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Everything posted by coldrampage

  1. ah just a smidge off 99, doubt I can beat this in time.
  2. Nice (ok I've been waiting for this don't judge) And to stay on topic here's some songs that's aren't gonna get done. (slight nsfw warning to album links on bandcamp, some bobs) The last battalion, awesome circle. Djent/progressive metal arranges influenced by meshuga, less so on their newer stuff where they go for more genre variety but it's still awesome "In The Wake Of Scarlet Devil" probably my fav album of theirs. Their first album Obizen is literally meshuga, this song is clearly bleed. Anyway about this one, Great arrange of Remilias theme, probably in F standard. Here's their bandcamp if you want to check out some more Eh this is less of a request and more of a band recommendation, oh well. One more while I'm here then. Silent difference, great progressive metal/djenty/death metal stuff, check them out if you want. unfortunately they only made one album BELIAL but it is a banger. Full on metal (mostly) with mad whistle screams, it's like DIR EN GREY on crack or something. I guess that's it then.
  3. I've really been slacking, haven't even tried all the songs out yet. Sync seems a bit off, maybe it's just the bass track since the lyrics seem ok? I think it's might also be missing some notes where some sustains are, but I'm not too sure. Eh nah, too repetitive/pop-y. Even the cool pinch harmonics couldn't save it for me. bit slow, but the bass was fun enough once it picked up seemed a tad better? Gotta get some more orion in later.
  4. That bass solo surprised me, wew. Heard the other one uses 24 frets and I've only got 21 so I'll stick with this version. wasn't expecting all those chord variations and the lead harmony part was pretty fun too There's one part where it jumps from a 12 to 2 which is a bit weird. I'd play it as an 11 on the D string but maybe they play it weird live? idk.
  5. not having much luck on bass, tried guitar. lead for fun gog. oh god
  6. eh, it'll do for now. Right, I think I'm getting the hang of slapping kinda? full on legit slap run.
  7. @@Eazye24 try posting that here pls
  8. Right lets do some songs Pretty nice song, shame it goes out of sync here-ish. Also the 5-6 slide should not be a slide but separate notes. played lead by accident lol eh not my kinda thing, too slow. main riff sounds like E1M1. Pretty nice, fun to play. bass time. eh close enough way easier than midi surf. eh not a fan of the song, but the chorus is pretty fun to play. still fun I need to git gud at slapping, I can pop fine but can't slap too well. Can't tell if I suck or my bass is set up wrong, probably just need more practice tho. for fun
  9. ah it's too hot so I cba lately, I hate this time of year lol. eh it's more fun on guitar, not too bad tho. pretty nice ah screwed the ending. lead sounded fun
  10. Right lets try the rest of these out oh no I can't stand this song, not doing that again. This is pretty good, reminds me of iron attack. eh still not a huge fan, just sounds like a long buildup to the last 30 seconds and then that's it. pretty nice, I'll go again. eh bass later?
  11. speedy bass test. eh tool are fine, not really my kind of thing
  12. Ah finally, now I can stop slacking on maiden.
  13. Glad I screwed up before the ending or I would've lost it.
  14. Another user of the 3 finger style, I feel ya mate. Wish i'd've just learnt it all properly from the start instead of this weird jank style. Gotta get into the habit of practicing more, but I just get bored and jam out instead.
  15. Nice week for mc rhythm, sick song. Bass first tho Ahhhh wish i'd've done score attack, rip eh this song is fine, bit repetitive. Not too bad. Those chords got me the first time around, mostly just the fast switch from the E string to the chord. pretty nice, bassline. Guitar time eh didn't pick up my powerchords, cba thought it'd be worse tbh, given how I butchered the chords. oh yes. I kinda know the base chords but not the 10 million variations they throw at you, so I gave up halfway and did my own thing. probably do a fair bit better that's it for now.
  16. 98, nearly got diamond. That fast hammer on bit keeps getting me. wew idk how much longer we got so this'll do 'till next week.
  17. Right lets try the rest of these bois out. Bunch of random misses yay. Idk what language it's in but it kinda sounds like someone singing backwards. made a few embarrassing mistakes, oh well. Song's ok, not the sort of thing I'd listen to again tho. eh bit jank, some hopos on notes that were transposed being now impossible to play, missing slides on open notes that should've been fretted, missing notes and some wrong sustain lengths. Looks like a bad auto transpose in gp5, but maybe just a bad tab in general. Guitar time. eh pretty nice song, wish the 8th notes weren't tremmed and were standard notes tho. One part a trem note overlaps with the normal chords but the rest seemed fine. Wasn't expecting a solo, crikey. Also think the bends are off during it?, but I suck at bends anyway so idk for sure.
  18. I'm back bois, speedy yeet of the main ones for now. I'd heard of these lads before but never listened to them, wow they're pretty sick. no way I'm score attacking that on guitar. yep, this has got to be one of the hardest rhythms I've played in a while, crikey.
  19. I live. Finally got internet back so stuff soon.

  20. Been busy getting songs out, championship time. Today is probably the last day I've got for this. Might be without internet for a few days/weeks, or not we dunno for sure. Wanted to try the lead, sounded like some fun scale practice. Yep pretty fun, wish it had the keyboard/synth bits instead of the rhythm in places tho. Note detection pls. getting the chords kinda better Sa time Nearly got diamond, eh this'll do for now. Bass time. Took longer than I thought, kept getting random misses. Think the bass sync is a bit weird in places?, maybe I just suck lol. This'll do for now.
  21. oof eh, thats what you get for trying to capo your 8 string instead of retuning. Guess I'll try the E standard version later. not too bad I guess? hard week for rhythm, makes up for the bass lol.
  22. speedy bass yeet pretty nice song, put my hand in the wrong place and missed a bunch tho. bit slow at the start but pretty good when the lead comes in. eh it's fine. It's got some fun bits between the slow bits. Got some funky note timing, and that jump from 12 to 3 was pretty mad. Quite nice, keeps ya on your toes lol guitar tomorrow?
  23. Ah finally, I can stop playing this song. So many resets because of the slides not registering properly, glad it's over. Not because it's a bad song tho, I'm just fed up with hearing it for hours straight.
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