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I was just able to complete my first CDLC attempt using Firekorn's excellent tutorial, very nearly what I want first time around. Did notice a small problem though.


My first section starts with the music, which I've labelled 'no guitar' since I'm doing a baseline and the bass doesn't start until 4 measures later. At that point, I have 'verse', with phrase 'Picture' and later on the phrase 'Somebody' (bassline to Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, FYI).


It all plays fine in RS, but for some reason, the first two notes of 'Somebody' (D7 and D5) are separated from the rest of the phrase in RR, and I can't figure out why....?


Any suggestions? Much appreciated!



(I did take two relevant snapshots, but I feel like an idiot, I can't for the life of me figure out how to add them in here, though I've done it before, long ago.... on a Mac, if that matters.... I would think 'image' icon above, but what do I put in URL? I tried the path to the file... doesn't seem to work.... My Media? if so, how do I upload that?)





UPDATE: I decided to go on to the next thing, as I didn't like the automatic fingering (for better or worse) generated by EOF, and deleted the fret hand positions and set up my own.


Once I did that, the phrases seem to behave as expected.


That's good... but if someone can educate me on the nature of the problem, it would still be worth understanding better :)


Did you set phrases in Editor on Fire yourself?   


If you didn't then it kind of randomly splits things up.   You have to manually click on the timeline and enter sections.   (Intro, Verse, PreChorus etc).   You can't just click on the song anywhere like you can with tone changes, you have to click up top on the timeline on a beat marker.



'From first to last, the peak is never passed. Something always fires the light that gets in your eyes.'


Thanks for the response. Yes, I did originally click on the beats (and put the cursor there for good measure) and used add section and make a phrase, first time around, as you suggest in your image (how did you do that??). Then I thought it was because I'd missed Firekorn's comment that there needed to be one empty measure ahead of the music, so I let EOF split the leading blank into measures to get around that, didn't make a difference. So far as I could see only the first two notes were problematic.


As I say, as far as I can see, the problem went away when I deleted the automated fret hand positions (I had coded fingerings for each note). But you do confirm that I did the phrasing part correctly, thanks!


ADDENDUM: although it didn't seem to work in (Mac) Safari, I was able to drag-and-drop images to a new post here using Firefox. But when I attempted to post, the whole thing just got thrown away. Something fishy here.... Tried on Windows Firefox, too. Tried to contact staff under Help, gets me an error. Not able to PM anyone either. I'm guessing the site isn't stable at the moment, somehow....

  • Administrator

A link to the file could really help understand what you are seeing and what might not be set properly. And for posting picture, better to use imgur or other hosting site and just linking to it here.

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Firekorn's workshop
In Flames Discography



Even though it seems like you should be able to put images in posts here it doesn't work for me either.


To post images here I have to link them from elsewhere (imgur) click this thingy and paste in the URL.



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'From first to last, the peak is never passed. Something always fires the light that gets in your eyes.'


Totally understood. Just couldn't figure out how to do it! Thanks, guys.

So here are images for the notes I was talking about (though, as I say, they seem to work now...; but there might be other problems and maybe it's not really fixed?)





And link to the latest .eof file, which so far seems to work though the only thing I did, AFAIK, was manually update the fret hand info:



@@firekorn knows this stuff better than I do for sure, but here's what I do (just from the picture not seen the EOF yet).


I delete extra phrases like "picture somebody".  All that I have left are the ones for verse chorus etc and all my events lists are only the PS ones (exception is count but I only use that one once).   


I'd suggest deleting those extra phrases because as far as I know they don't do anything but might cause problems.


If you mean for them to be the lyrics know that the lyrics go elsewhere (on the lyric track)...

'From first to last, the peak is never passed. Something always fires the light that gets in your eyes.'


Ah, I put those in deliberately so that I could break down the sections further for the RR. I'm expecting that instead of having to practice a long section I can then practice each of the subphrases. I have to admit i didn't check carefully (yet) whether this is in fact what happens, as I was horsing around trying to figure out the original problem, but I'll look tomorrow. In many CDLCs I've downloaded, I find it frustrating that some of the units in the RR are so long. After all, you can practice more than one at a time, so it makes sense to me to break them down if we can.


