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I wrote a Greasemonkey script to improve the search results page:



I wrote a Greasemonkey script to improve the search results page:


Heres a screenshot of it in action. It basically changes the download button on the search results to actually open the download page for the file, and adds an "Info" icon next to the download button that goes to the file info page.




You can get the script here:  http://pastebin.com/MWjikuRZ


To install it you need either the Greasemonkey extension for Firefox or Tampermonkey extension for Chrome, or the equivalent Greasemonkey compatible extension for whatever browser you are using.


Once you have the GM compatible extension installed, copy the script from the pastebin into a text file and name it customsforge.user.js then drag that file onto your browser to install it.



Great site and community you have here btw! :D

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Well this is weird,

We've had this feature internally for months but the reason we chose not to release it to the public is that this discourages feedback. 
Plus your greasemonkey script will be useless when we switch over to ignition, because of our new system. 


I love to support 3rd-party scripts but I'm not sure what to do in this situation. 

We will discuss this internally and figure out how to proceed. 


Plus another problem is you can't follow the song to get updates if you use this method, which is a major downside.

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Just gonna throw a little personal opinion out here. As a charter, I don't care for the idea. And as a user you'll never even see the feedback that may even tell you that there is an issue with the custom. Believe me I get it, but how many songs are you downloading at one time, and why, You can only play one at a time. That you are able to do this is great. But I put things in my release notes saying what parts are what, why a guitar part is the way it is and any problems are existing at the moment. So that gets skipped over. And not even looking at what someone has to say about something they have worked on for what has likely been hours is sort of like coming to my house for cookout, not bringing anything, drinking all my beer and leaving. Makes me wonder if I want to cookout anymore.

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 I'm Allergic To Stupidity. I Break Out In Sarcasm.

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im sure the people that would be using the script would not be reading the info anyway, and going straight for the download, so it just eliminates the extra steps involved.


the website just seemed broken to me, where the download button doesnt actually go to the download page, and after clicking it you need to hunt for the actualy download link, its not a good user interface, this script just fixes it from a User Interface perspective.


people that are curious about reading more about the file and leaving feedback can easily do so, and the people who just want to download the track can also go straight to it.


from a different perspective, the CDLCs are incorporating copyrighted content, so the original creators of the music, might be feeling the same way about what you are doing with their Intellectual property, also I wonder if you use ad-blockers on websites, as that is the same principle you are complaining about, people enjoying free website content, but not allowing the website owners to get any revenue from it. just some thoughts.


btw i for one do  appreciate the time the people who make these DLCs put into them. cheers.

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