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Everything posted by Berneer

  1. Upon Glen's request about 1.5 years ago raynebc added a special command in EoF that pretty much does what you describe. It is in the menus somewhere and being at work I cannot say exactly where but I think the command was SHIFT+DEL. I haven't used it in a while but check the Hotfixes around March,April 2014 and you'll find the proper descriptions of the feature.
  2. Anthony Fantano's style of review is appealing to me but I disagree too about his take on the album. I do agree that Man of Sorrows is a weak song and that for a title track, Book of Souls is not as impressive as, say, Dance of the Dead, another Gers/Harris collaborative effort for a title track. Great Unknown is ok, Speed of Light the token short up-tempo appetizer before a lavish meal. This is the first time I read an album review by exploring metacritic. I must say I found the experience not as enjoyable as reading movie or game reviews. It feels like music reviewers are trying too hard with the metaphors describing the music. I am a scientist by trade but when it comes to enjoyment of music it's all about how it makes me feel and if it is cool, or poignant or visceral. I found reviews to be annoyingly analytical. Book of Souls has all 3 of the above-mentioned traits in abundance for me is a tour de force and merits tons of praise. I always wondered how seeing such reviews would make the artist feel, especially when someone is dissing your labour of love that was complex and well crafted. I am rather hooked on The Red And The Black, Empire of the Clouds and Shadows of the Valley and the River Runs Deep. Question I am still debating about the meaning of The Red And the Black. Classic Harris! Is it about the stock market? The words "artful dodger" and the expression being in the red or in the black seems to be a veiled condemnation of the stock market. Am I wrong? Why will humanity not save us at the speed of light. What does that mean?
  3. To avoid another situation where two of us are unknowingly creating the same custom, perhaps we should use this forum to announce that we are about to start working on a given song..... I would put your name beside the song in question in the OP. Like this we'll complete the album faster with less duplicated effort. Can you guys share where you are getting your customs from? I can't find them any where. Also, given Book of Souls is rapidly climbing as one of my favorite Iron Maiden albums, I'm guess that opinion is shared and that lots of us will be making the CDLC for these songs. I think we should post here if we've found what seems to be excellent tabs for any of the 9 remaining songs to be done on this album. Up the Irons!
  4. Hi CFSM developers, I am extremely pleased with your beautiful software which, in it's initial release, is already very impressive! Thank-you sooo much! You guys addressed everything I wanted! So I tested the CFSM Song Manager, Duplicates and Renamer tabs Although they do everything I could possibly want and although I can happily live with no improvements made, I figured you'd like to hear some opportunities for refinement that you are free to ignore. I know not every cares like me about renaming so some points are more a wishlist than issues. Song Manager tab: Questions: - What is the "STATUS" column? - The four optional settings to display Ignition information have nothing outputted in those columns for any of the 2000 songs in my collection. Is this meant for later? What are these fields? High Priority: - I thought one of the main features of the song manager was to alert the user when a newer version of a CDLC he/she downloaded has been uploaded. Either my vigilance is perfect and my library is fully updated or I have failed to notice how to be alerted. I imagined that the Version number would turn red or something when a CDLC has been superseded. Medium Priority: - Wold be great if when selecting songs we could hold CTRL to multiple select or SHIFT to select a range of CDLC. Ex: Just downloaded 60 songs which I selected for renaming but had to select them 1 at a time in the "Select column" - Many CDLC in the "Author" column show either "N/A" or "Custom Song Creator". What is the difference between "N/A" and "Custom Song Creator"? Would be nice to find a way to show the real author. Perhaps this is based on Toolkit's feature of inserting author name into the CDLC? If so it's unfortunate there is no easier way to tell who the author is since it is a rather important field when managing one's library. - In the updated column some CDLC dates precede RS2014. ACDC-Back In Black by user N/A shows 7-14-2003 (?) Low Priority: -remember user's preferred column widths, based on