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Everything posted by GeoAbraxas

  1. Ya, it is much easier with the chord shape mentioned. I actually often will go find a tab of the song to look at specifics and the tab view is probably the thing from Rocksmith+ that I would be most looking forward to just for these situations. The highway view is great for learning timing if you're not into music notation (I'm really bad at that stuff), but to just sort of see where the song is going and to really get the differences between the notes seeing everything horizontally really helps.
  2. It kind of depends where you're finding issues at. From previous suggestion and your reply it's hard to say exactly where you're finding extra difficulty. I'm definitely not a reputable guitar teacher at all, but the bit that I've really had to learn something with arpeggios I always thought it easier at the time to learn the chord shapes being used before worrying too much about my picking, but that could also just be that I've never quite been the most accurate picker. I might be able to get some scores in today. I hope I can. If anyone's struggled with their mental health in the past you might be like me where playing music is one of the best ways to ride that particular wave but when the right issue comes along there's a part of your brain that really doesn't want to get better so playing guitar becomes the last thing you're capable of thinking of. I'm on the backside of that, bought a new pedal to try to get things going in a better direction (my wife would have gotten a tattoo, I like my choice better) but I bought the wrong one which actually made things worse but I'm exchanging it for the correct type of pedal today so that will hopefully do what I want it to. Heads up for anyone looking into drop tuning pedals, in the Digitech line there's three pedals that always come up in searches: The Drop, Whammy V, and Whammy DT. I looked up a ton of stuff and got my wires crossed and picked up the Whammy V, and while it has a Detune function it's not configurable a la The Drop, it's just a "shallow" and "deep" selection which makes some neat effects but isn't actually good for keeping your guitar in standard tuning and setting other tunings. The lineup there is The Drop does Drop Tuning, Whammy V does the static Detuning, and the Whammy DT does both. Finding either The Drop or the Whammy DT is not the easiest thing locally so I'm probably picking up an EHX Pitchfork+
  3. Been kind of a week from hell, so I just have this one entry this week
  4. Gave my bass a try this morning. I might have hit 99% of the notes in Du Hast but it certainly didn't sound a damn thing like the song. Guess it's a good thing that's not what we're judged on. 3/4 of the way through I just kind of fell apart for a bit on Rewrite, it's like I completely forgot what a guitar was for like 15 seconds, managed to recover at least.
  5. Went Lead Guitar to start this week. RS wasn't picking up my power chords very well for this play through, tuning might have been slightly off or something, but still, it was okay. Thought I did pretty good on Rewrite, never heard it before at all, so took me a bit to find my rhythm at the start For whatever reason I never really got into Rainbow but I love Dio. Wasn't a bad song, I'm sure I can get slightly better, the solo was fun. Never really been a fan of Mastodon and wasn't even going to play this one but since my alternate guitar is currently tuned to D, dropping it a step was just about as much out of my way as I was willing to go. I didn't mind the song, I played it better than my accuracy showed, things got a bit floppy at C tuning on my low E and I really have to redo the electronics on this guitar. I fixed up a broken ground a few months ago, but there's just a ton of interference
  6. Alex uses so many different chord shapes and switches between them so quickly and effortlessly in almost every song I don't see how anyone doesn't find it an alien feeling to try to replicate the style. I'm really, and I mean *really*, not a chord guy. I spent 20 years playing nothing but power chords and your basic chords and now that I'm trying to learn more it's like my hands just have boxes taped to them, getting all the different finger shapes is just unnatural to me.
  7. Considering my mastery in the Trees was 97.6% and my accuracy in this SA attempt was 97.6% I'll say that at the very least I'm staying consistent in my playing.
