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Everything posted by GetTheLedOut

  1. You'll need to use the "import package" option and not the generic "import" (which will only import custom tones). My best guess is that this is what happened.
  2. Just as a quick update - a bunch of Zeppelin coming soon. Probably at least the next 4 songs as soon as I can test them in RS. Everything up to Hot Dog is packaged up and ready to be tested.
  3. The mods will notify you if one of your songs becomes an official DLC, and they'll remove it for you. They're just referring to people that use one "master link" for many songs. Just make sure you provide a unique link for each song you create, and you probably won't have to do anything at all in the event that one of your creations becomes an official DLC.
  4. Either one works. It just depends which piece of software you are more familiar with, since this will help speed of the process. I personally do things like this in EoF directly because I'm more comfortable with it. Plus you can easily play back the audio to test the accuracy of your transcription. As long as you create/sync an accurate beatmap, you can easily author and edit notes like you would in guitar pro. Just make sure to use the grid snap feature of EoF to your advantage, so that authored notes will be kept in time.
  5. The only way I could think of would be to: 1. chart the initial bend as normal 2. use tapping at the 12th fret for the hammer-ons (they're actually taps anyway) 3. for the "pull offs" just chart the full step bend at the 7th fret as a new note bend each time, but put a full step bend tech note directly on the note head so that it displays properly in RS. This way they will show as pre-bends without the release. Hope that makes sense :)
  6. I nearly had a heart attack when I first saw this, until I read a bit further... I link to a folder for each individual song so that I don't have to change the link when new versions/updates are placed in the folder. Glad to know this will still be allowed.
  7. @@ikwtif Yeah, I'd say it's good to go. It's also really great to see that you're committed to testing/fixing/and re-testing. Between that and asking lots of questions, you'll shorten your learning curve really quickly :)
  8. Yes, exporting to a GP5 file will work perfectly, unless there's some GP6 exclusive features in the tab - in which case those will not export.
  9. You'd have to make them manually with Guitar Pro or even in Editor on Fire directly - either by writing them by ear or creating them from a text tab. Your question of how would be best answered by looking for Guitar Pro videos on Youtube. I'm sure there's tons of them. No matter what, it will probably take quite a long time.
  10. I just had a quick look at the project files, and I must say, you picked a tough one for your 3rd time :) All in all, really well done. It's tough when there's lots of syncopated guitar lines like this and you did a great job of staying locked into the drums. Like Plum said, it will get easier. And you will get faster with the syncing process. Feel free to PM me or post back here if you hit any snags.
  11. Did everything sound normal at one time, or has it always been this way for you? Have you tried configuring your bass through the options menu? I could be wrong, but it sounds like your cable gain setting might be off. You can either change this manually through windows, or often times through the in-game configurations.
  12. Just as @@Wepeel said you won't find the tutorials for the PS3 (or Xbox for that matter) here. The process of jailbreaking your PS3 is not exactly easy for most people, plus you run the risk of rendering your PS3 completely useless if you do it incorrectly. The $15 cost of buying Rocksmith for your PC or Mac just isn't worth all the time, effort, and risk (in my opinion).
  13. I usually use the default of 4, since most musical phrases are either 4, 8, or 12 measures. That way everything gets divided up nicely most of the time. I do think that @@Chlipouni is right. I'll try resetting the offset to 0 and adding a measure or two before the first note. But if that doesn't work, it's good to know that something as simple as that worked for you :)
  14. @@albatross213 I agree completely. I was thinking of resuming the project from the syncing video tutorial. Start of by going to an unused track and just authoring some basic notes and showing keyboard shortcuts and techniques like slides, arpeggios, linknext, tech notes, etc... then cover "tidying" up the GP tabs and fixing things that don't always import correctly. The purpose of this thread here was just to see what topics people would want to see included, so thanks for your input as well!
  15. @@firekorn I tried using the BPM estimator a long time ago with mixed results - maybe it's better now. So thanks for pointing that out. I suppose the "count in measure" is a matter preference, but it certainly is helpful. The good thing is, I basically ended up showing how to add one after I imported the GP file for the first time :) You're absolutely right about importing the time signatures from the GP file and I mentioned all of that in the video. This particular song is all in 4/4, so I just wanted to show how to manually add/change the time signature in case anyone may need to do that in their project. I made this because some people are more visual learners, and might benefit more from a video than a text tutorial - everyone learns differently. I've certainly played enough bad CDLCs in the past year and a half to understand that we can't have enough tutorials :)
  16. Ah, I think I understand. So you'd just want to manually set and maintain the fret hand position to the fret where your left hand is anchored?
  17. Thanks for the feedback @@firekorn I'll start making a list :) I'll have to read up on tapping, since I've never had to use/author it in any of my customs. It'd be great if you could point me to a post or topic that discusses how to author it. This way I'd actually know what I'm talking about if I cover it in a video. Arpeggios and hand shapes would definitely be good ones to show
  18. @@Chlipouni I've been having a problem with DDC on a particular song. The non-DD version works perfectly, while it fully crashed RS when i try to play the version with DD (used DDC v2.7) Here are the DD and on-DD psarcs: Non-DD: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ubhyopnao7k5mwu/AAC4aplsaspODlmrr0jCmVJZa?dl=0 With DD : https://www.dropbox.com/s/q2y9fuznmtvw3t6/Jimi-Hendrix-Experience-The_All-ALong-the-Watchtower_v1_DD_p.psarc?dl=0 Any insight that you could provide would be most helpful.
  19. Hey everyone! I've been wanting to create a tutorial like this for some time, and I finally got around to it :) Hopefully some of you will find it helpful, and feel free to leave any questions or comments you may have: For further insights into using the spectrogram, you can refer to @@albatross213 's post here (sorry for the numeric dyslexia when I mentioned your name in the video). Also, would anyone like to see any other EoF- based tutorials? If so, which topics would be the most helpful to you? Let me know here
  20. Hey everyone! I was thinking of creating an additional tutorial video or two, and I'd love to hear what the community thinks. Which topic would you like to see covered? My initial thought is to create a sort of "general guide to EoF" which would include authoring/editing notes and tecniques, "fixing GP files, etc. but I'd like to hear which specific areas people might like to see more information on. Fire away!
  21. @raynebc Could his problem with the "disappearing" leading silence be caused by streaming the leading silence and not choosing the "re-encode" box?
  22. It was a full on "RS has stopped working crash." The grid snapping issue had crossed my mind, but I literally charted every note in EoF during the creation process, so I know they were grid snapped :) Many thanks to @@cozy1 and @@Alex360 because I was able to get it working without DD using the latest beta. I do recall trying this once before, so I don't know why it worked now :lol: Once I do some more tests, I'll post this over in the DDC area so that it may eventually get addressed.
  23. Thanks again for looking into this. I'll see if I can get it working this way.
  24. @@Alex360 Unfortunately, repacking it with that particular build did not work either.
  25. @@Alex360 ok cool I'll try that build for now and see how it turns out. I should by able to post back here with the result within the hour.
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