previous usage - Just to avoid any confusion I'd show the version number of CDLC to 1 decimal place. If we see an integer we can't help but wonder if we have an old version. Duplicates tab: High Priority: - When I select a duplicate and click "delete selected" button it does one of 3 things: works like a charm repopulates the duplicates list with stuff I've already deleted or moved manually, which only corrects if I rescan crashes the program Medium Priority: - If the list of duplicates cannot all fit in one page, there is no way to scroll down or up the list. Must eliminate duplicates and rescan to get to the previously inaccessible duplicates. Low Priority: - When I select a song and click "Move selected" it simply reparses the entire /dlc folder and places the selected songs in a folder /dlc/duplicates (I had to look for where they went. Perhaps the software can show where they will move and perhaps the user would benefit being able to choose where to move the files) - The time stamps in the "Updated column" show dates that precede Rocksmith 2014. Something screwy there. Renamer tab: Questions: Should we refrain from renaming ODLC? High Priority: -When doing a batch rename of 60 songs I just downloaded, with the following template: \\NEW\\<artist>-<title>-<author>-v.<version>-RS2014PC-RR-<dd>-Lead,Rhythm,Bass,Vocals-Estd-ACESHIGH whatever songs had version set to N/A in the Song Manager tab was moved to a sub-directory of NEW. Ex: /dlc/NEWBruce Springsteen-Dancing in the dark-N. In it resides another subdirectory called "A-N". In it resides a psarc file called: A-RS2014PC-RR-_dd-Lead,Rhythm,Bass,Vocal-Estd-ACESHIGH_p.psarc Medium Priority: - Save renamer settings. Ex: \\NEW\\<artist>-<title>-<author>-v.<version>-RS2014PC-RR-<dd>-Lead,Rhythm,Bass,Vocals-Estd-ACESHIGH Would be nice if we didn't have to type the above every time we restart the program. - Would be nice to not have files being renamed to be located in the /dlc folder. Example, if we wish to keep that directory clean with only ODLC and have CDLC in subdirectories, then it would be useful to allow the user to enter the path of the files to be renamed, ex: /dlc/NEW Low Priority: - wondered a bit if when check-marking "Rename only the songs that are selected in Song Manager" if I had to click "Rename all" to get the process going. I got really panicky that click "Rename all" button would rename the thousands of other songs I had already renamed to my liking. I guess I would change the label in the button to "Rename" instead of "Rename All" - Would be nice if we could have other "Usable Properties" to append in the renaming template. Example: <Arrangements>, <tuning>, <AppID>, <ScrollSpeed>, <No tone>. Example, my naming convention for songs is as follows: Accept-BallsToTheWall-Chlipouni-v.2.2-RS2014PC-RR-DD-Lead,Rhythm,Bass,Vocals-Estd-ACESHIGH_p.psarc No comments on Setlists since I haven't ever really used setlists yet. Again, these are just things that I think would make this amazing software a tiny bit more sleek. But you've worked hard enough and it's time to relax. Feel free to ignore everything since it's nothing that a bit of manual touch-ups can't fix. Cheers! You guys rock!!
  5. Oh man not only did I hate missing Kickstart My Heart due to home renovations and now on top of renovations I replaced my goalkeeper in a super dramatic soccer game beating our nemesis this week but got a 200lb guy stepping on my power chord ring fretting finger directly with his cleat and cannot even bend my finger so cannot play...... Killeroyo's Where the Wild Wind Blows is an awesome CDLC! Have fun! I'll hopefully get a run in at the end of the week.
  6. I will buy this straight from their web site to maximize their profit! And though I skipped AMOLAD tour I am definitely going to see this tour the second tickets go on sale! Wish we all could go see this together! It is the first album since Dance of Death that I like on the first listen. I could already discern the strong character that that last couple of albums were missing. I agree with Brooklyn Sounds that this could've been one of their 80's albums! The boys are in fine form and if I like it progressively more and more like most of their music this will be a masterpiece! Bruce piloting a jumbo jet Boeing 747-400 for this tour! BRUCE is definitely one of my biggest heroes! Long live Maiden! Age-defying album. Always playing with something to prove! I am proud to say this is my favourite band of all time!!! I actually hope this time that they DO play this album in it's entirety on tour! The CDLC for this one will be wondrous! Nacholede already got us started! MAIDEN MAIDEN MAIDEN MAIDEN MAIDEN Bruce said "I hope this is not the last album, because I had so much fun making this album."
