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About ziuber18

  • Birthday 01/01/1988

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  • Guitar
    Apocalypse Special

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  1. Happy Birthday ziuber18!

  2. Happy Birthday ziuber18!

  3. Well I sure do. I was thinking about a different approach than what phase shift offers. More like a tool for learning playing drums rather than another guitar hero/rock band clone.
  4. Hi, I'm working on a game similar to rocksmith but for drums and I would like to use the same eof that we all use for rocksmith. Can I request a couple of tweaks for the editor (or at least the source code of the current version of eof)?
  5. Hi, a few days ago I started having some problems with CF - I can't follow topics and my notifications won't go away after I view them. Anyone had similar problems? This is hapening both on firefox and chrome.
  6. The song is called "Lukrecja: by Monstrum. Here's what is sounds like: and here you can find my tab and mp3: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/pm3vjlybw2kj7/Lukrecja
  7. Hi, does anybody know a place where people can help me with my tab? I tabbed a song and I have a feeling it's not acucurate but I can't quite put my finger on it. Can I post it on here or should I try somewhere else? If you know such place please let me know.
  8. Thanks for the answer. Knowing properties of a source image (such as resolution) is vital for injecting custom ones. Also, thanks for the tip about using CST Packer/Unpacker - i found localization file so maybe I will be able to localize R2014 to my mother language.
  9. umm... where does it unpack image files from Image Injector?
  10. Polish translator here. Contact me if you need me.
  11. Could you please share Tom Petty's Good Enough? When I open the tab in GP it comes with an error and it's useless.
  12. Hi, I'm trying to tab a "delayed slide" in EOF and it's just doesn't work. I want a single note sustain for some time and then an unpitched slide. How should it look like in EOF?
  13. Hi all, I just made my fourth CDLC for rocksmith 2014 and I came across strange bug. Despite me having difficulty level set to 100% on the whole song and having 97% accuracy, my mastery reaches up to 50% on lead arragement and 40 on rhytm. I think the problem is with difficulty levels because my previous CDLC's had DD created by DD creator and in this song I made difficulty levels by hand. On rhytm I have supereasy, easy, medium and amazing difficulties. On lead - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (there's also 0 but I have nothing in there). I'm sure someone also came across this king of problem. Please, share the solution.
  14. Thank you. It wasn't in the tutorials I watched. It works now.
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