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Which folder contains tones ?



I made a custom tone in RS,but i don't know which folder contains the saved tone.Where is it?

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it looks like the profile you choose didn't had any custom tone saved to it. Since you have multiple profile save, you might have choosen the wrong one.

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Firekorn's workshop
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It's in the profile save located in steam/userdata/"whatevernumber"/221680/remote and it's the file ending with PRFLDB

gr8! And how can i import it into RS toolkit? Because those files have weird names and i didn't find any option to import it.

My Customs


The reasons why most of my customs are not updated yet:

1.)I'm lazy to do it because I have no motivation for it

2.)I'm not at my computer

3.)I'm working on a song that I haven't made it yet

4.)I don't have any song to work on it




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Not working,when i searced the folder it says there is no file in it(while importing)



My Customs


The reasons why most of my customs are not updated yet:

1.)I'm lazy to do it because I have no motivation for it

2.)I'm not at my computer

3.)I'm working on a song that I haven't made it yet

4.)I don't have any song to work on it




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Right next to the name field in the explorer window you can change the filter for file. change it and you'll find the files.



Edit:now what is this? http://oi67.tinypic.com/rkvty1.jpg

My Customs


The reasons why most of my customs are not updated yet:

1.)I'm lazy to do it because I have no motivation for it

2.)I'm not at my computer

3.)I'm working on a song that I haven't made it yet

4.)I don't have any song to work on it




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it looks like the profile you choose didn't had any custom tone saved to it. Since you have multiple profile save, you might have choosen the wrong one.

Oh yes how stupid i am thanks! Now theres only a few problem to take care of.

My Customs


The reasons why most of my customs are not updated yet:

1.)I'm lazy to do it because I have no motivation for it

2.)I'm not at my computer

3.)I'm working on a song that I haven't made it yet

4.)I don't have any song to work on it




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lol sorry...i did the exact same things as above to find a saved tone i had that i'd like to attach to my personal cdlc and didn;t think i needed to bore you by retyping the steps

the last guy posted this at the end of his post





the problem was not that, I think they have solved.



I was hoping he could shed some light on why he got the error or how "they" got it solved

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@@buzz maybe i could help, but without any kind of information like which version of the toolkit do you use.


Saying that you did the same thing and got the exact same error brings close to no information at all and as far as i know or i'm aware, there's no issue with importing tone in the latest beta and i did that yesterday without issue...

Firekorn's workshop
In Flames Discography


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