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There's a massive amount of CDLC out there... but I'm wondering if there's some recommendations for ones that:


- Work in the current version of RM2014 Remastered (as of the Nov 6th patch)

- Without the 100% bug

- Have a Mac version

- Are at least as good as official DLC quality

  - ..or better - maybe made from multitracks instead of the just the stereo 

- Only care about lead guitar part

- Don't care about dynamic difficulty

- Any genre - punk, rock, metal, jazz


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How can you say "at least as good as official DLC quality" followed by "don't care about dynamic difficulty"?


Makes no sense...


Just to point out that anyone can take any (previously working) custom and update it to work with Remastered with a few clicks of the button in the Toolkit, so you need not restrict yourself to newer or updated customs - you can update any yourself.



To this end I highly recommend some of my own customs.  You can fill your boots with









Don't blame me when your fingers bleed :D

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How can you say "at least as good as official DLC quality" followed by "don't care about dynamic difficulty"?


Makes no sense...


Well, I always set max override to 100% - not that I'm great, but I'd rather slog through the Riff Repeater at 10% speed playing the real song than nail an "easy' version.  



Just to point out that anyone can take any (previously working) custom and update it to work with Remastered with a few clicks of the button in the Toolkit, so you need not restrict yourself to newer or updated customs - you can update any yourself.




I've never had any luck with the toolkit... Can't get it installed on Mac, and running both the last stable and beta toolkits in a VM to try and convert seems to mangle the CDLCs - slides turn into just notes, chords get messed up, etc...  I'd rather just find ones that already end with "_m.psarc" and work :D 




To this end I highly recommend some of my own customs.  You can fill your boots with


Don't blame me when your fingers bleed :D


 Those look sweet!  Maybe I'll have to try this conversion thing again...

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