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Everything posted by Rcrai

  1. Thanks Firekorn! I turned down the band to 60 (I had it at 80). I can hear myself much better and focus on making my playing clean. I have also decided I need to learn to actually know the guitar. So I've started down the road of learning the scales and notes on the fretboard. Taking lessons through Justinguitar and Steve Stine. Trying to have a real understanding of music. All I have to say about that is jamming in RS and actually learning guitar is two totally different things. AKA: sight reading and playing power chords is way easier than moving through scales in 3rds and calling out the notes as you play them.
  2. Join the championship you will pick up on sight reading quickly.
  3. I have been participating in the Championship for a few years now. I don't post much scores anymore but I download the songs and play them every week. I have started to notice lately that when I play song a bit out of my league I can cheat the system and play to note recognition but its not clean. And I don't make it clean. Due to trying to make the best score in a week. So I took a step back and went through the rocksmith lessons. And found out some weaknesses I have. Like palm muting. Holy crap does that lesson just throws you in to the fire with the end song. Yeah I can palm mute but the mute and unmute while fast picking can be challenging. I noticed some bending and sliding nuances that I was missing as well. I guess the point of this post is that just playing songs in rocksmith will leave a lot on the table. With a full band in a song it is easy to hide mistakes and bad playing. I have found much more control and tone in the lessons and session mode. Noodling around with the songs I know or some scales are very valuable.
  4. Damn it I missed score posting this morning again. Spring time is just too busy. GOT theme song :o . I'm not missing this week. I mean I named one of my dogs after Arya Stark. Yet people that don't watch the show think I named her after the Aria casino in vegas.
  5. Where did these ratings come from. This week is way harder than last and they are rated lower. Burn the Light lead is one big long solo. Its fun though. Has a medieval feel to it.
  6. Ok this week I'm throwing something up early before I get busy on project and space it out on Saturday morning like I have the last 2 weeks.
  7. This rhythm and I do not get along
  8. Ahhh Haaa! Back in business Went searching in my cable box(you know the box of cables we all keep just in case RCA or Svideo makes a comeback) and found my cable from the original RS game.
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