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Suggestion: Lyric line (CTR+M) behavior


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You know how you have to set which lines are "together" by using the lyric line marking too? You know, so it knows when to show a given string and it highlights the words/syllables in eof?


Well, I hate how you have to ctrl-m it again if you tweak a word length or move it to an earlier/later position.


So my suggestion: Can you change it once a group of words/syllables are marked as a "line", have it automatically change the CTRL+M highlight to match any modifications to the length of the word/syllable "notes"?



Argh, I'm not sure if I'm explain things clearly enough, so let me know if you need some pictures to demonstrate what I'm talking about.

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I've already though about it but the better the lyrics are done in the first place the less you have to handle those "issue".


The idea would be to mark a starting word and an ending word for a phrases but that completely changes the way EOF works with lyrics...

Firekorn's workshop
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I've already though about it but the better the lyrics are done in the first place the less you have to handle those "issue".

Not really. I've worked with many of lyric programs and they aren't designed to snap to a specific bpm value. So when you import lyrics, they'll be off slightly. Plus, you also have to account for rocksmith's maximum display length and split lines accordingly.

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The fact is that it doesn't matter at all if lyrics are perfectly snap to the grid in EOF or not. With Ultrastar creator you can be really precise in all area needed, timing, lenght, line, word syllabification and a perfect job in Ultrastar will always be slightly out of snap but nobody cares since it's 1 or 2 ms off and you won't notice it as you are playing that they are.

Firekorn's workshop
In Flames Discography


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