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Is there a tutorial for editing the note tabulature of an existing CDLC?  The two things I'd most like to do are:  1)  change the string on which certain notes are played, and  2)  change which note is played (i.e., changing the pitch of the note but not the timing) to correct errors.   


I know there are tutorials for creating a CDLC from scratch, but I'm hoping it may be simpler to just edit the notes of an existing CDLC.  What software programs would this require?


13 answers to this question

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I'd still argue that it takes less time to unpack and import an existing CDLC into EOF than to author everything from scratch. One limitation though is that certain things won't survive the import.

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I'd still argue that it takes less time to unpack and import an existing CDLC into EOF than to author everything from scratch. One limitation though is that certain things won't survive the import.

Are "EOF" and "Rocksmith Toolkit" the only programs needed to edit the tabulature of an existing CDLC?


What things may not survive the import process?

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@@MJS888 - When you unpack (or import the package. What's left from that seems somewhat more convenient, honestly) you get the .wem so you don't need Wwise, so I'm pretty sure you only need those two programs.


A lot of chord techniques get missed because the techniques can apply to only certain notes in the chord. I think palm mutes now survive, but lots of things like unison bends, slides, and things like that will get missed.


Also, this post made me realize that it would be pretty easy (at least for me) to include the notes.eof file in the download folder, as on its own it's pretty small. Get the .ogg from unpacking the .psarc and then anyone who wants to edit it has exactly what I used to author it. Probably will try to go through and add it to my download folders for my DLC.

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@@MJS888 - When you unpack (or import the package. What's left from that seems somewhat more convenient, honestly) you get the .wem so you don't need Wwise, so I'm pretty sure you only need those two programs.


A lot of chord techniques get missed because the techniques can apply to only certain notes in the chord. I think palm mutes now survive, but lots of things like unison bends, slides, and things like that will get missed.


Also, this post made me realize that it would be pretty easy (at least for me) to include the notes.eof file in the download folder, as on its own it's pretty small. Get the .ogg from unpacking the .psarc and then anyone who wants to edit it has exactly what I used to author it. Probably will try to go through and add it to my download folders for my DLC.


Thanks for your response (which I partially understood).  Since I'm focused on learning the bass, the loss of chord techniques may not be an issue; I've only encountered two-note chords with no particular technique specified.  The loss of slides would be a bigger issue.  Are they easy to re-insert?
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@@MJS888 - Sorry, I didn't mean all slides fail to import, just ones that happen in chords, since sometimes different fingers travel different amounts.


Anyway, most people don't chart slides well (it often requires changing things significantly from how they import, mostly due to inadequately detailed GP authoring), so I consider most slides to be an indicator that "there is a slide of some sort on this note or one of the neighboring ones) and ignore most of the details with regards to timing, whether it's a slide in or out, or whatever.

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@@raynebc you do gain some time of some aspect of it but taking on someone work might bring more trouble than doing it yourself depending on quality.


What i would tend to suggest is ask for the original file first and hope, then either built it from scratch or unpack it depending on how familiar you are with the tools.


You don't need anything more than EOF and the toolkit no matter what if you are using uptodate tools.


One thing that bother me with unpacking CDLC is if there was DD included, it could be easily problematic to work with it at first if you have no experience in EOF.

Firekorn's workshop
In Flames Discography


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I am facing the exact same problem right now; I simply want to move a few notes around. I have unpacked the archive using the tool, imported the relevant track and made my changes. Can I use the packer feature of the Toolkit to reassemble the archive or do I need to use the creator? (I am already assuming the latter, since my attempts with the packer failed. But then I would be curious to know what the packer is used for.) Thank you for any help or advice!

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Thank you!

Assuming I wanted to make the changes by hand, what would that entail? Since you are saying manually, I suppose I could not use the EditorOnFire for that? What other files would I need to update?

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  • Administrator

For using the packing function you would need to update the sng files containing the chart information. Unless you know the structure of those file it would be a pain in the ass to make change correctly. Better stick to EOF and using the toolkit to make the sng file and the packing process at the same time using the creator tab.

Firekorn's workshop
In Flames Discography


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Thanks again, and forgive me for being relentless :), but could I not use EOF to do the editing, save it, take the arrangement's XML file, use the toolkit's XML to SNG converter and then repack? I remember that the toolkit even has an option to update SNGs when packing (but that always failed for me). Mainly, I am trying to understand where (and why) this approach would fail, since it would spare me the work of having to reenter information etc.

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Most information are entered automatically in the toolkit if the EOF project is correctly done so going through the sng convertion seems like a lot of wasted time when creating the package is faster.


Overall you could use EOF then convert the xml to sng and repack it but since the toolkit is not stable on every single aspect, i wouldn't trust the all the option it gives.

Firekorn's workshop
In Flames Discography


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