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Why is there not more Grateful Dead?



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Grateful Dead songs are inherently tricky to translate from recording to notation and especially tricky to translate back into action, so that's why. Also, there might be a lot of tabs out there but not too many good GP files which most people use as their starting point for customs. I have two song books and I still wanna release a few more GD customs but it takes way more time and work than other songs, so I usually put it off. :)

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Alludog thanks for all your work, I am hoping you are not still putting off those grateful dead songs because I really want to see them, especially something besides the 5 or 6 generic radio songs.  I really would be happy with the easy rhythm parts from some of the slower songs (think acoustic campfire stuff like High Time etc.)  but unfortunately I have been trying to learn how to make a custom but it seems way beyond my computer skills. Really hope someone with more skill than me will step up one day soon , I envision a list of 30 or 40 songs one day.   I can't pay for songs that would go against the rules but would be willing to donate a pledge for each song created to custom forge coffers, any takers ?

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Sorry to disappoint you but for the time being I have stopped making customs, especially those that need a lot of work (like GD songs).

I honestly don't have the time for it and I don't have the same motivation as before, so I rather focus on my own music for now but I might eventually return if I feel like it.

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