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  1. Today
  2. Rocksmith1 is no longer available in steam or anywhere else, so can someone pls make Plugin Baby for Rocksmith remastered or upload a copy of it?
  3. so cool to see anther Sparton song here again. Actually I play this and some others with my new fretless bass. It's pure fun, and in Rocksmith it is a big intonation challenge for me. I recorded a playthrough with the fretless, don't care about scores and it's nicer to watch in learn a song. I also will try the master mode later. I recommend to start the song with fingers, and for the second part continue with a pick.
  4. multiplayer session with @ zbb on bass, fun selection of songs
  5. Done! Thanks again, you're a star!
  6. Yesterday
  7. Be interesting to see peoples thoughts of the rating on Judas priest , As It is well above my level but tried to rate as best I could.
  8. Rhythm The last time I played this song was probably 2-3 years ago. It was good to remember that. Maybe 6.5 instead of 7. If anyone thinks so, let me know.
  9. From testing/previous playing Lead @ fripponomic Another cool song from your band. This is one of the ones that I like more because I like such tunes, calm atmospheric sound of the verses and the stronger chorus and solo! I played this a long time ago, so instead of looking for an old scrren, I played it again. This is a song where the bass chart is much more interesting than the guitar, but it also sounds good. From the new album. Difficult for me, like most Judas songs. This may even be 8.5.
  10. thanks @ Mikson for saving once again the week! kudos. my usual (bad) sightreading
  11. Ok I'll reactivate my steam account if I can remember my password download my original version and try again, thanks again for your much appreciated input.
  12. Will also not work on a version "downloaded from another source". You will have to make a decision. Do you wish to use the cdlc or the unlicensed dlc. If you wish to use the cdlc, very very simple way to get it to work. Download Steam and Rocksmith 2014 that you already own on to the new machine. If you already own it, you can simply download it to the new machine, then use the enabler or .dll
  13. You can still download it if you own it, you just can’t buy it, I believe.
  14. Thankyou for your input and I'll heed your warning, But for FYI I do have a genuine steam original Rocksmith 2014 on my other laptop but as it had no dedicated graphics card I have recently upgraded my machine, as I heard that steam have stopped you from downloading RS14 as a view to selling their RS+ so technically if I already own RS14 then it's not really classed as a copyright infringement but I understand you have certain rules and policy procedures, so I apologise unreservedly. I will try and download the dll, file and see if that works, thanks again.
  15. Grazie ma mi servirebbero i file guitar pro … qualcuno l ho riscritto io ma è un lavoraccio così mo piano piano vedo che posso fare
  16. This is for the recently updated bass-only CDLC (by Slick Willy).
  17. @ jimmy655 @ AndreCardoso and other bass players who have already downloaded it. In the Marillion song I added that there is a different CDLC for bass, and I put the same link as for guitar (stupid), so please download it again.
  18. First results: I missed a note (I think) Have to repeat the transition. I think I can improve it. Overall, this week seems I don't have issues in the songs, so I can only blame myself
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