  8. I started with Bass this week since The Trees is the first song that I really spent actual time learning when I decided I wanted to be decent on the bass. That and the fact that despite the recognition that Geddy Lee gets, Alex Lifeson is just as good at guitar as Lee is at bass and I catch onto bass techniques much faster than guitar ones (20 years of playing guitar and 1 year of playing bass and I feel way more confident with bass than guitar). I'm gonna give these more practice, since I've been mostly focused on guitar lately the fret length differences threw me off a bit, especially with Poison Apple since I've never heard it before. Probably will also have to do Score Attack just to see more specifically what I'm hitting, I just find all the sound effects throw me off but I just now realized with the mixer I can probably just turn those all off. The Trees Poison Apple (2-3 more playthroughs I should be able to get this up) The Carpenter (I don't see any reason I can't 100% this. That's another reason I like bass in RS, my bass doesn't pick up any interference and generally my note detection is spot on. I literally don't know if I can reach 100% on guitar unless it's a short song that's all single notes). EDIT: I think the difficulty scores for bass are pretty accurate, although I would put Poison Apple a half point down and The Trees a half point up but I don't really have an issue where they are.
  9. All the songs this week are pretty fun to play. Got some Lead results here Kirk Hammett I am not. Something about his lead style is incredibly confounding to my fingers and always has been. Decided to pull out my bass because the songs again, were fun to play and I always love playing Cliff Burton's bass tracks. Outside of pulling my bass out the other week to play a song here I haven't played bass much in the last couple months and while I could still keep up I definitely lost some of the speed and finesse I had built up in my plucking fingers.
  10. My week was crap and I barely got to touch an instrument. Just got two entries here, and definitely not my best Head Over Heels - I very much enjoyed this song, just didn't play exceptionally well Our Loved Ones - This was the first Volbeat song I've heard that I've liked, so that's always a good thing. I need more reasons to keep one of my guitars in D, so good stuff. Also, I hit the mastery bug, definitely didn't 100% it (even if I could play the song 100% accurately there's no way in hell RS will pick up all the notes, especially considering the hellscape that is the electronic internals of the guitar I played this one)
  11. Hello, I decided to give making my own CDLC a try. After failing miserably because I picked a song that was way too long and complex for my learning I decided to make Danko Jones - The Twisting Knife. Things I know so far: Tone - Not 100% accurate, mostly because I grabbed the first distortion sound I found. It works pretty good but there's no separate lead tone, which I will try to work one but in 20 years of playing guitar I've never been a tone guy, so we'll see. Lead/Rhythm tracks - Essentially 100% the same thing, the only difference is during the lead break, was considering cutting the Rhythm track since the difficulty of the solo is like maybe a 2/10 so it's not gonna throw too many people off. Lyrics tracking - Getting it as close as I did was a small miracle since it seems my patience does not include this particular task. I did a few runs in UltraStar and then another in EoF so it's pretty closeish. By the time I was doing a final review in EoF I realized I messed a few syllables up but since this is a guitar game and not a singing game I just left it as is for now. Any feedback on major mistakes, timing issues, etc. would be greatly appreciated. I didn't test DD, the song is like 4 chords so there's not really much for adjustments other than the speed so it's probably fine, I find DD does actually make anything easier to learn so I never use it. Also, any general guidance on how you think a lead tone should be set up would be cool. Thanks https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1YXIqjCbdurKHKziEP6EBQbfKStv895UJ?usp=sharing
  12. I never actually got much into Sabaton through the years (I acknowledge they sound awesome and there's literally no reason I can think of that I wouldn't like them, it just never stuck) but I am very much looking forward to seeing them live this November with Judas Priest. Their shows seem really well done and I have some friends that have seen them and say they're amazing live.
  13. I gave Night Witches a try on bass, it's been a few weeks since I picked it up (trying to get way less crappy at guitar) and it felt really good to play even though it was on the easy side. My dumb PC took 8 years to capture the image and just managed to catch the ghost of my stats screen.
  14. My pinkie finger started to work better after really trying to learn some Rush songs. They're not the biggest stretches in the world but playing The Trees a trillion times really seemed to help with my finger dexterity and pinkie strength.
  15. Hey, this is the first time I've tried to do this. I did the Lead path for Sabaton. Definitely have some work ahead of me if I wanted to get a lot better at it but I'm pretty happy considering I've never heard the song prior to trying it out here.
  16. Just press the + button on your keyboard with the song you want to favorite selected.
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