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Posts posted by cacahuate51

  1. Yup ! like others have said it depends on the song/genre/feel its always good to learn both techniques and sometimes the cdlcs information about it being picked or plucked is right. Any expiramentation is valid (like using a violin  bow for a guitar) as long as it sounds good, it keeps you motivated to play more, your having fun and you are comfortable doing it, then go for it 🙂

    As for pick size i wish i could give the mms of my picks but they have all faded (i just use my guitar picks). basically just get ones that are comfortable to you. i suggest not going too thin though cause they will break or bend over time( saying it from expierience, its not the end of the world but just a heads up). Soo if you can bend your pick with your fingers in one hand i suggest its probably better to get a thicker pick cause over time the thick bass strings will damage the pic.

  2. 1 hour ago, Mikson said:

    Thanks, because this is my CDLC. So just out of curiosity, I'm asking what you mean with those anchors in the chorus because I don't quite understand 😉 

    oh cool! Yea dw, i myself wasnt aware this was a thing in r2014 until recently because someone messaged me about it and then cold help me learn.

    So anchors are what dictates the blue guidlines that are bellow every note telling you where you should put your hand.
    You can make a cdlc without altering the anchors because theres an automatic function in eof..or if you press shift  and f generate anchors at the very end of the cdlc proccess

    Since you are doing a 15 17 19 riff this is what i refer to a M W shape (theres 3 the n fingers 12 and 4, the m, and the r riff (which are the 3,5 ,6  when you use your ring finger (like the first song or i think also the ghost song..i think ghost is a comb on the n riff and r riff )))  and its when you use a finger for each fret / you dont really shift around since your hand is stationary

    m w riffs arent too common cause you can usually place the highest note aka this case 19 on the string bellow one fret down so 18 ( but if i remember correctly the 19 is the last string so thats why m/w riffs are still relevant)
    ok anyways sorry id send pics but i need to be somewhere soon.

    in order to see your anchors press shift and f 11 a couple of times to switch untill you see red numbers above your fretts/ like where the section names are. its most likely youlll have 15 17s on your 15 to 19 riff.. this means that youd be shifting between these notes... which personally i wouldnt do i'd just have my hand stationary (like i said anchors are purely situational to the player and his experience there is no wrong way to play a riff)

    but if you wanted to make it clear its stationary then ud delete the 17s by selecting the note ( you can use shift up page down page to be precise on note selection) and pressing shift and f here ull see the anchor number on that position..so youd just remove the 17 and press ok

    i really hope theres spaces in forms cause this will be awfull to read if not. again sorry for not posting pics but im running late

    • Like 2
  3. sight reads
    this song seemed like a mashup of different ideas pretty interesting. intro reminded me of some edm song cant recall the name and then the stacatto riff at 2:00 ish reminded me of a song in the movie 127 (decent movie if anyone is bored) called never hear surf music again by free blood and its also popped in some disco basslines. I think ive mentioned it before but ill say it again, you can never go wrong with 3 5 6 riff always fun when they pop up in so many songs. anywaaaays
    this one was nice...although the uper register guitars triggered a memory of a song that was playing on loop while calling for support for an hour a couple years ago so...theres that.
     A well done cdlc. Maybe erasing some anchors for the chorus to make it more aparent that its a w/m riff? but eh anchors are a matter of preference anyways imo.. The important thing is that the notes were right (atleast nothing stood out to me on a firstplaythrough). 
    This song is dope. I'm not good at solos though. 
    Not too sure why this is rated a 8 on bass if its basically the same as the lead just without a guitar solo? To me it should be the same or lower than the guitar lead. Theres been harder basslines than this.
    Yea..idk chief...This one also to me should be lower..Like intermediate class. Seems like a slowed down/dumbed down version of raining blood by slayer( the mosh part where most ppl failed in gh3...or atleast thats where i failed alot lol/ mostlikely on a real guitar aswell) it repeats quite a bit , not that many notes, short...Then again i usually think songs should be rated lower so.. 

    I dont want to demerit your score rodman, its always impressive to see 99+s regardless of dificulty! Just i dont think this is a song to move up to masterclass/ or an advancedclass path. 


