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Everything posted by lduperval

  1. Hi, How do I force measure numbers to appear in EOF? I know that in some of my tabs the measure numbers appear, but in the one I working on now, I don't see them. I see a bunch of red "p"s but I really want to see the measure number so I can fix my GP partition correctly. How do I do that? Thanks, L
  2. Nice bass lines on Graveyard. I would have never played this if it wasn't for this competition. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/490146027239826078/7F1676F1B414DCEFEE32064E22BC50E8A80ED1C8/ L
  3. Did you know about the various Bass Aerobics exercises? Do they meet the requirements? L
  4. Thanks, I managed to fix it with your tips. L
  5. The EOF file is here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ampz4xo02jvl7is/notes.eof?dl=0 I see the problem at measure 69 when I save. L
  6. HI, I'm a bit bummed trying to get a CDLC in acceptable state to submit, Right now, I have two problems: 1) Whenever I export, I get a warning about slides that don't have an ending note, and it will slide up one note. The problem is that I went through all of such slides in EOF to add an unfretted slide (using Ctrl-U) and still, I get this error. In the generated file, all of my unfretted slides have disappeared. So I have to redo them; :( I'm using the latest version (Jun 19). What am I not understanding? 2) My tone sounds far away and muted. I modified it in RS. Then I went to the tone and put the same parameters in Custom Song Tool Creator, but the tone still sound muted and far away. What did I do incorrectly which prevents the tone from sounding like it does in RS? Thanks, L
  7. Not quite there yet... http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/490146027226605524/DB59F77F0F65304726CBF4B74E306565406EE5D6/ L
  8. When the more I play, the worse my score gets, it's time to stop... NYNY: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/490145495171048198/6857D773666D5B7A947295D0D4C44D3DF8CADDB8/ Wouldn't it be great if Iceland made it thru while CR7 was left behind?... Too bad for that own goal. :( L
  9. Hi, I normally use TuxGuitar to do my initial tabs, but I'm considering getting GP6, because TG doesn't support unfretted slide, and fixing it in EOF is annoying, especially when I go back to the original tab and fix it. After loading, I have to redo the tweaks. So I'm considering getting GP6, but before I do (and because the trial version won't let me save), do unfretted slides (e.g. slide from fret 7 to fret 4, but don't play the note) import correctly in EoF? Is there any reason not to use it? Thanks, L
  10. OK, I played Mastodon. Ugh, it's like playingwith spaghetti... http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/490145495154197816/C16271A7C958726026C79C4A36739AA0B03FD410/ Anyway, I'll get a score. :) L
  11. Hi, I created a CDLC (Bass only) in E tuning. However, I realized toward the end that I needed a lower D on the 4th string. So I retuned to Drop D but now, I find it's very hard to play. Should the whole thing be retuned in D? Or can the fingering be altered to make it ewasier? If you want to test it, it's here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/59qpy0l7i3yfb8h/Mizik-Mizik_Ayizan_v5_p.psarc?dl=0 be warned, though, that it has a lot of problems since I'n still at the beginning stages. For example, I can't do unfretted slides in TuxGuitar and before I make note-per-note changes in EOF, I want to make sure my tablature won't change. So many slides are incorrect. But I'm more interested in knowing if I need to tune the whole thing to D (ugh!) or not. Thanks, L
  12. So, I'm doing MC this week: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/489018861243379495/EBEF2C654837E79AD4E02EC029EC57BEAE7181BC/ So am I in Freebird or something? L
  13. Well, I can't do D Drop C on my bass, so I guess it's masterclass this week... L
  14. Allez les Bleus! If the French don't go far, it's gonna be a terrible Euro. We need the French people behind the competition. Allez les Bleus! Now, time to work on missis sumner... L
  15. Couple of percentage points on Yer Blues bass (98.64): http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/489018861218576866/DF3044736AF6FF431D5E5B3F84373C01980863B6/ L
  16. Lower score, better accuracy: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/489018224658822549/F9ADCDC43F059DFEC36801688D0A50BA7119B00F/ L
  17. 96.68. Far from that 99% mark... http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/489018224658522405/58D138ED26AABDBEBC0E54E2D36119F1C4E641CE/ L
  18. Oh, man, why'd my song get picked *this* week? Hopefully I put in a bit of practice before my show. L
  19. Well, I tried, but no quite 100% on Driver's Seat bass. :/ http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/489018224651793420/DC9D3D767BB08DB15C492B91F14ED586AD12E798/ L
  20. This is pretty fun to play. Struck out on my first try, but got better: Advanced Bass 98.5: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/495772992978140974/5DBDE74115D8EC69C66DE7EFCE955035276F2734/ Starting to practice with a full band for my first ever public performance (with a music scholl), so I'm not sure if I'll have time to do this again. Five songs on the menu... Good thing I'Ve got this Rocksmith thing for support! L
  21. Many problems with this CDLC. Interesting to play, though. One thing I learned, is the notation of bends. I never noticed that the number of bars indicated the number of frets to bend. :) Advanced bass: 97.1. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/495772352227700667/12B491F252220D90DDCAA4BAA77337153AB6C7DC/ L
  22. HI, I've had this happen a number of times: I wil comment on a CDLC and my comment disappears and never gets posted. Usuaually I can just retype it and it gets posted. However, today, it's not working, so I can't comment anymore. :( L
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