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Everything posted by Unleashed2k

  1. Hi,We currently do have a thread: http://customsforge.com/topic/4863-list-of-crashers-jammers-dead-toners-and-misc-problems/ Additionally we're working on adding these features possibly in the new search.
  2. Currently testing the server with this disabled.
  3. Hello, Major functions on the board will be temporary disabled until we can stabilize the server. This could last anywhere from a few hours up to 24 hours. We will enable features once everything stabilizes. All services should be restored.
  4. Hey all, I just wanted to let you know there are still a lot of things happening behind the scenes. Lately I've been really sick (strep throat / bronchitis) so I have been sleeping a lot. Fortunately, I get to work at home so I haven't missed any work. Our devs are still working on the future of CustomsForge and we're in the process of creating new and exciting features. We will release an update later this month on more details. While I was sick I forgot about a very important renewal. Please note several of our services use this service and we need to pay it by the 19th to avoid service interruption. http://customsforge.com/donate/goal-14-emergency-renewal/ Edit: Donation Reached! Thank you guys! You can continue to donate here: http://customsforge.com/donate/goal-15-customsforge-future/ All of your donations go to renewals, upgrades, scripts, modifications, improvements, and anything associated. I want to thank everyone for their awesome support and everyone here at CustomsForge is fucking awesome. I'm glad I could open such an amazing helpful community. We're not going anywhere and I can't wait for you to see what we have in store for you in the future. - Mark
  5. Just finally came up for me. Still waiting for Steam Store to fix the slash pack download problem...
  6. My new NIN tattoo: http://i.imgur.com/TygtDjU.jpg
  7. The site. An angry user we banned basically is mad.
  8. http://imgur.com/AOuZ8WA Just a heads up. I think that's perfect there.
  9. 90%! Wish I could get past 54% with the damn chords. Thank for the feedback, I'll work on a version 1.1 :)
  10. Hey all,I haven't released a custom in ages and I need help testing this custom I'm working on.I need a player who is good at chords to test this song, as I'm having trouble playing them. http://www.mediafire.com/download/kdo4bque94zszco/Seether_Weak_v1_p.psarc Please report your score and thoughts, thank you very much.
  11. Hey all,This has not been forgotten, it's just that we're super busy and will get to this later. :)
  12. Hello all,We've moved away from Mumble and to a new Teamspeak 3 server. Please download and install a copy of Teamspeak 3 via: http://www.teamspeak.com/?page=downloadsThe server information: customsforge.typefrag.com:4290Please use your CustomsForge username so we can recognize you. The rules still apply there, and please do not impersonate anyone as that is a bannable offence.
  13. Hello,That is our plan, no need to be rude about it.We've been investing our time on developing search 3, which is more important at the moment than the look of the IP.Board skin.There are so many things going on behind the scenes and we're always busy. We're also waiting for the release of IP.Board 4, so by the time we pay someone hundreds for a new skin it will be pointless to even get it.
  14. Also I dont know if members have permissions to see all of the donation with the new system and if not I'll fix permissions later
  15. Is the new system I setup good enough? The hard problem with the old system was keeping track of all the donations. I work a lot now and also put tons of time running this site. Additionally when I'm off I'm either working out or doing something important. I would of loved to keep that document updated but it's a pain in the ass to manually update it. I really hope the new system is transparent enough now.
  16. I see 3,004 entries. You owe me a bonus 4 :)
  17. Other way around! Where's mine? ;)
  18. Hey all,The reason I'm not using a request thread is because I am wondering if anyone would like to team up and release some quality Nine Inch Nails customs with me. I'm a huge NIN fan and I actually have front-row tickets to see them this year (so fucking excited). Please let me know.I already have some in the works that needs syncing/polishing: Help Me I'm In HellThe Wretched (Note: try adding The Frail)The Day The World Went AwayHurtSomewhat DamagedEraserAll The Love In The World
  19. I personally propose the band name song title name.Example:Linkin Park - In The End_p.psarcPros: Clear view of Artist & Title If a new version comes out, you will only have to REPLACE and not delete the other versionCons:Won't know the version of the songProposed Con Fixes:Come up with a program that can read information of CDLCs (song, artist, version, etc)
  20. I've played tabs for years but I still play the standard way. I didn't feel I needed to invert it, it felt unnatural to me.(BTW I'm a lefty playing right handed...)
  21. Thanks everyone! I've had an amazing birthday :)
  22. Hello all, On a personal note I have my 25th birthday coming up April 1st (April Foolsday), and I just got a new job last week so my life has been busy. I have not however been forgetting about CF at all, we have active developers working on future versions of search. I'm proud to announce we almost have 2,300 CDLC's. New features for our search:You can now "Follow" a post and receive updates when someone updates their CDLC. (You can check your settings here: http://customsforge.com/index.php?app=core&module=usercp&tab=core&area=notifications [under pages > Notification method for new versions of songs ] I'm also happy to officially announce we've been working on Search3 (codename: "Ignition") We have tons of new features that everyone will be excited about. Our developers are working hard on bringing you all of the features you want.Thank you everyone who's been supporting us, your donations help keep everything going. I understand it's a bit expensive right now but once major development done we should be able to have everything under $200 a month (not including IP. Board license renewals)We will have more updates in the future and thank you everyone for your support.
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