    • Like 3
  4. 19 hours ago, Rodman said:


    Now... take a deep breath and through the deep stuff 😉


     Yea fair enough, its been years since ive played multiplayer on rocksmith(i even forgot that was possible) so i had no clue of it crashing if it didnt have atleast a lead and bass.
    I'm guessing this is also an issue if its only lead and rhythm if you're a bassist and guitarist? 

    Recentley, just been blindsided by people doing single paths in r+ (pretty sure even some of the officials have been single paths).. or the people i follow on here cause we share similar taste of music do that and admitidely ive done that aswell.

    After doing a quick filter of lead and bass songs its narrows the 64k to 52k so there is a loss of atleast 12,000 songs tbh its not as much as i thought it would be..that being said its still more songs than what rocksmith + has in their database in some countries hahah. 

    I agree with mikson in that theres lots of higher difficulty songs which have simple basslines (hence a well done single path with a hard bassline could fit the week better/be funner/morechallenging) and with jelly in deleting the cdlcs you dont like after the week has ended (although i do know you collect them all and appreciate it, the pack you sent was nice)

    In the end of the day it goes back to the first point which is an issue im personally not affected by but others in this competition might be so i understand the issue now.

    Anyways again thanks @ Rodman for clarifying, its always good to know what's up.

    • Like 1
  5. On 5/1/2023 at 3:12 AM, Rodman said:

    Just put it in the Song selection list, it will be played.

    Win is yours 😉

    Nooo! Don't put in the ssl hahah I'd much rather a new song be played. Not a fan of capo weeks (songs that have already been done in previous weeks) since theres so many good songs out there. Still I appreciate the comment and congrats on the victory!! 🙂 @ aNDESmASAMUNE

    • Like 2
  6. 3 hours ago, Rodman said:

    2) Oh yeah! There has been a time when a few charters produced a lot of cdlcs with bass only playable.... of normal songs with guitar tracks also... those files are bad, they mess up ones library, and for many many years ONLY files with at least one guitar AND a bass track charted were allowed to be entered to SSL. As there are songs that only do have a guitar or bass audio (Johhny Cash - Hurt, Metallica - Anesthesia....) those are allowed nowadays... But we don´t want incomplete files.


    first thanks for claryfying the rng in previous post!

    2nd) is it not possible to just use the bass charted path only songs to be fillers? example song A gets picked and has 3 paths however the bass path isnt that good so to avoid a good guitar path being wasted or to avoid a capo week you rng a song with only a bass path tabbed. 

    "3.2 if rhy and bass arrangements cannot match all 4 classes - choose from songs from spare arrangements, the past (songs played), from bass only songs or as above give next higher arrangment to the lower class too."

    i mean thats what i thought 3.2 meant?

    I know its not ideal to have bass charted path only songs as like you said it can clutter someones library .. But if you are participating for the bass category then i think thatd mean you want to play a decent bass chart. I find sometimes cdlcs with 2/3 paths might just simple chord function it in eof, which can work sometimes but othertimes the bass may do more fills and variations than which is tabbed. Also in general its just harder /rarer for all 3 paths to be perfect.

    Usually songs by creators like burntmilk dellboy coldrampage or the ones jelly mentioned above spend more time/ have more accurate bass paths if its the only one tabbed. 

    I mean the only people who will have a cluttered library  issue would be the bass players/owners. ("cluttered" in the sense that you are not playing bass you are playing guitar). What i personally do is just save bass path songs only in a seperate folder that way if i dont want to play bass that day and speed the rearranging process at the start of every session then i just take that folder out. I think you can also do this with cfsm. So maybe an option is to just put a side warning of bass path only chart  if they get picked

    if the answer is still no, then ig i need to visit ssl to erase some of my suggestions as i was not aware bass path only songs were not a thing 😄

  7.  Just out of curiosity how does the rng for songs of the week work? I never knew.
    Are the suggestions just sorted by each category (beg/int/adv/m) then numerated from 1 to x? and then you use like google pick me a number or a random number generator with those parameters to get the cdlc thats being played? or how

  8. I had some spare time and I liked the royal republic song so I decided to make my own version /cdlc. Its not perfect but i think its a bit closer to what they play.
    EDIT: I changed the album cover so its more obvious which version is which and some notes in the chorus for the rhythm path to what i saw in their live videos

    if anyone is interested https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/76959
    the lead path is a mix of what the singer plays on the guitar and the rhythm just so there isnt any awkward long spaces.

