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Two songs only one shows up.

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So I have 2 songs  each works when installed separately but when crushcrushcrush is added misery business stays and crushcrushcrush disappears and I am lost as to why it happens to most users too.


Files are here:


https://docs.google.com/file/d/0Bzsn7TFBiYbDbzl4ckh6enlVdGs/edit = Misery Business.


https://docs.google.com/file/d/0Bzsn7TFBiYbDNjBWYl8xcXV6MmM/edit = crushcrushcrush.

I will tell you what's wrong and you will accept this information.

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I've taken a look into the files. They share the same Arrangement Identifications for the arrangements:

Basscrush	162254340	7CDE242438504776AEDB40BC1F58A2F4misery	162254340	7CDE242438504776AEDB40BC1F58A2F4Guitar - Leadcrush	742625998	D0F10AC625F64610B111DC19C74B80E9misery	249291690	B39121BF811D4C768C5BF1B8F26045EEGuitar - Rhythmcrush	249291690	B39121BF811D4C768C5BF1B8F26045EEmisery	742625998	D0F10AC625F64610B111DC19C74B80E9

As you see "Bass" is same and the "Guitar" arrangements are the same across. I don't know how to change them. But i think changing them should solve your issue.

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I've modified the Arrangement IDs and uploaded the file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cnzlaculeef8ug2/Paramore_Misery-Business_v0_3a_p.psarc (edit: This version is now entered into the database).

Test, if it works. Then we may contact MarineIguana to fix it in the database.

Edited by a.peter
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 Test, if it works. Then we may contact MarineIguana to fix it in the database.


They both show up now in the list!


Good job  :)

Always check and use -> The latest Toolkit builds


To disable dynamic difficulty and not get the 100% accuracy bug don't use the override to max option, but instead disable DD and set sight reading level to Max. With this configuration the 100% bug does not surface.

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