reset offset to zero"?' Luckily we could get rid of this prompt, because it always ruined the sync of the bars.If you follow all these rules, the metronome should work very well. Your CDLC will also look better ingame, because the beats and bars are visible there, as well. The Rocksmith 2014 Tab Converter will benefit from this, too and deliver better results! 6. How to add metronome events directly in EOF You don't want to mess with the xml file? You don't like the fact that you have to repeat the editing of the xml file after each change you did in EOF? Well, there is a partial solution for that - I was informed that we can place metronome events directly in EOF, and it's as easy as it gets: Click on a beatHit "Shift + E"Select the event you want to place. In our case, either B0 or B1Of course this only makes sense for placing the metronome ticks in the count-in bar (Bar #1 in the picture above): Select event "B0" for the first beat and "B1" for the other three beats. Now those events are written to the xml by EOF and we have the same effect as we know it from official DLC :) I still suggest using the procedure described in the paragraph #2 to create the separate metronome bonus arrangement xml. Don't manually add events throughout the song in EOF, that doesn't make sense! 7. FAQ Yes, and it's very easy! In EOF, under "Beat" click on "Push Offset Up". Repeat as often as necessary, until it looks like my picture above. Make sure to set the correct "Time Signature" under "Beat", too. Otherwise the yellow numbers couting the bars will not show up, because Rocksmith will not know which the first beat of every bar is. Your notes will not move, so don't be afraid that you might break your chart. You have to add a full measure before the first note. The process is the same as above, except now you have to click "Push Offset Back". In a 4/4 time signature, you have to click it four times. Then you can add the count-in events to those beats. This will not alter your existing beats and notes, it only adds additional beats in the beginning. Do a search for the tag "Metronome Bonus Arrangement" (or just click here). Unfortunately, tags cannot be found in the CDLC search, but the Forum search will find them - that's the link above. Make sure your volume settings are correct. The metronome is part of the "Sound Effects" volume in the mixer, so make that as loud as your guitar/bass. (Also: Check if you can hear the count-in metronome in official songs) -------------------------- 8. Appendix: Add the metronome in the xml manually This is my original description, necessary before it was possible to use the Toolkit with one click. If you want to know what the Toolkit does automatically, read this: Now this took long to write, maybe even to read, but it can be done in less than 2 minutes! Our goal is to create a bonus arrangement with the metronome that we add to the existing CDLC, so you can just select it ingame.To achieve that, we have to manipulate the .xml file of the arrangement (lead, rhythm, bass or all of them).First, you need to open the Rocksmith Custom Toolkit (Download)Click "Import Package" and choose the CDLC and a destination where the files are unpackedOpen the folder "EOF" in the destination. Here you will find the xml files, e.g. 'yoursong_lead.xml'Copy and rename the arrangement of your choice, e.g. to 'yoursong_lead_metronome.xml'.Open the new file in an editor of your choice and search for the following part: <ebeats>. This contains the time stamps of all the beats in your song. There will be lots of entries and they look like the following example: <ebeats count="542"> <ebeat time="2.916" measure="1"/> <ebeat time="3.306" measure="-1"/> <ebeat time="3.696" measure="-1"/> <ebeat time="4.086" measure="-1"/> <ebeat time="4.476" measure="2"/> <ebeat time="4.866" measure="-1"/> <ebeat time="5.257" measure="-1"/> <ebeat time="5.647" measure="-1"/> <ebeat time="6.037" measure="3"/> ... and so on ... </ebeats> 8. Now copy this complete passage to a new, temporary file. We will use the time stamps to fill in the command to play the metronome sound. 9. Use the search and replace function of your editor to replace the following strings. Use this specific order. At least in Notepad++ the . is used as a "variable": . is any one character, .. is two characters and so on. Your measure numbers will go above 100 so we need to replace ... , too: ebeat -> event measure="-1" -> code="B1" measure="." -> code="B0" measure=".." -> code="B0" measure="..." -> code="B0" 9. Now the example from above should look like this: <events count="542"> <event time="2.916" code="B0"/> <event time="3.306" code="B1"/> <event time="3.696" code="B1"/> <event time="4.086" code="B1"/> <event time="4.476" code="B0"/> <event time="4.866" code="B1"/> <event time="5.257" code="B1"/> <event time="5.647" code="B1"/> <event time="6.037" code="B0"/> ... and so on ... </events> "Event code B0" plays the tick that marks the first beat of the bar. It has a sligtly different sound than B1, which mark the following three beats in our 4/4 time signature 10. Go back to the file 'yoursong_lead_metronome.xml' and search for the following line. Normaly our CDLC don't have any events. <events count="0"/> 11. Now replace this line with the metronome events we produced. 12. Save the file. (12b. Bonus trick: If you've got the idea now, you can also add the count-in ticks to the regular xml (Like we know it from offical content). Simply just use the first block of B0, B1, B1, B1.) 13. Go back to the Toolkit and under "Arrangements" click "Add" 14. Select the file 'yoursong_lead_metronome.xml' 15. Important: Now tick the box "Bonus Arrangement 16. In the same window under "Tone selector" make sure the correct tones are set. Open up the the original arrangement configuration for comparison. 17. This should be it! Hit "ok" and then "Generate" in the main window. 18. Copy the new psarc file into your dlc folder and don't forget to delete the old one. 19. Congratulations, you are done! -------------------------- Thanks for reading my first tutorial. I hope you will like and use this feature. I also hope more charters will care more for their beat maps :) As always, please leave feedback! And check out my CDLCs ;-)
  24. I don't understand what you mean. In case you refer to the following: Most of the time the ticks do continue if you pause and then resume, but on a few occasions not. To be precise, I only noticed a problem when I hit "restart" while the song was already playing.
  25. It works! WTF? Just like that? I can't really believe it, but it works, exactly the way I imagined it :D Now my additional xml looks like this: <events count="456"> <event time="2.060" code="B0"/> <event time="2.060" code="e2"/> <event time="2.560" code="B1"/> <event time="3.060" code="B1"/> <event time="3.560" code="B1"/> <event time="4.060" code="B0"/> <event time="4.560" code="B1"/> <event time="5.060" code="B1"/> <event time="5.560" code="B1"/> <event time="6.060" code="B0"/> <event time="6.560" code="B1"/> <event time="7.060" code="B1"/> <event time="7.560" code="B1"/> ... and so on... B0 is higher pitched than B1, and it sounds good to have B0 at the first beat of every bar, and B1 at the other three. I don't know what e2 does, but I guess I could just delete it. Even if I mute the music in the ingame mixer, the ticks are still audible. Seems like they are on another channel :-) Only thing I noticed is that sometimes on resuming or restarting the song the ticks disappear, but I have noticed that in official content as well. Completely exiting the song and starting again fixes it. Replacing everything worked really fast. The steps were: ebeat -> event measure="-1" -> code="B1" measure="." -> code="B0" measure=".." -> code="B0" measure="..." -> code="B0" If you could write a script for this, that would be even more awesome! We could even think about adding this to the Toolkit, so it is more likely that more people will notice it. This will definitely help me a lot, and I hope others will like this feature, too :)
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