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I'm getting an error when I try to generate the PS3 & XBox files for one of my CDLC.  This is the first time I have experienced this.  Before posting I verified my Java was up to date, it is version 8 (build 1.8.0_66-b18).  Here is my project folder, and here is the error:

Any help anyone can give is appreciated.


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Hi Alex360,


On the next song I updated I had the same issue, but this time it only failed on the PS3 file generation. Please let me know if you need to see my project folder for this one too.


I appreciate your help.  :)

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@@Tysylio, sorry, but all I can do is to add more sanity checks, Issue is that you've got old an old wwise which produce 2 extra blocks in wem file, so converter fail to pass them (blocks "Junk" and "akd" which useless to RS) have you tried new toolkit with wwise auto convert support? You can use wwise 2015 it's small fast and nice :P (feel like you've got 2011 ish one?)

Also you've got no templates(push "save template" before generate, autosaving was pulled out long time ago for converting things) for this cdlc so I readded all the info again, rhythm has -2 at 2 low strings which is missprint to me...

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Hi @@Alex360, you were correct about my Wwise, I was using 2013.  I have upgraded to 2015.  I haven't tried the auto convert support yet, but all of my creation tools are now current (EoF build 1-21-2016, & Toolkit version  I recreated my wem files, and resaved my EoF files with the new version, and tried regenerating DDC.  When I did that I got this error:


Here is the contents of the log file:

==   D D C   P R O C E S S   S T E P S                                                            ==

2016-01-22 12:57:24
      => 22 ms
01. Check the input parameters
      => 0 ms
02. Load the configuration file
      => 1 ms
03. Load the XML ramp-up model
      => 1 ms
04. Load useful informations from the XML input file
      => 4 ms
    - Song informations
      => 0 ms
    - Measures and ebeats
      => 8 ms
    - Sections
      ==> WARNING : Section noguitar (4.803) doesn't start on the main beat of a measure (new time : 3.806)
      => 1 ms
    - Phrase iterations as subsections
      ==> WARNING : Phrase Iteration (4.803) doesn't start on the main beat of a measure (new time : 3.806)
      => 0 ms
    - Chord templates
      => 0 ms
    - Anchors
      => 0 ms
    - Handshapes
      => 0 ms
    - Notes
      ==> ERROR : The first note (68.372) has a time position lower than the first anchor (210.152)

I looked again in EoF, but I don't know what it means by "The first note (68.372) has a time position lower than the first anchor (210.152)".  I've checked the anchors in the EoF chart, and there are many before the first note on the bass track.  Could this be due to some change in the DDC logic?  I remember reading a post from @@Rockfirstlast in the 'Latest EoF Release' post by @@raynebc, (see page 72) about an issue he had that was causing the fret hand position to jump around...?  :unsure:


I was unsure if this is independent of the other issue, so I tried to recreate the CDLC with no DDC, and it failed again, but for some reason, I was able to generate for XBox.  It only failed for PS3 when I tried this song before, all the 6 or 7 CDLC I have worked on since, have successfully generated XBox files.  This is the new error, I think its the same as the old one, but only for PS3:



Regarding the tuning on Rhythm with the 2 lowest strings tuned to -2, that is correct, it is a G6 tuning, D-G-d-g-b-e.


Please find my new project file here.


Thanks again for your help!

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