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Everything posted by 2groggy

  1. Maybe it's just me, but I don't agree with your rating of the bass difficulty. The last quarter of Aids and Armageddon is more difficult than the riff in Slow Down, and A&A doesn't have the frequent pauses to regroup. If one quarter of the song is a 7 in difficulty, then the song should be rated a 7.
  2. I rushed through Our Lips are Sealed and Slow Down on bass to start work on the Zeppelin track, only to find it no longer necessary. No worries - now I get to play some Fishbone. Our Lips are Sealed ~ 99% Slow Down ~ 99%
  3. Well, it's a start... Stay Close to Me on bass = 95%
  4. Californication on bass = 98.59 % Hey! same percentage as @@fripponomic ^^^^^ (his score was slightly better, though)
  5. I had to stop and wonder about those chord labels too - off by exactly a fifth. What chord labels? :lol: I'm ignoring all chord labels... just playing something that sounds right, like this: G: - - - - | - - 7 - D: - - 9 - | - 7 - 7 A: - 9 - 9 | 5 - - - E: 7 - - - | - - - - etc Not sure I've tabbed that correctly, my E string is at the bottom. So you've tabbed out a B5 arpeggio followed by a D5 arpeggio, IIRC the chord labels show them as F#5 and A5. So they are off by five semitones (I originally wrote "by a fifth"). What I would like to see from the bass note highway is the chord labels that should be being played by the rhythm guitar. It would save me from reverse engineering any arpeggios that weren't labeled as such.
  6. Here's my Monday uptick in Californication - now 97%
  7. I had to stop and wonder about those chord labels too - off by exactly a fifth.
  8. Here's my start on Californication on bass = 95% I should be able to get this above 99%
  9. This week, this FreeBird will sneak back into the Master Class Bass club house, fly around, chirp a lot and leave some Caged Bird deposits. Here's my messy start to the week - 93% More mess to follow.
  10. I don't speak a decent word of German, but Nachbarschaft certainly has a pythonesque vibe to it, so the silliness factor suits me just fine. I'm up to 99.48% on (bass of course).
  11. @@fripponomic - If you weren't a FreeBird, I'd call foul on playing your own song. However, seeing as we have both chosen to be the rule breakers of the weekly challenge I applaud with a hearty "Take that FreeBird Police!". Here's my start on your song - 98%
  12. I took a first run through at Still Got The Blues on bass. I did a single re-start after a minute, but them sight read the song from end to end. I ended up with this - 97% and 100% in the same single pass - I know I didn't get a perfect score, but I certainly did better than 97%. I made a second pass in SA and scored 99.69% - that seems closer to reality.
  13. Muse Starlight on bass = 100% U2 Elevation (Live) on bass = 100% I'll work on Johnny B. Goode and then come back to the D tuning
  14. Just when I thought I got a less worse score on Party at Ground Zero. I noticed that I got leveled down in a part whereI have no difficulty- Grrrr. So here is my inadmissable score of 96%. But then again. I'm a FreeBird, so who cares.
  15. Just dropping another steaming pile in the bass master class clubhouse and running away... Party at Ground Zero, 95% Smell that FreeBird police
  16. As usual, I stated on the basic ones The Gates of Babylon on bass (sight read, one try only) 100% Speed the Collapse on bass after a few passes in RR 99.7% The intermediate and advanced tunes don't appeal to me so I'll jump right to master mode
  17. Here's my last try before heading off the the family holiday feast. RTRNR on bass at 99% - there are a couple of pull offs that always seem to miss. The computer got a whole bunch of new parts under the tree, so I don't know when I'll be back online. So this is likely my last chance to wish you all a Merry Christmas until next year.
  18. Brussels Sprouts! That's disgusting. Everything else about your post is fine, though :P
  19. I have Christmas Wrapping up over 98%. So are there no FreeBirds planning on trying this track on a tuba through a microphone?
  20. Just a quick mediocre score on Layla from yesterday at about 97% I've been skiing all day and by back is a little sore, so I'll switch to sitting and using the travel bass. I'll post screen shots if I come up with anything interesting
  21. Dear Santa Roddy, Have I been a good enough boy to get one of those Marcus Miller Jazz basses under the tree this Christmas. PleeeezPrettyPleeez. I know that chimneys are small and basses are big, so I would be really happy if you gave me all of the parts except for the body so I could make another of my homemade FreeBird creations.
  22. Christmas Wrapping ... I was working on it this last week, so this isn't a first try 97.67% I played it on this - 34" scale. Because it uses piano tuning pegs instead of machine heads, I tune it to D standard and put a capo at the second fret. That way I can down tune to Eb standard by just moving the capo.
  23. FreeBird Hijack! The six string virtuosos have their GoG competition (but whatever they do in the privacy of their own bedrooms is their business). It's time for a special bass only track - something for the festive season, yet challenging. In honour of Rodman's new bass for Christmas, I suggest Christmas Wrapping by The Waitresses: http://customsforge.com/topic/33151-christmas-wrapping/?hl=waitresses Of course, being a FreeBird challenge, points will not be assigned. So all entries will be accepted and appreciated, be they emulated bass, tubas through microphones or kazoos through octave pedals. The wackier the better. Have at 'er! (and take that FreeBird police!)
  24. There's a discussion on Steam - a lot of users, myself included, are getting an error message "RS Real-Tone Cable not connected".
  25. At 99% on bass, I've officially had enough of Mr. Blue Sky. It's so sugary sweet that it makes my teeth hurt. That song probably causes cavities. Now it's on to Gingivitis Gengis Khan.
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