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Everything posted by 2groggy

  1. It's taken a little longer in RR to get Mr, Blue Sky up to a decent score. 98% on bass, so far, but I plan to have this one well above 99% in a couple of days.
  2. As per most weeks, I try to pound out a quick decent score on an easy one 100% on Shut Me up on bass I'll start working my way up in difficulty,but I admit that I won't sneak into the MC Bass clubhouse for at least 2 reasons: 1) D Drop C tuning 2) I'm afraid of being seen to be in any way involved with J-pop-cutsy-lingerie bands for fear of being labeled a dirty old man
  3. Just a quick post, so I don't miss the week with the added benefit of using the short scale bass... http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=811363707
  4. FreeBird Recruits! WOOT! I am finally building my army of minions! The one truly crazy week that I have every year, and that's when the cake fight starts. Damn - I missed it. In the true FreeBird spirit of live and let live (but mock everything possible in a good natured manner), I will now play whatever song that was that started the cake fight using my homemade 25.5" scale travel bass. Of course the strings are as stout as bridge suspension cables, but they are still on a guitar neck. And the best part of this is that nobody can threaten to disqualify me and I wouldn't care if they could :P (take that FreeBird police!) Edit - scratch that thought. I just listened to the MC selection and I would never get up to speed on that song, plus I am not a fan of that genre in the slightest. If you like it, then rock on; It's just not for me. Next week starts tomorrow, so I'll skip making a submission this week. C'est la vie.
  5. I'm going to post this, not because I made 100% yet, but because I'm back to my old FreeBird tricks of transposing the notes from the busy parts up the neck to being notes on the higher strings below the 5th fret. Many of the notes become open notes, simplifying the faster bits. Unfortunately, I have to transpose on the fly and re-train the muscle memory. I'm up over 99% and might try again later.
  6. Just dropping in for a moment. Work is busy these days,so I can only focus on one song, so I chose Rocky Dawuni for this week. I'm stuck in the apparently endless cycle of one or two misses and getting 99.x%. I'll post a perfect score if and when I get one.
  7. Here's my start at Diamonds in the Mine and thanks Leonard for the ultimate FreeBird signature VVVVVV
  8. RIP Leonard Cohen. I just felt the need to help send him off with my travel bass and this song. I said to Hank Williams"How lonesome does it get?" Hank Williams hasn't answered yet. and FWIW, Hallelujah
  9. I haven't actually done this ^^^^^ myself, yet, but I will. I've been working on Love Shack and am up above 99%.
  10. That is why I am recruiting an army of henchmen to strike fear into the dead soulless hearts of my arch enemies, the evil fascist FreeBird Police. Play what you want, when you want and how you want. To prove yourself worthy of the title FreeBird, you must tune your bass to Open E (EAEA) and play Uprising with a pick and a slide while shouting "Take THAT FreeBird Police". We do this because we can. Who cares if we actually should.
  11. Here's my start for the week. After a few passes in RR, Sailing Man on bass = 99% An Uprising on bass seems to be more a test of endurance than skill 98%
  12. I reject the posted All Hallows' Eve bass selections this week and substitute my own In honour of ghostly things,I even tried it in master mode.
  13. God may be in the radio,but the devil is in the details... on bass = 97%
  14. You've got to love a video that features drunken jobless flying monkeys staggering through your home town, but I doubt that I can do that Heretics and Killers justice. This will take several days before I post a decent score.
  15. It's wonky tuning week! Fortunately I keep one of my back-up basses reserved for just such a catastrophe. Glitch alert on the screen shot. I never scored 100% on this track (When Worlds Collide),even in riff repeater, but the 98% is probably in the ballpark. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=781682491
  16. I'm not terribly interested in the selections this week, so here are a couple of place holders http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=779845003 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=778253802
  17. That's probably an intonation issue. Old farts like us are from a generation that remembers how to use hand tools. If you have an electronic tuner and some allen (hex) keys, you should be able to intonate your bass by yourself in 15 minutes. http://www.wikihow.com/Adjust-Intonation-on-Bass
  18. Wow, maybe I'm not the oldest codger in the Championship... But I'm still the gristliest old FreeBird. Now get off my lawn. BTW, If any of you ladies want my love, you can come and get 97.3% of it. I won't say where the other 2.7% of my priceless funk went because I don't actually know.
  19. Hey, you've got rellies in Toronto and I have some in Norwich. Wanna trade? It would be more convenient. It would be amuch shorter trip to not visit them anyway. ...back to the championship... Sweet Mountain River on bass (after half in hour in RR, as usual) = 99%. It felt a little sloppy.I need to work on my speed.
  20. I saw them at a large open air festival here in Toronto a few years back. They're fun in a larger venue too. I think that they're from Hamilton - about a 45 minute drive west of Toronto.
  21. Are you working too hard? By "too hard", I mean fretting and plucking with the iron-fisted-white-knuckle-grip-of-death. You only need to fret hard enough to make the note sound clean. Fretting too hard will only pull the notes sharp and waste energy. Plucking too hard will only increase fret buzz. Work on using a lighter touch and not only can you play longer before getting tired, but you will be able to improve your speed and tone too. If you want to be louder, you can just turn up the volume without actually working any harder.
  22. OK, @ shamed me into getting back to work. I'm down to chasing perfection on the Repetitive Strain Injury Song on bass = 99.89%... one random flub on an easy bit.
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