I do appreciate the feedback. No, it's ok, I understand about the lyrics, I've not got to that yet. This is just so that I can keep track of where the phrases are in the song. Firekorn's tutorial suggests that the names don't serve any other purpose.


Thanks again :)

  • Administrator

Alright, time to talk about DD and specifically DDC settings.


There's two drop down options which aren't really the core of the issue here but that are probably worth a quick explanation :

Rampage : Define the general DDC process that will be applied (default is the standard DD creation, remover remove DD and the other are specific conditions in regards to chord). General is the only one worth using when making CDLC.
Config File : It allow to make fine tuning on the DD creation in regards to the algorithm, the default isn't too bad but i would tend to suggest to use the Keep All Level file to have a more granular progression with DD that would make it slightly closer to oDLC standard. It won't be perfect but it's better than default.


All of those don't really cause your specific "issue" though. The last settings that matters is the "Phrase Length". I think the name speak by itself relatively well but to make it simple : it's the number of measure DDC will put in a single phrase, not one more.


If that settings is lower than your own defined phrases/sections, then you'll end up with new phrases set in places where you have not set any yourself so you'll end up with extra phrases around.

Firekorn's workshop
In Flames Discography



@@firekorn Thanks for this, I was going to ask about DD next.


Since yesterday, I decided that maybe the problem was because I had started importing an existing CDLC so I could learn how it looked in EOF, but EOF threw a lot away so it was no good. I deleted the bass track and made my own, adjusted the tempo, etc. I decided maybe there was a lot of garbage left. So today I built a new EOF file from scratch and copied in the relevant stuff from the old file only. That solved the phrase problem: beautiful, just one little bug.


There are NOGUITAR sections before the chorus, which I labelled, but the last note of the phrase gets dropped in RR. Not sure why; I shortened the last note so it wouldn't touch the boundary, but it didn't work :(


Image of the problem note A5 (yellow); it was a full beat but I shortened it since, no help:




Image showing the events, it's the last note of the Look phrase:



Link to the EOF. Anyway, on the whole this is much cleaner. I was going to redo the lead guitar anyway. I have this under PART_REAL_BASS. (Not sure what BASS22 is for....)


Slowly but surely :) Thanks! (Mean time I will look at those settings you mention.)


Hmm. Ok, I guess. It is in fact the first note of a measure, though, already; it fills the whole last measure of the section. BUT there is a change in time signature starting with that note. So I guess it's a kind of no-notes-land :) Thanks for the pointer.


Anyway, I guess if it's unavoidable it's a pretty small problem, really. Playing a single whole note is not that hard!


So I'll go on to the next task, then. Appreciate the input, as always.

  • Administrator

well, there is ways around it like using an alternate tool for DD creation : http://customsforge.com/topic/46864-ddc-improver-tool-windows-mac-and-linux/


But in your case, i would not even suggest to put a no guitar section there, if it's empty for less than a full measure, it's probably not worth doing so.

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Firekorn's workshop
In Flames Discography



Understood, you make a good point. I'll think on it. I'm one of those silly purists who let's theory get in the way of practice :)


@@firekorn Don't have so much time now, classes have started so I have to make lots of lessons for my students.


But I did just check out the DDC Improver. Thanks for pointing me to that, it did fix the problem :) Very cool!


(BTW I'm on Mac but I have a Windows 10 VM under Parallels. It's a little fidgety at times, especially to configure these things initially, but they have worked well so far.)


Seems like I've noticed a strange thing with this version, though. Even though I make mistakes in RR, it levels me up. Is that possible? If it's something I did wrong, what do I look for? I don't recall this happening before I ran the Improver....


Ok. I changed nothing from before except that I used the Improver. I will not worry about it too much for now. I also have a bit of a timing issue in some places (having a hard time getting the precision right in some places) but I think I will do the lead part next, because it might be easier to fix the timing there.


(I assume that I can adjust the time map in the lead section and that it will adjust the notes in the bass section too if I do that?)

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