  7. My personality is such that I prefer to know all about a thing while I learn a thing. Then when learning said thing everything makes more sense in proper context. I tend to take advantage of places where I don't have a guitar, to gobble down YouTube videos and books of music theory. I am very happy that even if I cannot play a solo yet that I now understand how it works and how it is possible to improvise too and now I know the gap to be overcome. Feels motivating when the gap is known. Feels less helpless. I think it is good to come back to music theory in waves so that practical playing introduces you to the necessity of learning the theory. Then in the 2nd wave, you begin to understand stuff you didn't understand the first time and that feeling is bliss. I only understood and made these crib sheets on Wave 3. And now it has sunk in! What is also fun as a noob is playing straight out, a-la-Rocksmith, without too much concern for theory and picking out patterns you see repeating in various songs and then reading theory and noticing that you were really onto something with your early observations. So I agree with @@TomSawyer2112 that optimal learning is to focus on both theory and practical in increments. What sucks and makes me "suck" at guitar is not learning theory but rather having free time so limited that I don't improve actually playing the guitar.... I have since bought all of Karen Ramirez's books and DVD's and she does a great job explaining basic theory. I think she also has most of her courses posted on YouTube and to figure out the order you can go to her web site which lists all her YouTube links: http://www.musicinnewcastle.com/ It is focused on keyboard type instruments but it's all the same theory as guitar. In fact some stuff sinks in more easily looking at a keyboard. Now I even understand how piano players do to play without looking at their fingers ... chord inversions (changing the order or the notes in the chord)... during chord transitions you are only moving one or two fingers by 1 or so keys. Brilliant! @@TomSawyer2112, regrettable that they don't allow us to play guitar in school but I think piano teaching is very exportable to other instruments so at least there is that.... :) ... though I'm told they don't teach music in school anymore..... boneheaded. Edit: I forgot I already made some of these points in an earlier post..... I guess I should practice my memory....
  8. I am pleased to add a new album to the discography page with your first contribution. I'll do this shortly. I look forward to hearing the guitar tones - they are unique and fresh and it sounds like they might have been a bit challenging to create.
  9. Really fun looking playthrough albatross213. This one is on my most anticipated list. Nacholede thanks for the tip to hear Speed Of Light. Here is the video: http://youtu.be/-F7A24f6gNc It sounds pretty cool. The lyrics feel a bit forced onto the melody but it is rare that I like a Maiden song on the first listen. I guess it is because my expectations are so high. But I already love the guitar parts. It'll grow on me. You do get the ends that Bruce is trying his very best in the song and that is inspiring for the whole album.C'mon September 3!!! I wanna play that video game featured in the video!! :) Edit: First lesson was on my phone second and third listens are from my car and it sounds much better now! Turn up the volume !
  10. I was wondering why no one seemed to be updating their customs and everything went quiet. If I notice anything helpful I will post what I notice. Another thing I noticed is that very early on when ignition was released there was a little red number on the top right-hand corner that would indicate when a custom was updated and a number reflected the amount of customers that were updated in one's collection but ever since the very first week that number has remained zero for me. Thanks for pointing it out BHMath
  11. Some really good scores from you guys on the Maiden song this week, I am jealous. :) Well, I still haven't shaken away the DD blues but I did improve my score slightly. Again, I have no issues my score being dismissed because DD reduced in one section... :angry: http://i920.photobucket.com/albums/ad41/Berneer/CF%20-%20Week%2093%20-%20Iron%20Maiden%20-%20Dont%20Look%20to%20the%20Eyes%20of%20a%20Stranger-%20Lead%20-%20Attempt%205%20Attempt%201%20was%20release%20night_zpsvmyejkvn.png
  12. RR 1x and then played again and a slight improvement. :) Did I say I love this custom? Well I really REALLY do! Someone commented on the length of this song in an earlier post, but I forget who. Iron Maiden early on were pressured to be more radio friendly and shorten their songs. I think it is their defiance against the system that they make the songs as long as they please. They also like to take their time to unfold layer after layer of sublime goodness and then tie it all back up at the end with recurring riffs. The lengths of their songs seems to fit well live, which is their top and single-minded priority..... But then again I am an adoring Maiden fan so perhaps my opinion is a tiny bit biased.... :) Oh damn, I was so happy that all the DD bars were filled and then for some reason I seem to have messed up a tiny section and the DD plummeted a level. Oh DD How do I love thee? Let me count the ways! http://i920.photobucket.com/albums/ad41/Berneer/CustomsForge%20Championship/Week%2093%20-%20Ending%2008August15/CF%20-%20Week%2093%20-%20Iron%20Maiden%20-%20Dont%20Look%20to%20the%20Eyes%20of%20a%20Stranger-%20Lead%20-%20Attempt%203%20Attempt%201%20was%20release%20night_zpsfb7n5yeo.png
