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I'm assuming I can't alter CDLC in any way?



Note: I'm not trying to sound like an ungrateful piece of crap or a music snob/know-it-all. I am genuinely thankful that I get to add all of these songs to 'Rocksmith 2014' and thank all of the authors and developers who have made this possible.

I finally got around to learning about CustomsForge and installing CDLC yesterday. The very first thing I searched for was Metallica's "Fade To Black" and, low and behold, there it was (three times, even). I immediately went to the most downloaded version and got it up and running, but once I let the song play in-game, I was a bit disappointed and went into nitpick mode.


In short, is there any way to easily alter the tones and/or notes in a given CDLC? The main reason is because I'd have to play notes/chords that I believe to be incorrect in order to get 100% on a song and the O.C.D. is not happy about it, lol. Seeing an almost full barre chord in a Metallica song where I don't think there should be one is really weird, among other things.


I'm guessing the answer is "No" and that I'll either have to deal with it or delete it, but I'm grateful for any assistance on the matter!

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@@Metallica93 - First, I can't speak to the quality of the different versions of the Fade to Black CDLCs, but I will say if there are multiple versions having more downloads doesn't mean it's greater quality. Sometimes it just means it was here first, and then becomes the first one people try because it has the most downloads.


You can make changes to other people's CDLC, but depending on the changes you want to make, it can vary between pretty simple to quite laborious.


Simple changes: tones, scroll speeds, tunings. These can all be done using the Toolkit, importing the package, and editing the tones or arrangements.


Harder changes: changes to the tab, audio, or things like that. To do this, you'll also need EoF. You'll need to use the toolkit to unpack the .psarc and decode the audio, then use that audio to start a new project in EoF, then import the .xml files to tracks that starts with "REAL" (the Rocksmith import isn't perfect, especially with regard to chords with techniques other than simple palm-muting). You'll then have to make the changes you want in EoF, then use the .xml files generated from that to produce a new .psarc.


I'm leaving out a ton of details of how to use EoF and the toolkit, but suffice to say, if you want to change the tab, it's usually a lot of work.


I hope this helps!

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@@albatross213, thanks a ton for the reply.


I guess, before I say anything else, is that I'm really disappointed by the lack of feedback options. The website developers think that a rating system would be abused, but doesn't that leave Customs Forge open to really bad versions of songs? For instance, the second most downloaded version of "Fade To Black" is labeled as E Standard: A444 when the track is actually being played in Eb Standard (and that's not even mentioning that the song is grossly out of sync).


Am I missing somewhere in the forum to leave proper feedback or a way to contact the author of a song?

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@@Metallica93 - There are a few ways to do it, but probably the most important thing to do is to make sure the user is still reasonably active by checking their profile. If they haven't logged in recently, your feedback is probably just going to fall on deaf ears.


The big thing is to make sure that the author gets a notification. Many authors will subscribe to their CDLC threads and so will get updates. However, some don't, so to guarantee that your feedback gets read you should either mention them (writing @{Member="username"} but with square brackets instead of curly brackets always works. Sometimes the simpler way fails) or message them.

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Yeah, I just found the "record page" feature where you can leave comments.


I'm also about to look up how to make my own CDLC because this is getting annoying.

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Yeah, I just found the "record page" feature where you can leave comments.


I'm also about to look up how to make my own CDLC because this is getting annoying.


Yeh that's why I started making customs.  Some charters are really good about the feedback and will even send you their files or give you the go ahead to make corrections to their work as they understand that its for the greater good.  Then there's the "others" who just ignore you and don't respond to messages etc.  The more frustrating aspects of this forum are where users pull a half-arsed Guitar Pro file from the internet and slap it into EoF and post it would any testing and ignoring the fact that's badly out-of-sync. That's where you'll find yourself getting frustrated and making your own version of songs and it might explain why there are multiple versions. But I think that's gotten a lot less frequent over the life of this community.  Most people are open to constructive criticism or a helping hand.


Good luck!



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In ADDITION to reading all the tutorials, it may help to look at an existing project.  Find a CLDC that you know is done well, preferable without dynamic difficulty to make things easier.


Open Custom Song Creator Toolkit
Click the Unpacker tab
Click Decode audio (and sng to xml, I think)
Click unpack
Select dlc file
Chose select folder


Open EOF program
File-New-Select the song newly created folder
Open the audio folder
Open the Windows Folder
Select the ogg file (if there's two, select the larger file)
Enter the artist info if asked and press OK


Click Song-Track-Part Real_Guitar_22


Press file-Rocksmith Import
Go into the created unpacked folder and open the songs folder
open the arr folder
open the whateversongnamelead/rhythm.xml file
Click yes to anything the program asks


Now you can see how a finished chart looks.  I think tech notes are lost on import, but you'll get an idea of what it should look like.

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