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 2
  9. 12 minutes ago, britonleap said:

    I couldn't find this answered, and I'm still new so didn't want to open a topic, but...

    ... If there's a better way to play it, can we just play it, as long as RS still recognizes it? Or is the tab shown somehow sacrosanct? I treated it as such, but may not want to going forward.

    This would have made that Baby song somewhat less evil. 🙂
    Thanks, and apologies if this should have been elsewhere!

    @ britonleap  Yea as long as you are playing the same note on the guitar it doesnt matter where you are fretting it rocksmith still recognises it/ your good/ counts for the competition according to me.Like i mentioned up above i didnt fret the 2 3s how it was tabbed i played it on the strings above 7 7s.

    • Like 1
  10. seF7FEN.jpg
    I really like this song and enjoy Brand New 🙂
    Today i learnt that the chorus is not  "I cant get it up" All of these years ive been singing it wrong...I guess next time I should pay attention what the title of the song is before attempting to sing it.

    I think the guitar paths might be a bit challenging to 100% seemed to miss some notes i thought i had hit but maybe i just need more practice.
    Cool song! Sounds heavily inspired by Whole lotta love by led zeppelin.
    But to my ears the bass is off in some areas and in other sections it sounds to me like its sliding 
    Yea...not a fan of this cdlc (cause how its tabbed)
    Woulve rathered a different one this week tbh.
    Like others have stated here in the competition and on the cdlc page, it sounds off and its tabbed way more complicated than it can be.
    I agree with mikson a easier way to play the notes that he charted could be by playing the 2 instead of  the 7..and then you could also just play the power chord in 023 instead of having to move around.
    I personally just played 7s though and then the 577 power chord.
    Still not the right notes though..
    Also the extremely short phrases makes it kinda hard to 100% because you miss one note or more and it lowers the difficulty across all of the phrases in the song.
    Very cool to see some buckethead! seems like a decent dificulty.. i feel like chord detection wasnt working again..(im hoping its the cdlc and not my guitar...although maybe i screwed my guitar up since its fallen a couple of times recently rip)
    Eiii!! We got steel panther again 😄 heres hoping well get community property, death to all metal or 17girls in a row next time lol
    (havent tried them in years..If i remember correctly soilmans cdlcs were usually decent though? )
    I think for alot of steel panthers guitar paths could pass as adv.
    Will i be able to shred it? no.
    That being said, satchels solos are generally like my sex.. short but memorable 😉  which would make it way easier to practice and generally speaking the riffs outside are simpleish and again quite catchy which makes it easier to learn. Also its always funner to have more challenging songs in your level.  I apologize for the attempt of a cringey joke.

    Here I agree with Jelly. This song should be lower difficulty/lower class. 

    Putting a steel panther in adv bass is kind of a joke since the character lexi (the ex bassist) was literally portrayed as incompetent/ making fun of bass players (aka implying anyone can play the bass).
    The shifting to the upper register imo shouldnt make it adv. it doesnt happen that regularly compared to the current intermediate bass song. Also in general  i think long pitched slides are a pain for accuracy %

    The way i see it is if most of the contestants in that category are doing 97+ without practicing it  then it should be in the class bellow but thats just my opinion.

    Coolest song of the week!
    might give it more tries later on

    • Like 6
  11. Was hoping for some 4/20 songs but maybe next year.

    Sounds alot like itd be a song from sum41 or blink 182. and its 1994 ! so really before blink 182 discovered their easypopy style. very interesting never heard of them before
    Playing the bass "efficiently" in a punk band has got to be the easiest \boringest gig. But I guess thats why they jump around lol 
     the bends had no tails?
     I really enjoyed the bass path! I think making the 5s open strings wouldve made it easier since 2 - 5 stretch on a bass is kind of big but its doable and fun and i guess you do get a thicker sound. Definately keeping it in my collection just for the bass 🙂 i like jellys picks
    I wouldnt mind if advanced songs were more like this level. Quite fast more than i expected, might try again later on rring it. metalcore is always nice
    Single/straight powerchords made this score alot higher than it should 
    ehhhh.. from the first notes i could tell this was gonna be charted way more complicated than it needs to be lol. I dont see the point of playing the same notes / same octave in different strings right after each other unless maybe he meant to do octaves? idk...a bit too chaotic imo. 