  13. Hi all, Been wanting to participate more but it's difficult for me to be regular. So I'll participate when I can. I like to post my first score of the week as my first attempt coming in cold just to set my reference and then improve from there. From what I read of the rules the DD bars must all be full for the score to count. Of course it was not my choice to be leveled down..... but I'll try to make it count as we go. Wish we could tell RS never to level down....as it makes me feel violent. :) Also I realize that this Iron Maiden custom is not my class as I am in the Beginner class.... so although I quickly read something about "Free Bird" a few weeks back, if I am not complying with any rules please do let me know and feel free to not count my score. I certainly have aspirations to becoming #1 but maybe in 10-15 years....For now I'm just posting scores for fun and hoping that someone that sucks like I do can give me a bit of a rivalry... :) @@bernixix, I LOVE YOUR CUSTOM!!! I also do like the tones (I only tried lead), since you asked me about them. I love this song even more now that I can play and butcher it!! :) http://i920.photobucket.com/albums/ad41/Berneer/CustomsForge%20Championship/Week%2093%20-%20Ending%2008August15/CF%20-%20Week%2093%20-%20Iron%20Maiden%20-%20Dont%20Look%20to%20the%20Eyes%20of%20a%20Stranger-%20Lead%20-%20Attempt%202%20Attempt%201%20was%20release%20night_zpszuatxise.png
  14. Added a digital version of the music circle in the OP. Coincident with this post, Karen Ramirez, the lady in the referenced YouTube videos just released this this week. What a sweet lady.
  15. Bernixix, what an awesome choice for a Blaze-era song! I absolutely love Don't Look to the Eyes of a Stranger! I am so stoked to play this.... Argh my wife is pushing me to do renovations .... Argh how to explain I need to play Rocksmith in my free time... :) I was scrolling through the Learn A Song list of songs and scrolling through Iron Maiden took like 10 seconds..... I just remember thinking how lucky we are to have you all making this glorious discography. I've asked Blaze Bayley directly via his website for tabs for his solo-career masterpiece "Stare at the Sun" since none exist online. He actually wrote back to me (!!!) saying he loves the idea of making a CDLC of his song and he'll see if he can get his buddy to tab it for me. If he does then that is my next CDLC! Totally nervous since I will show him the result. http://youtu.be/lgu64WOtXfA Damn my subscription to this topic is directing all new posts to my junk folder... Argh. Just noticed this recent discussion above. I'm especially excited for Invadors and Back in the Village. I'm very surprised I once saw an interview of Steve Harris that he thinks, looking back, that Invadors is not really good. Damn! It's the first time I ever hear Iron Maiden and I was haunted and hooked all in one shot.
  16. Now I know why we got along famously from the beginning.... :) I find that I get most of my reading (and You Tube education) on my phone or tablet while in dead times during the day, whether I'm in line somewhere, waiting for a doctor's appointment, bathroom ...... and to single-mindedly devour all I could get my eyes upon ... translates into vast knowledge acquisition. Then night time is for Rocksmith. :) Hi frippchen, Thanks. I have this nasty personality trait that I like to gobble up all information before I put it into practice.... whereas I'd probably be better at playing guitar had I learned theory in bite size chunks and put it into practice. Your advice seems like great advice to me. This crib sheet idea is me ensuring I capture all the things to experiment with instead of leaving them to be forgotten on a web site. Now I plan on experimenting with everything written on on the crib sheets. I know Rocksmith is good for this with Session mode, but I just bought a Boss RC-3 Loop Station pedal to create the backing tracks (specifically chords) upon which I'll solo over to experiment with the modes. Cheers guys! By the way, checking out Rocksmith Session Mode last night I loaded up some G Mixolydian and it seems Rocksmith has the Solid Gems representing what the crib sheet calls "home notes" (aka notes to land on) and empty gems form the rest of the mode scale (notes to, perhaps cautiously, pass through). But I think RS uses a different approach than the CAGED system to define patterns (scale positions).... perhaps the 3 notes per system convention .... I need to further investigate this.
