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Everything posted by Azrael

  1. Just to put this right: If you are a "Magna Charter" (everyone can become one, once you publish your first custom), you can in fact share old CLDCs from SA. From the "Rules": "As of July we have a Adoption System for Magna Charters. The rules for the Adoption System are listed here When converting RS 1 customs to RS2014 please give credit to the original author. It is not allowed for a normal member to upload a custom he did not create." The Adoption System Rules state that you have to make sure the custom works and that you take responsibility to fix errors. You also have to put a special message in the release notes, stating that the custom is adopted, naming the original author (if possible) and promising that you take responsibility for the CDLC.
  2. Intermediate Lead: 94.46 % http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=359002976 Getting high percentages was really tough for me, even though I used Motive's version with lots of more notes (no silence in the verses). Seems like I'm not yet ready for Advanced class :D Feedback: Both versions don't have the slide from the very last chord included! It always feels great to end a song that way :)
  3. People care very much to sync up the beats/notes, and in my opinion kepping the bars in sync is nearly as important to get the most authentic experience. Once you realized how it is supposed to work it's basically no additional effort in the charting process. On the contrary, it makes charting easier if you keep the bars in sync and set the time signature: The numbered bars in EOF and your gp5 source can be the same, so it is easier to compare stuffChanges to chorus, verse etc. basically always happen on the first beat of a new bar. So it is easier to choose where to put the sections when you see the bars in EOF Futhermore, if you are curious, I suggest experimenting with the Metronome Bonus Arrangements and see if you like that feature ;)
  4. But nooo, don't do that! Please! Please be aware that pushing the offset to zero will unsync the bars/measures of your charting. Since end of september I have "fought" for the removal of this prompt: Please see this thread: http://customsforge.com/topic/12197-problem-due-to-reset-offset-to-zero/ What you should do instead (how official DLC are produced) is use the function "push offset up", to produce only full bars before your first note. This means in a 4/4 time signature, you have to push offset up 4 times (or eight). If you want to now why it is useful to have the bars in sync with the music, please read this thread: http://customsforge.com/topic/13688-how-to-add-a-metronome-to-any-song-metronome-bonus-arrangement/ In section (4) I also better explain the procedure above. And while you're there, use the EOF function to place events (shift + e) to place count-in metronome ticks in the bar before your first note... just like it is done in official songs. This is the best guidance to know when the song actualy starts. This is what you actualy want to achieve, right? I know you are someone who cares for his customs, so please get rid of the bad remove-offset-habbit! I beg you :D
  5. Well, can put the game into window mode (in the ingame settings). The audio will only work if the game window is in focus/active. BUT you can move it nearly out of the screen, so you can see the rest of your desktop. Once you click into EOF the sound will go silent, but you can alt-tab back to Rocksmith anytime. A problem with EOF is that (at least of me) the sound is muted, everytime I come back from Rocksmith. If I restart EOF while RS is running, in can hear EOF, but if I go to RS and back to EOF, EOF is silent again. The latter problem does not exist for me when I turn Rocksmith's audio exclusivity off. But for me, the sound lag is just to horrible to play anything. Maybe it works for you, though!
  6. The warning is of course very useful, I'm not doubting that! Maybe the problem is with TuxGuitar? Even the simplest example produces the same result. I opened a new file and inserted one bend and one prebend: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/8722253/Rocksmith%20CDLC/bendtest.gp5 They both get imported without the summarized bend strength. Thanks! PS: While you're at it: I've added a tremolo picked note to the file, because the tremolo is not imported, too.
  7. Well, the thing I am talking about is quite easy to reproduce, even without importing anything: Put a note somewhere Ctrl+B to toggle bend on, hit enter without setting any value Save -> error: "one bend doesn't define it's bend strength" Put tech note bends in the sustain of the note above Save -> error: "one bend doesn't define it's bend strength" Ctrl+B to toggle bend of regular note off Save -> no errorsMy assumption is that on import EOF does steps 1,2 and 4. It would be better if only 1 and 4 were done.
  8. When a bend gets imported with tech-notes (which is great), the regular note is still marked as a bend. Therefore on save you get the warning "one bend doesn't define it's bend strength" for all those bends. I have to go through all the bends and toggle off the bend. Would it be possible to import tech-note enabled bends without the regular (undefined) bend strength in the first place? Regards, Azrael
  9. If you work your way through all the tutorials here: http://customsforge.com/forum/78-tutorials/ ... you will find multiple threads that contain YouTube videos, yes.
  10. Check out those links: http://customsforge.com/topic/14091-steam-beta-has-broadcast-capaibility/ http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=350424114 Bottom line: I think you have to enable desktop streaming and disable audio exclusivity... and you have to be lucky (didn't try it myself, because the lag is unplayable without exclusivity)
  11. Oh dear, that was not really intended :D Intermediate: Rhythm: 99.18% http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=355054848 I was hoping to level up in Lead and Rhythm at the same time... but now it seems like Rhythm must say bye-bye to Lead for a while^^ Bye-bye also to my comfortable Rhythm-Throne at Intermediate [i want a smiley with tears!] Anyway I would like to use this occasion to thank all the participants, but of course especially the organizers of the champoinship for their hard work. This institution of ours really takes Rocksmith to the next level - and the progress I've made in the past months wouldn't have been possible without it. Thank you very much!
