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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/21/2019 in Posts

  1. Alright trying something new this week. I'm going to sight read practice the song once a day, ascending in difficulty of the bass. Why the hell not? So first night, we are playing on my most familiar bass. My Fender MIM precision bass, using D'addario flats. This is definitely the bass and neck I'm most comfortable with, so best for that starting sight read. And out the gate not too bad 96% to start. Tomorrow I'll be swapping off to a jazz style bass, with the Sire. Still a really comfortable bass for me, and my second jazz bass, but I've played the precision style probably twice as much. I know each time I'll become more familiar with the song, but less familiar with the instrument, so we'll see how that affects the score. Then at the end I'll score attack on the precision. Instrument 3 will be my 5 string, I know I'm only using 4 of them but it's definitely not as comfortable and the extra fretboard length should throw off my left hand placement a bit. And finally the fretless, which I'll probably have to stare at my hands most the time. --Wren
    6 points
  2. Also wanted that 100% then gave mastermode a bad try But playing in master really forces you to learn the notes. Might go for that 100% later. Can't let @Telboy win all the MM challenges.
    3 points
  3. 3 points
  4. some scores, :P got my own score as @@Angelina27 unwilling to share nice streak i thought my poor old hands hurt now :( @@MaZtoR please beat my Elastica score ;)
    2 points
  5. Forgot to post my bass score from yesterday. And rhythm
    2 points
  6. Oopsie daisy! Thanks for noticing.
    2 points
  7. I'm moving on saturday and taking my bass to the new place tomorrow. So had to make today's bass playing count! http://u.meelo.org/.rocksmith/week304/bass/m01.png http://u.meelo.org/.rocksmith/week304/bass/m02.png http://u.meelo.org/.rocksmith/week304/bass/m03.png http://u.meelo.org/.rocksmith/week304/bass/m04.png And finally 100 %. http://u.meelo.org/.rocksmith/week304/bass/m05.png Playthrough video (of 100 %): I hate myself for stumbling my way through the phrase before the short intermission, but whatcha gonna do.
    1 point
  8. P.S. my Eagles Lead Score flattered me, it sounded a lot worse than the score suggests :wacko:
    1 point
  9. Stupid X, anyway i did good job on this, fun song to play
    1 point
  10. @@Angelina27 can I have your score please ;)
    1 point
  11. some scores unusually for a Tuesday i got an hour of playing, and a little Metallica as i am always listening to them :rolleyes: i did get through with no X's but the score was shit so i'll suffer the embarrassment of the X's for the better score. if i only had more time .........
    1 point
  12. @@Angelina27 Seems so. I prefer my own scores and I have not tried rhythm yet. I have tried lead guitar SA. The cross happened in the starting rhythm-like arpeggio section. Edit: Likewise for Bonus Lead:
    1 point
  13. Hey guys, small mistake........It looks like my score was given to Anwyn. Thanks in advance.
    1 point
  14. Oh Yes, Elastica again, love it MM challenge anyone ? how about a little Elastica Rhythm MM i better start playing this weeks songs that i don't know :huh:
    1 point
  15. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/780732374531121401/065D09A81552394F340BB8C2094E5A035D3B550E/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/780732374532333549/8CFFBDEE896047B342DCB243872240A2DEFDA672/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/780732839124081553/248DB88ADA98F7B8944A5D36CA1823A79658CBC3/
    1 point
  16. A couple easy ways to convert to gp5 from different types of files: Online converter for gpx, ptb, midi, etc (nothing to download or install): http://www.webtabplayer.com/ Directions for using Tuxguitar (needs a small free add-on but very easy): http://www.wikihow.c...-Tuxguitar-1.2) I've heard reports that webtabplayer.com can produce errors in conversions, but I haven't had any yet.
    1 point
  17. did you try to use "Save as" in Tuxguitar and export it as gp5? The midi import in EOF is probably only for midi files from guitar hero and rockband.
    1 point
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