  17. Hi all, So despite having read music theory books and thoroughly appreciated them I found that there were three things that bothered me not knowing about and I grow tired of ignorance. :) So I've gone ahead and explored the following: 1. CAGED System 2. Circle of Fifths and Fourths 3. Modes One problem I have with reading theory is that once I read a music theory lesson I don't make much use of it as I am playing guitar because the info is not at my fingertips. I am a fan of 1 double-sided page crib sheets that contain all the condensed details of the theory and having it on my music stand for use on-the-fly between playing Rocksmith songs. I also like to make my crib sheets such that it can be read from beginning to end like a detailed lesson. The CAGED system and Circle of Fifths/Fourths crib sheets are more casual hand-written notes however the Modes crib sheet is a ode to nerds as it is a very detailed yet very demystifying lesson. My goal is not just to summarize but to organize the mind with ALL the info found in these references but all viewable at a glance. I believe you'll get the most out of these crib sheets if you actually view/read the references I link to since a crib sheet makes the most sense to the reader when he/she already understands the info contained in it. The references linked take you through the material at a more leisurely pace whereas the crib sheet is all business and intense. One day when I have time I'll type up the hand-written crib sheets, so thanks for tolerating my lefty penmanship. DISCLAIMER: All of the following are merely representations of the content in the links I provide and, though logical, have not yet been fully verified by myself since I am new learning this. This assumes the Reference links are providing correct content. CRIB SHEET 1 - CAGED SYSTEM References: Pentatonic Minor Scale Pentatonic Minor 5 patterns CAGED System Just to understand how to derive what we see in the Rocksmith Guitarcade game, Scale Racers, here is my derivation of the 5 patterns of a the A Minor Penatatonic scale with annotations showing positions within the framework of the CAGED system. http://i920.photobucket.com/albums/ad41/Berneer/CustomRockStuff/A%20Pentatonic%20Minor/IMG_1563_zpsru6lbo26.jpg http://i920.photobucket.com/albums/ad41/Berneer/CustomRockStuff/A%20Pentatonic%20Minor/IMG_1562_zpszrtzjkeg.jpg Note how the image below shows the CAGED system (or rather EDCAG) chord shapes which I label. http://i920.photobucket.com/albums/ad41/Berneer/CustomRockStuff/A%20Pentatonic%20Minor/IMG_1564_zpssw41tzua.jpg Pattern 1 -> contains a G-shape amidst all the scales notes Pattern 2 -> contains a E-shape amidst all the scales notes Pattern 3 -> contains a D-shape amidst all the scales notes Pattern 4 -> contains a C-shape amidst all the scales notes Pattern 5 -> contains a A-shape amidst all the scales notes However Pattern 1 is actually called the E-shape, Pattern 2 the D-shape, Pattern 3 the C-shape, Pattern 4 the A-shape and Pattern 5 the G-shape. So what are we missing here? In short: The names of the patterns annotated on the above image are correct. What was missing was that E-shape for a Minor scale such as the Minor Penatonic scale is actually referring to the Eminor-chord-shape. My earlier expectation was that I thought they were referring to EMAJOR-chord-shapes. Substantiation: Hmm, very interesting that despite the Major chord shapes apparent in the Pentanic Minor patterns, that within those same patterns ALSO exist Minor chord shapes. Below, I've updated my drawing of the patterns shown above to add SQUARES around notes that belong to MINOR chord shapes. So I changed my labels to say Pattern 1: Em-Shape instead of Pattern 1: E-Shape. http://i920.photobucket.com/albums/ad41/Berneer/CustomRockStuff/A%20Pentatonic%20Minor/Deriving%20A%20Pentatonic%20Minor%20-%205%20patterns%20-%20skewed%20CAGED%20patterns%20I%20noticed%20-%20REVISED%20WITH%20MINOR%20SHAPES_zpsavtwgymx.jpg References: 1. Googling Minor Pentatonic CAGED system was my first step. It confirmed that CAGED system applies not only to MAJOR scales but also MINOR, PENTATONIC MAJOR, PENTATONIC MINOR scales, and I guess all scales too. So I realized that the chord shapes for a minor scale are minor chord shapes!! 2. I then verified correctness and landed upon the confirmation in a very nice tutorial. 