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  • Member Title
    The Honorable

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    PRS McCarty Thinline, Gibson Les Paul Classic, Hamer Studio Custom, Ibanez acoustic, other electrics personally built
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    Brice Headless short scale
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  1. I cracked 80 once, and I charted the dang song.
  2. The one from the 1987 album and the iconic music video is the one most people think of as far as "Here I Go Again". It's also the one usually played on radio, SiriusXM, Spotify, commercials, movies. Which is ironic since they tried making the "radio edit" be the one for radios. The 2020 Remix version is probably the best from an audio quality standpoint. It's essentially the 1987 version with everything very clear in the mix.
  3. The solo on the radio mix of "Here I Go Again" shouldn't be too hard. No shred run like the regular version.
  4. Thanks. I totally missed that all these years, selecting that dropdown on Ignition.
  5. The first section of the solo, I have set to ignore all those notes. It's a bunch of natural harmonics on non-typical frets, so no penalties.
  6. Any ideas when or what sections?
  7. Okay. It's updated for lead and rhythm now, with plenty of handshapes. https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/33810
  8. Do you guys want me to update and upload "Wait" with more handshapes, or just wait until after this championship week is over?
  9. I'm not sure when in the song you're referring to. It's possible it's a little different from the 1987 music video version. I mean, the ending did change (or is an alternate take from the studio remixed). Here's my isolated bass file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1n1Zfzp22oYHqyQ6F850HKinAisV5YJvl/view
  10. Are you guys talking about the series of harmonics starting with 4-7-5 on the D string, etc.? You might be able to substitute that 4 with a 7th fret B string harmonic.
  11. @Mikson thanks for letting me know. I'll pay more attention to how well those long ones get recognized in the future.
  12. Sorry, man. I guess it does make it more difficult to get to 100%. I tend to make slides pitched when I can "hear" the notes move up or down. And unpitched if it's just a screech. Where were you having the most trouble getting detection? The typical Whitesnake low E string slide down, or the "Buildup" part where there are some 7/14 slides on the A string followed by the 12th fret G triad? Or somewhere else.
  13. I have one I made that I keep hoping gets picked, but you guys are generous enough to have already picked a few others of mine. (Wait by White Lion) but I can wait awhile in hopes it gets called on.
  14. I think Erik's better, but the difference isn't that much that it would make them two different bands. I'm fine with Kenny, and I like that the band has really only had 7 members after all this time, with two having returned. I'm probably going to do 2 songs the next time I release something. One old and one new. As far as how to do CDLCs, check out the Customsforge Discord. There are people who are way more available than me with tips and how to get started.
  15. Yeah, there's so much out there I'd love to be CDLCs. I wish more people were making them for these types of bands. I don't know when I'll get back to HEAT, but they're pretty high on my priority. Probably a couple of Kenny songs, since I've already done a couple of Erik songs.
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