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  1. Today
  2. Not my best all time runs of these, but still fun
  3. I was trying to score above 99% on all bass tracks, didn't think this would be the most frustrating one..
  4. Gawd I love you right now. It has been weeks since I have downloaded anything because I lost my spot where I was at, and scrolling through 50+ pages to preview songs I don't need to explain. Many thanks.
  5. Welcome to the forum. You are doing well so far. You are out of luck. It is listed on Ignition so that people such as yourself who are looking for the song know that it was an (original) DLC. Your question has been asked several times for various songs several times over. It is disappointing I know, I have missed songs (Freebird), nor am I going to purchase every single DLC released. Please read this: And take time to familiarize yourself with these: https://customsforge.com/index.php?/guidelines/ your alternatives is to use Youtube as Riff Repeater has posted almost every DLC that there was as a play through. You just will not have feed back but the song is in a format you will be familiar with. Sounds daunting, overwhelming, and or perhaps impossible, but your other choice is to use the resources on this site and chart the song for your own PERSONAL use. Distribution is prohibited and will get you banned from this site and the 67,000+ songs on here. Once you learn how to chart songs, you can chart other songs that are not DLC and provide them to the community. Again, welcome to the site!
  6. Hi all, i'm new to this forum and my english is not that good so i hope this post could be understendable. I'm looking for a nickelback's song named how you remind me. I've found it on ignition but it's an original dlc from steam, and i can't buy it anymore since it was removed from the store. Anyone can help me?
  7. I added both of your classes. Should be reflected sooner or later in the leatherboard...
  8. Very late, but finally I corrected it! I got COVID... so I will skip this week, eventhough I am hosting it.... Don't feel like playing....
  9. The timing on your post is crazy...so we updated the backend which broke that feature for the longest time (we announced we're waiting on an update from them on this), and just now it was fixed. Should be good to go
  10. Here's a link to the missing Oasis song, if anyone is interested.
  11. Yesterday
  12. Nice and simple request, just to be able to search for a specific page number, as i sometimes used to mark down what page i got e.g page 87, and later on may continue from there onwards, but it seems you can't go to a specific page anymore just 1 - 5, then 6,7,8,9, am i missing something or ? if you can it would be massively appreciated!
  13. not so great scores but that's it this week!
  14. GreatNewHope

    Math Rock

    This genre counts with incredible bands: toe, a picture of her, 3nd, LITE, Elephant Gym, This Town Needs Guns, Totorro, Uchu Conbini, Covet, tide/edit, Via Luna, Stage Kids, Delta Sleep, tricot, Chon, Tom's Story... I would like to aggregate in this thread all the content that we might have about this genre in Customsforge. Some of the bands I mentioned above have some good content: Delta Sleep (pretty well covered), Covet, Elephant Gym But there are other bands that do not have any content: Totorro, a picture of her, 3nd, Stage Kids I will try to upload songs on this genre. Users that upload CDLCs on math rock As far as I know, users @ Bigle , @ Alex360 , @ suuN , @ Lil Ramen Noodle , @ Sammerh , @ Senketsu , @ shhx , @ smelliott , @ TitimanTejas , @ JimboSupreme and @ GutturalSlams are users worth keeping an eye on in Ignition4. They are good charters and upload (among other things) relevant math rock charts.
  15. I'm late to the party! Work and sickness.. worst combo ever I've done the Sabaton album a 84% lead (my bad sightreading) but accidentally deleted the screenshot, and other from this week while cleaning up the folder I will surely redo all of them In the meantime, is the rhythm riff of Porch transcribed right? It seems to me that is not synced (and also not totally correct)
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