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Rocksmith Cablle Suddenly Started Making a Bigç Buzz Noise



hi everyone the problem i'm getting since yesterday is that my rocksmith realtone cable is making an enormous buzz, i know its the cable because it does it even if the bass isn't plugged i tried to play like this but its really annoying(and loud) what weirdens me out is that it wasn't something progressive, the day prior i played for hours and i had no trouble or any buzzing at all, i tried by cleaning it, setting it in other usb port but nothing changed, i dont know what to do?


buying the replacement is not an option as they are overpriced as hell where i live(my friend wanted one and the cheapest one was like 90 dollars)

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Sounds like you've damaged the cable shielding at some point and there's a short between the signal conductor and ground. If you can solder, you can attach a female socket onto the AD connector and just use a regular guitar cable. That would be much cheaper than 90$, or use Amazon/EBay


Sent from my HTC One M9 using Tapatalk

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Sounds like you've damaged the cable shielding at some point and there's a short between the signal conductor and ground. If you can solder, you can attach a female socket onto the AD connector and just use a regular guitar cable. That would be much cheaper than 90$, or use Amazon/EBay


Sent from my HTC One M9 using Tapatalk


I think i might do this

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