  12. Thanks very much for the handshape feature. This gives a much cleaner look ingame than arpeggios, very nice! Also, of course, thank you very much for the removal of the offset prompt. Awesome update :-)
  13. Might already be my final score this week, I'm spending more time on a private challenge of mine right now :-) Intermediate: Lead: 98.11% http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=354121290 I started with the championship today and did not yet look at "Fuck you I won't do what you tell me!". Luckily I downloaded it early enough... so I hope I will have time to enjoy "Motherfucker!" on another occasion. I understand that they have to do this censorship to keep their rating, but (and it felt the same way with the official System of a Down DLC I bought for real money) it does take a whole lot of fun away from playing it inside Rocksmith. ... so what's next? Buckethead... let's see..
  14. Impressive! You've just qualified yourself for the class Advanced!
  15. Anyway, welcome to the campionship @@w4rl3x ! Score attack picture is better because it shows decimal points of your accuracy % ;-)
  16. I'd suggest using the Toolkit to do "Import Package", then change the entry in the field "DLC Name" to something unique. Then hit "Generate" and see if the problem is solved. If any two customs have the same "DLC Name", only one will show up. When charters are lazy they put in e.g. only the title and of course this leads to conflicts. If you were able to solve the issue this way, tell the charter about it!
  17. Has anyone tried to toggle the option "Record my desktop when not ingame" on? If the console is recognized by steam as the "game", wouldn't it instead record what is on your desktop... in this case Rocksmith? Also: Does the microphone-exclusive setting have to be turned off for the broadcasting to record your sound?
  18. I played Deathray LOTs of times and I am really satisfied with the result, but I don't think I will be able to crack the 99% (and I think I prefer leveling up via 3x97%) Intermediate: Lead: 98.72 % Best Highscore: 1,703,708 B) http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=351408610 Rhythm: 98.71 % Highscore: 1.548.183 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=351408325 Judging from the championship results and Rodman's leaderboard, it seems to me that a lot of people ignore the Rhythm path, even when it is similar to Lead but yet with a few different elements (like in Deathray)... anyway, not my problem :D I enjoy my top position in Rhythm :P ------------ I posted this in the beginning of the week and now I'm giving it one last try: I am looking for someone to help me figure out two pinch harmonics in another great song by Devin Townsend, "Life". Do me the favour and check out my workshop thread while you are still tuned to Open C. "Life" is already a pretty solid CDLC, but I want to make it perfect :) Regards Azrael
  19. Don't know if Jethro Tull is your style, but there are 11 customs at the moment. I think it might be called Folk Rock (?). Check out "Aqualung" or "Locomotive Breath" to see if you like them ;-)
  20. Thanks for your answer! Yeah, the position of the picking hand was mentioned in the Rocksmith tutorial as well, and I was even able to experience the difference it makes. I guess this makes it really hard to determine how a p.h. was originaly played. My judgeing about the wrong frethand position was based on the live video I linked above... but then again, the way things were played for the recording and live can always be different, too...
  21. Hi everyone, since we have some very good charters and players here, I wanted to post a request for help. I am currently improving one of my customs, but I'm stuck with identifying two (I guess) pinch harmonics that weren't charted properly in my sources. I posted a help request in the workshop a week ago, but noone has replied yet. Probably because this song is in Open C (It's "Life", by Devin Townsend). http://customsforge.com/topic/13885-looking-for-a-pinch-harmonic-tester/ Luckily for me, a lot of you will hopefully tune to Open C this week, so maybe someone can help me. :) Thanks Azrael
  22. Those might be my scores for the week, don't think I have time the next two days: Intermediate: Lead: 96.96 % http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=347650643 Rhythm: 96.81 % http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=347650702 Both are so damn close to 97 %... and I think in Rhythm it would have been my ticket to Advanced class... but I'm just to tired to continue :wacko:
  23. Wow, Rocksmith 2014 PC Steam Code was definitely at 9,99 € a couple of hours ago... weird.
  24. On amazon.de Rocksmith 1 is only 9,95 € http://www.amazon.de/Ubisoft-Rocksmith-PC-Steam-Code/dp/B009S6XAKE/ref=sr_1_16?ie=UTF8&qid=1417081458&sr=8-16&keywords=rocksmith ... wow, and also Rocksmith 2014 is only 9,99 € ??? http://www.amazon.de/Rocksmith-2014-Edition-Steam-Code/dp/B00G9E4FZW/ref=pd_cp_vg_0 Does anyone know if those are offers for a limited time? I might grab Rocksmith 1 and the disk importer...
  25. Unrelated to the problem... but I just realized that if you remove that prompt and give us an option to always "write pitchless lyrics as playable freestyle", it would become possible to save without beeing shown any prompts. That would be a huge plus in comfort! I know this is kinda stupid, but I'm only human... so I'm always thinking: "Do I want to save now? Naaa, I'll save later, I don't want to click away those prompts..." Next thing I know: Alt-tabbed away from and back to EOF one time to often and then it's crashed again... *D'oh!*
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