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Everything posted by MaZtoR

  1. @Snakewizard Do you want to level up to Masterclass in lead and take that win or are you staying in Advanced a little bit longer?
  2. Welcome to the CF Rocksmith 2014 Championship! -= Week 330 =- FAQ: => How and Why join the Championships? => Rocksmith 2014 Championships rules Last week's winners: Lead: Beginner: @LarryPlaneIntermediate: @diceslingerAdvanced: @HollyMakrellMasterclass: @SnakewizardGod of Guitar: @NacholedeRhythm: Beginner: @LarryPlaneIntermediate: @diceslingerAdvanced: @AnwynMasterclass: @SnakewizardBass: Beginner: @KJParsleyIntermediate: @RdGkAIntermediate Bonus: @KJParsleyAdvanced: @diceslingerMasterclass: @SnakewizardCongratulations to all winners! Well done! Lead: Beginner: Teenage Bottlerocket - Not OK (3) chosen by @diceslingerIntermediate: Foo Fighters - Make It Right (5) chosen by @Toni-Wan KenobiAdvanced: Tony Joe White - Polk Salad Annie (7) chosen by @RodmanMasterclass: Testamant - Electric Crown (9) chosen by @sikaRhythm: Beginner: Teenage Bottlerocket - Not OK (2)Intermediate: Foo Fighters - Make It Right (4)Advanced: Testamant - Electric Crown (6)Masterclass: Deep Purple - Lazy (8) as played week 80Bass: Beginner: Teenage Bottlerocket - Not OK (3)Intermediate: Foo Fighters - Make It Right (5)Intermediate Bonus: Testamant - Electric Crown (4)Advanced: Tony Joe White - Polk Salad Annie (7)Masterclass: Deep Purple - Lazy (9) as played week 80Let us know your opinions on the accuracy of the difficulty scores (1-10) for this weeks songs. Honorable list Diehard Member: (draft - to be updated after CCL update) Angelina27AnwynBirdassasinblejuscaBounoursCymbrogidiceslingerFandarufjonfkbackpackfmsjamesHughmontymackaybreMaZtoRmeeloPinKushinRdGkARodmanRSjeffSebbStark_KnightTelboyvjohnalwrentheseedlingZeroPingNZMellonfarmerToni-Wan Kenobi@SnakewizardClassless, Fearless FreeBird Members in their endless battle with the fb police: 2groggy
  3. http://customsforge.com/page/customsforge_rs_2014_cdlc.html/_/pc-enabled-rs-2014-cdlc/my-kinda-party-r2922
  4. Mine this for several months. Reinstalled the game several times with no difference. And then it just stopped all by itself. So try updating your windows and all your drivers and hope for the best.
  5. You need to own the DLC for them to show in game. You need to own the original rocksmith and the disc import tool to play those songs. The .dll only works for cdlc.
  6. And a quick second try so i don't have to be embarrassed by my crappy score.
  7. Why did you buy a PC that expensive just for Rocksmith? I threw away my old computer that played Rocksmith just fine. It does not have high requirements.
  8. The scroll speed of the lead on Satch boogie is so fast that my old crappy monitor cant display the fret numbers correctly. They are all blurred and it feels like i need glasses. But i cant play it anyway so it does not matter.
  9. My lowest final score in my class was 29%. I'm just happy none of you where around to witness that. :D
  10. @meelo stop hiding your scores. We all know you have a 99+ one. This is the first time i qualify for MC with the current rules. But the song might just be a 6.
  11. Rocksmith requires very little to run. Just get a used desktop computer from the last 5 years and you should be good. It ran fine on my old core 2 duo from 2008.
  12. Please use the request thread. There it can die in peace with all the other requests. http://customsforge.com/topic/45859-cdlc-requests/?hl=requests
  13. Doubt it. Mine have a purebred yellow Norwegian forest cat as mother and unknown father. We also have her son. He is twice her size yellow and long haired, also with an unknown father.
  14. Bass day. My scores might be a bit low in places. Had to handle this thing while playing: But she lied down after a while so it was not that bad in the end.
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