3. I also landed upon a nice diagram on this Rockprodigy website This image from that Rockprodigy website has a great summary diagram to show derivation of chord shape names for the Minor Pentatonic. http://i920.photobucket.com/albums/ad41/Berneer/CustomRockStuff/A%20Pentatonic%20Minor/Minor%20scales%20summary%20Rockprodigy.com_zpsubysoeey.png Salient Features of this image: 1. Bottom row of chord boxes shows Natural Minor scales in all 5 patterns, in which red dots show notes that disappear from the Natural Minor when moving to the Minor Pentatonic scale. That is because, Pentatonic Minor formula relative to the Major scale is: 1 b3 4 5 b7 1, or relative to the Natural Minor scale is 1 3 4 5 7 1 which shows that the 2nd and 6th degree notes of the Natural Minor scale don't appear in the Pentatonic minor scale. 2. The 2nd row of chord boxes show the Pentatonic Minor scales in all 5 CAGED patterns and dotted lines show the actual Minor chord shapes. The red dots in those 2nd row boxes, when removed, leave behind the notes of the Minor chord shown in the first row. 3. So similar to the MAJOR scale the Pentatonic Minor uses the same names and retains the name CAGED which actually should be called EDCAG but CAGED is more memorable.: Pattern 1 - E shape Pattern 2 - D shape Pattern 3 - C shape Pattern 4 - A shape Pattern 5 - G shape (well a permutation of the standard chord shape is shown in the image). 4. Major pentatonic scale formula relative to the Major scale is 1 2 3 5 6 1 (Take away 4th and 7th note from Major scale, or can be seen as adding a 2nd and 6th note from the typically 1-3-5 MAJOR triad) 5. Point 4 and the above points show that Pentatonic Major and Pentatonic Minor scales are simply traditional MAJOR and Minor scales with notes omitted. 6. In passing I read and only briefly confirmed with spot-checks a very important point: that Minor and Major scales have the same patterns. Here are 2 examples out of 10 that apply to MAJOR, Minor, MAJOR Pentatonic and Minor Pentatonic: Example 1: MAJOR D shape pattern is identical to the Minor C shape pattern except with different root notes. Example 2: PENTATONIC MAJOR D shape is identical to the Pentatonic Minor C shape pattern except with different root notes.So memorizing a minor shape implies memorizing a MAJOR shape. Cool! You may want to confirm point 6 above by inspecting the same image as above but summarizing the MAJOR scales. http://i920.photobucket.com/albums/ad41/Berneer/CustomRockStuff/A%20Pentatonic%20Minor/MAJOR%20scales%20summary%20Rockprodigy.com_zpsaighvsoq.png My favorite part of learning is that "Eureka!" moment. Nerd bliss! CRIB SHEET 2 - CIRCLE OF FIFTHS/FOURTHS http://i920.photobucket.com/albums/ad41/Berneer/CustomRockStuff/Circle%20of%205ths%20and%204ths/Music%20Circle%20Circle%20of%205ths%20and%204ths%20-%20Page%201_zpsryqr7kor.jpg http://i920.photobucket.com/albums/ad41/Berneer/CustomRockStuff/Circle%20of%205ths%20and%204ths/Music%20Circle%20Circle%20of%205ths%20and%204ths%20-%20Page%202%20-%20Take2_zps5qpygmfp.jpgTwo days after I posted this Karen Ramirez released a digitized circle which looks nicer than my handwritten one. She posted it on her web site and she introduces and explains it in this YouTube video. Here is a link to her PDF of the image below. This circle below is identical to the above but instead of having to look at 9 o'clock for the relative minor, she now added relative minors (minor scales that have the same key signature (same sharps and flats on the musical staff) as their related MAJORS) on the inner circle and explains it a bit in the linked Youtube video. For example: the relative minor of the C MAJOR scale is the A minor scale (who both share notes C,D,E,F,G,A,B with no sharps or flats). Note: whereas the MAJOR scale has equation T-T-S-T-T-T-S, the natural minor has the equation T-S-T-T-S-T-T. Also on the outside of the circle she added the individual notes of the MAJOR chord, ex: C MAJ contains notes G, C,E; A chord contains A, C#, E. http://i920.photobucket.com/albums/ad41/Berneer/CustomRockStuff/Circle%20of%205ths%20and%204ths/KarenRamirez-NewChordCircleJuly2015_zps3isrfwii.png CRIB SHEET 3 - MODES Reference to 16 part-lesson http://i920.photobucket.com/albums/ad41/Berneer/CustomRockStuff/Modes%20Crib%20sheet/Modes%20Crib%20Sheet%20Page%201%20Image%2020July2015Berneer_zps6rf7rbek.png http://i920.photobucket.com/albums/ad41/Berneer/CustomRockStuff/Modes%20Crib%20sheet/Modes%20Crib%20Sheet%20Page%202%20Image%2020July2015Berneer_zpsycszcolt.png I am sure there is more information out there and that I could have done things differently but this suits me as a solid introduction and I thought I'd share. Now I think I can understand Rocksmith Session Mode much better! Woo!!! Here is a