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  2. How did you get this to work on steam deck ? Im also having trouble getting cdlc to install.
  3. Hi! Is there any new regarding public or at lest developer api of Ignition? It would be so great, that after this years in this direction would be some steps taken. Thank you! ps.: under developer api I mean, that the api is not public, but some dedicated applications could reach it. The apps will be developed by external, also non CF devs.
  4. Sad News man we are all grateful for the work you do here, take as much time as you need, And Condolences to you and your family.
  5. My condolences for your loss. I wish you peace and comfort in this period of grief.
  6. So sorry to hear about your dad, my thoughts are with you and your family.
  7. Thx @ aNDESmASAMUNE great songs! My Dad died all of a sudden last week. Saddest days of my life. I´ll try to give the songs a shot what will serve as some sort of distraction hopefully, and i´ll be around, but surely less in the next weeks and i won´t be on top of my performance orgawise eventually. Rod.
  8. Эх.. жаль тут вроде глуховато.. но на всякий напишу вопрос.. мало ли кто делал.. Видел в CDLC Стигматы - Сентябрь горит.. русский язык. Удивился.. Проблема возникает при импортировании текстовика в EOF... кодировка UTF-8. И в редакторе уже текст русский превращается в тыкву. Как бы вот этого избежать, знает ли кто, мало ли?
  9. First results: Failed a note right at the end... This one will test my resiliency with all those alternating 1st and 3rd frets on different strings (my hand starts to ache at the middle of the song) Seems doable to me.
  10. Thanks for adding this week too. I catched a cold last week so I restart from this week. Maybe....it will be difficult week for me.
  11. Noooooo!! My precious...My precious trophy. You tooks it from me @ Mikson
  12. HI EVERYONE! Winners list have been updated, since there were last minutes scores that weren't taken into account right before I started this week.
  13. would you be able to do the bass section for into the light from bocchi? it's the only bocchi that doesn't have a bass section 🥲

  14. I haven't heard the song before but with the tone of the bass and the bassline, it was clear it had to be Thundercat playing it. I would have been surprised if it turned out to be anyone else
  15. Do you have compatibility mode enabled or anything similar? That can cause that issue.
  16. cool week! dont usually tend to enjoy newer songs from bands but this one was pretty good although the chorus does seem very familiar so maybe thats why i enjoyed it iconic song!! though i think mustve grown up with a shortened version /edit cause it felt like it dragged on more than i remembered it. not too sure how to play the upper half of the guitar part...find the bend kinda awkward not used to bending double stops like that not sure how i would either xD so if anyones got tips thatd be nice. cause usually i just bend the string that is on the thicker string not the thinner one.. never knew the name to this song but ive heard it alot and seen the videos of them playing it on yt feed a bit. glad to play it got a good bass line. the upper riff caught me offguard but its doable with practice..and the rest of the song is pretty easy. / this one also seemed doable but i did a bad job at eye sight. i think this one is easier too 99+ than the love shack one for rhythm path (altho thats cause i dont get how to play love shack) solo seems to be straight forwardish but a couple of bends so well see later on if i can up it
  17. Yesterday
  18. Lol. You wrote earlier that you would let us know before you start preparing for the new week and now you have come out with a new week completely by surprise. Anyway, it looks like I got the scores just in time, so please update the winners list.
  19. huh odd i was just thinking of lvoeshack the other day ! cool to see it hopefully itll be fun to play
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