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Everything posted by Bdi89

  1. Holy cow. 1100 hours of Rs2014 and this is the first I see someone play Duet!
  2. I did Halo on bass and realised it wasn't part of the runnings, lol! Can we do the full album for GoB too? Anyway. Given I usually get a fair way through the week on Intermediate Lead and run out of time both to finish it *and* Rhythm (and the fact I haven't picked a category yet), I'm going to start this week asking to be considered for Beginner and maybe bump up to Intermediate Lead if I manage to finish a song. (A lot of the beginner songs have been not as fun for me to play, but im still new to lead). So far this is my Sum 41 - Lead Submission (94%) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2786380838 My first little try of Halo on Rhythm (I'll probably either pick Intermediate or Advanced for my chosen level from here, depending how confident I am this week): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2786380035 Also, how fkn awesome is that chorus. One of my fave MH songs ever. Felt good to nail a few bits in the MH song seeing as ive only just started guitar again for the first time in 9 years (plus i was so bad when i first had one hah) Also, I played the song but uhhhh..... Poppin'.... Party?! oh dear.
  3. I really wanted to, but been so busy i literally had about 3 hours for the whole week to play guitar (2 of which were lessons lol). I only had one shot at that Budgie song lol. Wouldve been cool tohave The Blackening - Full Album as God of Bass as well, perhaps?
  4. Also, how are you guys getting these screencaps in? It won't let me upload anything or paste anything over 65kb in either circumstance. Hence the links.
  5. okay so first, I'm sure this will be vetoe'd but for some reason, RS had a LOT of issues with this partcular file. Tried redownloading etc, had a lot of issues with it and then i missed my last chance to screencap it properly! Then, i went to try again and the bloody DD reset!! ironic how much agony 'Dont Look Back in Anger' caused me, lol. Anyway, take it at face value after all that but this was the last shot i got of my score for Oasis - Lead: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2784856245 Boston - Peace of Mind (Bass - worked - 95%) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2784856272 Budgie - Parents (Bass - 98%) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2784856291
  6. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2781360892 Cubensis Lensis (Bass) Summer Breeze (Lead) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2781360766 I just got to bed now at 1am, hopefully in time
  7. Goddamnit. Ran out of time this week and forgot to screenshot everything! Agh. Glad I remembered to submit in time this time though! Anyway: Paramore - When It Rains (Lead): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2777576482 Steely Dan - Kid Charlemagne (Bass): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2777576468 I'll try and see if i can get up early (on a Sunday, lmao) to get the bass masterclass done.
  8. Can I just say, the attach function for this site is super broken and doesnt work for me lol. Copy paste doesn't work, resizing doesn't work, etc. Tried 4 different browsers, file compression etc. Weird. I'm guessing my Rhythm score for X Japan wont count as the DD isnt 100% finished. Likewise, i took the screen at the wrong time (damnit, 92%!) for bass so, if i need to reupload some I will. The Darkness - Black Shuck (Lead - 85%) - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2770480044 Kurenai - X Japan (Bass - 92%) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2770480006 ^ same song - Rhythm - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2770479985
  9. I definitely missed my chance this week. Was trying too much to get past the DD for Stone Sour on lead and sucking at it and neglected the bass stuff.
  10. At this point I'm asleep/forgetting when I wake up for the deadline so often that I'm playing as a spectator. Sigh https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2751846748 Bass - One - 97.98% https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2751846771 One - Rhythm (DD wasnt completed though).
  11. Ran out of time this week (i'll be asleep when the challenge finish time comes up), so this is my first time trying rhythm guitar MC and not submitting bass as well. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2743429656 90.13%!
  12. Absolutely. A much trickier song than my ears ever picked up back in the day lol
  13. As an Aussie, just dropping a line to say I *wish* I was cold right now, it is very hot here haha! Also, no Alchemist? Dang lol
  14. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2727582092 Bass - Masterclass - 84.9%
  15. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2718642342 Bass - Masterclass (94.56%)
  16. 2am, just got home after driving back from a gig and just realised I was meant to upload this at the start of last week, lol. Havent tried since as life has just been way too hectic, here's my humble submission for Deliverance on bass, https://imgur.com/gallery/STAWvA2
  17. First go. Used to play this a fair bit to test my endurance out with that awesome breakdown. I don't even care about rankings, i just gotta beat my old score (which was actually higher than the high score seen there, it was 1.8m!)
  18. I'm not entirely sure if this counts as i have one bit not purple. I've gone over that exact thing in riff repeater and definitely played all notes, multiple times, on subsequent playthroughs so im honestly not sure why the DD isn't budging... anyway. I've been playing guitar again and have some Prince scores but i suspect ive missed the boat?
  19. I've never done the guitar tracks before, having not owned a 6-string for 9 years. I'd like to give advanced rhythm competition a go alongside masterclass bass from here if allowed? I'd love to have shared my bass screenshot (96%), but alas it's 3am and I'm only just sneaking this badboy in. Missed F12ing it earlier today and can't play rn... next week.
  20. Goddamnit, i set two alarms and everything.... sigh. Masterclass for bass. Hopefully didnt miss it. First song playing fingerstyle in over 6 months post-injury! Feels good to have that splint off.
  21. Question as per scorings below - last completed weeks, does this mean we need 10 weeks completed consecutively to have this score? Or is it just calculated off whichever our last weeks' scores were. IDK if that makes sense, but between my ADHD-ass brain and life stuff, I often miss week and thus don't get to submit in time. Will missing weeks here and there just mean less chance to score points overall? I'm confused. Also, while I'm glad to see Bela and the Flecktones in there - goddamn this s--t is impossible to play with a hand injury that forces me to play pickstyle lol. (Truly one of the hardest ones I've seen posted yet!) running 10 weeks score. In other words: last 10 completed weeks are scored as follows: 1st place: 10 pts 2nd place 5 pts 3rd place 3 pts 4th place 1 pt 100%score: + 1pt
  22. I've been having a look around and most are just asking if a 5er can be played, which I've been doing for a while. Has anyone made mods to the number of strings or is this not a thing with 2014?
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