PDF version of the images above (if you print this please do so in legal and landscape settings, and preferably print in colour and double-sided for best effect.) In case you wish to make changes tailored to your taste or wish to inform me of any mistakes or improvements, here is a Word 2010 version. I suspect the PDF and Word versions will offer you better resolution that the images posted. Spent many hours learning this reading things over and over again until it sank in. I hope this helps you learn a bit faster and that like me who always felt like, "yeah, fine so solos are scales", that this now gives you the same satisfaction I got in dymystifying how solos work. So cool this stuff!!! Enjoy.... is this a new record length post for Berneer... :)
  18. Nice bunch of people here. Slight improvement: http://i920.photobucket.com/albums/ad41/Berneer/CustomsForge%20Championship/CF%20-%20Week%2088%20-%20Iron%20Maiden%20-%20Infinite%20Dreams%20-%20Lead%20-%20Attempt%206_zpsjtpekzqd.png
  19. Tried the song in my class... nice song http://i920.photobucket.com/albums/ad41/Berneer/CustomsForge%20Championship/Week%2088%20-%20Ending%2003July2015/CF%20-%20Week%2088%20-%20Tragically%20Hip%20-%20Lead%20-%20Attempt%202_zpsnj5bpwqw.png
  20. Thanks for tbhe warm welcome everyone! Always more motivating to play in a championship! A little RR does a lot of good in a short time... Not sure if you frown upon posting incremental imporovements but given I never know if I'll have more time to play I guess I'll post. http://i920.photobucket.com/albums/ad41/Berneer/CustomsForge%20Championship/Week%2088%20-%20Ending%2003July2015/CF%20-%20Week%2088%20-%20Iron%20Maiden%20-%20Infinite%20Dreams%20-%20Lead%20-%20Attempt%202_zpshmyf9knr.png
  21. Hi all, Please enter me into the BEGINNER CLASS. I typically atempt Lead only due to very limited time but it is fair to say I am BEGINNEER on all arrangements... except maybe I am an INTERMEDIATE on Violin... :) As I stated earlier, I wish to learn and see how well I could manage playing Iron Maiden's Infinite Dreams. So I will submit scores for this song this week as much as I could, even though it won't count since it is not my class. First attempt, coming in cold - only way to go is up. http://i920.photobucket.com/albums/ad41/Berneer/CustomsForge%20Championship/Week%2088%20-%20Ending%2003July2015/CF%20-%20Week%2088%20-%20Iron%20Maiden%20-%20Infinite%20Dreams%20-%20Lead%20-%20Attempt%201_zps0fj9dhux.png
  22. Hi all, I am new to this and I think I understand the rules but just to be sure: I am a huge Maiden fan and would like to spend what little time I have this week to learn Infinite Dreams. I am between Beginner and Intermediate but closer to Beginner so an Advanced song will kick my ass for sure but I would still enjoy the challenge. From what I understand if I try an advanced song I am stuck there till demoted and any score I post in the next 4 weeks will not count if submitted for a category other than Advanced. But nothing prevents me from submitting a Score for other than Advanced. Have I got that right? Just correct me if I am wrong and I will comply.
  23. I don't know you @@Shinyditto12 but I really hope you will manage to get better. I cannot pretend to understand depression but I often tell myself: think of the darkest moments in your life and then ask yourself if any good moments occurred after those bad moments. The answer, as far as I know is always yes, and just that means it is well worth living. Joy awaits you. Another little thing I believe in is self-reward. Even when it feels undeserved, reward yourself. You deserve it, especially if going through a hard time. In my humble opinion, going to a get a nice long 1.5 hour massage on a regular basis for like 6 months ( or at least 1x), is the absolute best thing. Not only is it relaxing and makes you feel pampered but I believe human touch, even if not romantic, is a very therapeutic thing. Plus if you are a pervert like me you'll inevitably focus on looking forward to her approaching your erogenous zones, fantacizing that she goes too far and weighing the words you'll use to accept her apology ... ;) ... If you are a woman then reverse my pronouns or find an equivalently pleasant self-reward. YOU DESERVE IT!
  24. After reading and being naive enough to believe an April Fools joke that Powerslave 2 was coming out, this is most welcome news!!!! Cool song names and album cover! Thanks Brooklyn Sounds, I had not seen this yet. Less than 3 months away!!
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