    • Like 3
  12. I found the songs that Divinyls melody reminded me of.
    -If It Means Alot To You by A Day To Remember 🙂 love that song.just the first notes though and it is in a different key/ down 2 .
    or a bit like
      i ran away (so far away) - a flock seagulls-  that one is the same key (for the riff atleast) but not as simalar riff wise/ rhythm.
    Anyways... I played the right song now:
    Alot of shifting in this one that Im not used to since I dont usually play or listen to thrash .. Itd be alot easier for me if it were tabbed using different strings in some sections. But i guess for this style they opt for the thicker sounds to get it sound heavier.
    lots of single notes in this one too.


    • Like 4
  13. probably wont be able to play since ill be travelling so heres my ss before i go

    cool song! has some chords that ive never used before.but it does repeat/ not change that much to make it a decent begginner song imo

    pretty sure there's a more famous or old song that uses that motif/,melody but i cant think of what the name could be. Anyways cool song.

     Ive played this song before a couple times on rocksmith + and perhaps on an old profile that got corrupted. Glad you guys turned down the difficulty because I dont think it should be a 7/ a song that makes you level up to masterclass when it doesnt even have a solo. It doesnt have that much variation which imo makes it easier/more doable to fc if you were to riff repeat some sections.
    yea...the dilinger to this is a pretty big step imo
    honestly glad theres no live performance recording because i was hitting random notes alot of the time. but then again probably the straight singles made the percentage a bit higher

    • Like 5
  14. Yea you're right about there being better ones on the album @ nlbsmglsk !
    Although after giving a listen to alot  of their albums it kinda seems like their catalogue is similar to dream theaters for me...in the sense that i really enjoy some of their ideas/riffs in the songs but not the complete song sometimes due to the singers register or lyrics... Still really refreshing to hear though and glad it was on here.

    • Like 1
  15. vvvsptR.jpg
    I forgot all about this song thanks mikson for the nostalgia songs
    yea the one with the embeleshments is harder
    always nice to see blink
    yea pretty neat
    never heard of Haken before but after this song i think im gonna look into their stuff! I havent gotten goosebumps from listening to music in a while and this one did it for me. totally butchered playing it but it was fun.

    • Like 5
  16. n4ezYnz.jpg
    used to listen to this song a tooon so its nice to see the rasmus
    you know its a good week when theres riverside ! 2nd half is alot of fun
    cool solo wasnt expecting it.
    a part kinda made me think i was playing metalica for a sec
    usually dont like rhcp but this one deserved a second playthrough twas interesting

    • Like 2
  17. sightview scores
    I used to listen to amitty affliction alot! so really happy they made it to the competition. hopefully more songs from them or in this style appear in future competitions
    decent song and good cdlc (atleast this path was nice) solid int pick
     pretty solid track, enough variation to keep me entertained 
    i think this is on the easier side for advanced? could pass as a int imo but still nice
    yea nice  

    • Like 2
  18. I'm probably not the best to answer this as i just joined the past yearish

    I believe the stats you are refering to is the player level? that should reset every year.. Week number just represents the amount times they have been organising it and theres not that many people that have been here since week one.

    If they have been from week one like matzor they are usually masterclass category.. If you are also a masterclass guitarist/bassist you can still compete and win the week. Theres no reward for a year or a week other than bragging lol.

     I just do it because i find it nice to set a goal to try a new song out and seeing other peoples scores encourages me to try a bit harder. Also its kinda cool to have a record of your progress and see how others have been improving aswell.

    Anyways, Hope to see you participate in the future weeks. /m/

  19. Bass first sight reads
    nice to see some blink, i think this song had been in the competition before cause it didnt let me add it to spoti. regardless had fun
    the chorus is nice , i feel like ive heard it before but i dont remember the other parts.
    nice scales
    i didnt know what was going on in some parts which was fun.

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