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play in background


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i want to play my beloved cdlc's in the background as a playlist while i am cleaning or studying ,etc.

the rs nonstopplay asks for tunning and it stops the fluency so i need to go and press the non tunning button and i tried to put it in disconected mode but then it asks to press enter when you are tuned so it is not good.

the songs manager only lays one at the time.

yes i know i can download it in any other format but why if allready have the song?

is there any psarc media player or some way to do it?

i hope this not another stupid question and sorry if my english was not to clear.


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If you have internet connection, I think you should create a youtube playlist

Check out my Custom Inlays topic here

Customize those dots at fret 3, 5, 7,... with your favourite band logo!

Check out my Youtube channel here

Rock, Punk and Metal Rocksmith playthroughs, Just Dance Audio Swaps and Synthesia Piano Plays

 Rise Against DG - ADTR DG - Enter Shikari DG

Beartooth DG - Senses Fail DG - Just Dance Topic


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i knew someone will say that eventually.

but in fact it is somehow a music sharing site and the cdlc's are made from mp3's and author's rights are kind of being violated anyway .

what is really the difference if i play one at the time or as a playlist?

i don't see a reason to have the same music twice in two different formats and use twice the space in my hard disk.

anyway i allready mentioned that my question may be a stupid one and i guess it is..jjj

what i do is put the nonstopplay in the background by tunning so i only have to  tune the first song.

but i wanted it shuffled.

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  • Administrator

@ we are sharing CDLC for educational purpose, not for listening to the music but to play alongside it.


The point of being able to hear the music file in a CDLC via CFSM is to be able to correct the overall volume of your library or to have an idea of what the song is so there's no need for a continuous play mode.


Your best option is really to use system that are designed for this like spotify/youtube or any other music playback website or software.

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