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Nick K.

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Everything posted by Nick K.

  1. Nice selections this week. Damn no rain no rainbow is advanced only?? i find it to be at least mc but i dont know maybe others find it easy but i think you should reconsider!
  2. @@iminashi Oohh thats f***ed up dude. Happened twice to me this year and i didnt have a backup....
  3. @@iminashi Pick the slides (im assuming the ones in the solo) very hard, just put power on them it seems to work for me...sometimes :p
  4. @ The only usage of the high e is in the solo, and thankfully you can make it work entirely on the G and B strings. Tricky but you can do it. I just had it in my mind and used the ingame solo for just a reference point. Of course i missed a couple of notes but for some of them you have to do some crazy maneuvers :p
  5. Im not even joking, d4 and c#4 chords almost never register and if i miss 2-3 of these chords in one section i get one strike. There are 3 sections with these chords inside so these 3 sections give me a strike each. And even if i get past (somehow) with like 2 strikes then the solo gives me the third because im stuck with 5 strings (missing high e) at the moment :( Again i could be wrong because this is maybe the 5th time ive used score attack
  6. @ Exageration :p but near the middle of the song they do become short and 1-2 misses does give me a strike and then im playing with 5 strings and in the solo i get the remaining 2 strikes from that high e part at the middle of the solo
  7. After a lot fighting with the game to recognize even single notes, after having to bash my strings for the game to count a note and after many hours of trying to fix it to no avail, i present to you my rather crappy attempts for this week http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2j65npe&s=9#.V63OxqIno9k Sorry if learn is song is an inconvienience for the organizers but score attack felt like it was a good idea to give me a strike for every single miss so... :p Well theres always next week but it could have gone better
  8. @@DevXen Ohhh.. If you are on desktop gather some money when you can and plop in a 4gb ram stick (2x2gb sticks or 1 stick of 4gb). There are very good 4gb ram sticks for like 30 dollars/euros and its a very easy upgrade. It will most likely help a lot :p
  9. If firefox crashes from tabs opening how does rocksmith run?!?!?!? If the game plays fine, like Mostly Rancid said it could be a firefox problem. My younger brother's laptop was junk with 2gb ram and browsers never had a problem
  10. @@AlpaQ Welp, i dont think i can do better than you since those d4 and c#4 chords never register for me so there goes that 1.5%. Even if i never make any mistakes that part with those chords comes (its one more too but i cant recall its name) and if i play at SA i get striked out immediately and if i play LAS it gets me to around 98.6 and it reverts to 98.0 :| GJ dude nice! Coming in strong i see! Maybe next week i will be more lucky in terms of technical problems :p
  11. And also FFS Ubisoft, put in a damn "Skip Tuning Check" button. Cause I dont need to have my guitar in hand to just study/watch a damn song
  12. @ Nice job! Damn i thought i wouldnt have to try to improve again :d but that 00.01 difference :0
  13. @@n0pers Go on RR and let the song go to the place you want to practice and once its in your screens view, immediately back out to the pause menu. The note highway will freeze and you can practice that part all you want. It wont move or count mistakes but it will have to do in this situation. I believe i know what part you are talking about :p
  14. @@mrmaton Damn!! Choose #2 and hope for the best :dddddd
  15. @@mrmaton Isnt there an option that has the download waiting for you to approve it first?? If im not mistaken it has
  16. If they do decide to make cdlc unplayable just set the steam auto update feature to off until you find out whether it does disable cdlc or not :)
  17. Getting close to 99% on Servitutde. Just a tiny bit more. Its really confusing playing it your way and seeing other notes on the screen!
  18. Go to the cdlc search engine and type "picking". The 6 first results are what you need.
  19. @@missis sumner I think he meant this Bethesda, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bethesda_Softworks Unless you are making a joke and i didnt catch on to it :p
  20. Really ?? :D I thought small fingers were very bad for playing music :0
  21. @ @@NoonyDeloony To be honest i do have small hands for an 18 yo :) I can BARELY do thumb chords and that with great effort! Where is a 7 string when you need it......... I have my eyes on a 7string schecter but im between that and digitech's drop but that is an entirely other matter. Tried it again and my hands are slowly getting used to it. Later Ill post my progress so far :)
  22. @NoonyDelony Thats what i do too :) I dont know, when i started playing my hand hurt playing on the lower part while guitarists and generally friends with musical knowledge told me they almost never experienced it. Now it happens with very few songs but from what i see 1-2 minutes of repetitive power chords on the first 4 frets cause the pain to me
  23. Every time ive tried it, around the second chorus right before the solo my hand hurts :0 Very few songs have this effect on me... weird. I dont know if anyone else gets that but what can i do to avoid it? Is there some excercise i dont know about?
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