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Shinyditto12 last won the day on March 25 2018

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About Shinyditto12

  • Birthday 10/15/1996


  • Member Title
    Tone Deaf (In a good way)

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  • Guitar
    Ibanaez RG 7 String

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  1. Can you put the bass section on Bleed the Freak by Alice in Chains?

  2. can't seen to download any thing done by you

  3. Did you ever update the sync on behind blue eyes? just curious cause you had the right tabs I think but it could use an update.. im no pro at this stuff at all.

  4. Happy Birthday Shinyditto12!

  5. Thanks for all the custom songs! Will poke at quite a few of them given time :-)

  6. So hey gues, its been a whle hasn't it? The last time i was here it was about 2 years ago when i did the soundgarden stuff. I've been on hiatus because i wanted to work on other stuff such as my own music, video games mods and brush up on my mental health. It's good to be back and i am happy to annouce that im already working on some new projects. I am doing a total of 4 Linkin Park Albums. Hybrid Theory, Meteora, A Thousand Suns and One More Light, and as of right now, I am uploading all the songs from HT right now as we speak. Most of the songs from HT have their stems released so i have used them to make the most accurate chart i possibly could. ATS and OML also have all their stems out for every single song and such will be using them. I have also remixed the songs using their stems so they will be a high quality of audio, bass more audible, less compression, more guitar and other such things. There is also another thing i want to address, my pass behavior. When i was first starting out here, i was still a immature person in my late teens. I said a lot of stuff here that im not very proud of and might of acted like a jerk and seeing how im now 23, about to go on 24 in a few months, i just to say that im sorry if i made any of you uncomfortable. With all that being said, im h appy to be back and making charts and i hope to see you all again in the future.
  7. Happy Birthday Shinyditto12!

  8. Happy Birthday Shinyditto12!

  9. Yup. Ill be back posting songs for you lads next month. Ill be getting a bass soon and ive had a guitar for awhile now, so im back in business. Did you miss me?
  10. So....I just got done tabbing out Zero Chance and Mailman....and to my surprise, I still enjoyed it. But only so much. SO the new plan is that I won't be quitting, but my Schudel is gonna be on "when I feel like it" I'm still gonna work my ass off on these 3 projects and stuff, but after that, It will be more like...think of it as a "reward" or something... But yeah i'm gonna stay, but just wont be as active.
  11. Well...i made up my mind. To be honest i just kinda lost interest. I only now just got a new guitar but not much of anything else. But ive come to terms that i just dont have any more interest in doing this any more. Who knows, maybe my mind will change... But for now im working on the rest of the fragile, updating my soundgarden songs along with the rest of DOTUS...and doing jerry Cantrell's Degradation Trip. After that im done for the time being. Its been a fun ride and i thank you guys for all the love
  12. Computer is down, my guitar broke and my bass still sucks ass. A lot of shit has happened, I moved in to my new house, but I can't make anything for the time until i get mye gear and a new power supply. Help is always welcome but i wont force anything take care everyone
  13. I'm in the process of moving out of this fucking apt that i hate with a passion. probably won't post anything until reb, i wont have any internet so it'll be the perfect time
  14. Strings broke...and im waiting for america to stop having a panic attack, so as soon as thats done...ill be back
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