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Everything posted by Chlipouni

  1. Can you give me an example of "psarc" file that causes this issue ?
  2. For me the answer is yes for the two questions .
  3. @@GetTheLedOut, This issue occurs at time "12.733" and "21.048" because sections start at these positions. In each case, the first note (with the "linknext" status) belongs to the preceding section and the following note (protected note) is located on the new section. DDC can avoid the generation of a new phrase when notes are protected by the "linknext" status, but can't do it for sections. When DD is used, each phrase in each section can evolve differently (different levels of difficulty), so, notes can be linked only if they belong to the same phrase (and logically to the same section). Hope that solves your issue ;)
  4. @iminashi, That's very strange, I have never seen this issue before (RR issue). I tried the following test cases with your CDLC "Princess Princess - Diamonds" : 1) Your psarc file : only a few sections can be selected 2) DD applied on your psarc file with DDC : all sections can be selected, so no issue in this case 3) DD removed with DDC on the psarc file generated in step 2) : same issue than 1) As the issue appears again in step 3, it is not related to the sections and phrases (DDC generates at least one phrase for each section). It seems to be a RS2014 limitation for CDLC with only one level of difficulty. We need more research to find the root cause ...
  5. @@iminashi, Can you share the "psarc" file in order to investigate this issue ? Thank you
  6. @@guikun, You can also remove DD from the CDLC by using the RSToolkit DDC tab : - select the "psarc" file - select the ramp-up model : ddc_dd_remover - click on "Remove DD" button
  7. Hi, RS2014 has a cache which contains the maximum levels you have reached during your previous playing sessions. When you add DD on an existing CDLC, some structural informations are modified : - phrases - maximum level of DD for each phrase The values which are kept in the cache maybe inconsistent with these new properties and can produce a crash in the game. To avoid this, you can either : - play the new release of the song one time until the end without using the Riff Repeater (RR can then be use during the second play) - generate new IDs for each arrangement of the CDLC (by using the RSToolkit) Hope that solves your issue ...
  8. @@Berneer, As usual, you have done a great testing job ! :D 1) Overlaped handShapes In your XML example, there are several overlaped handshapes : ... <handShape chordId="4" endTime="7.75" startTime="6"/> <handShape chordId="-1" endTime="6.001" startTime="6"/> ... What is the purpose of the "dummy chordId handShape" when another handShape starts at the same time position ? 2) Non elimination of single notes About the non elimination issue of the surimposed single notes in DDC, it is because the associated handShape has a dummy chordId. I can modify this by deducting the chordId from the chord tag at the same time position ... 3) Phrases start time Your are using phrases which don't start on the main beat of a measure. Is it intentional for testing purposes ? For your information I had to add a logic in DDC in order to modify the start time position of the first handShape of a phrase (same time position as the one of the phrase) to avoid a display issue in RS2014. Thank you
  9. So, your issue is due to the "seek table granularity" which needs to be set with the value "16384" ("Vorbis Encoder Parameters" dialog box). Did you define this value for your CDLCs ?
  10. @@Sinomod, Did you convert the audio files yourself with Wwise, or did you use the RSToolkit to generate the "wem" files ?
  11. Release v3.0 is now available for a production use ...
  12. Hi Motive, This is a known bug in release v2.9 of DDC. In the first post of this topic, you can download the release v3.0 and uncompress it in the "ddc" subfolder of your RSToolkit installation. Please tell me back if that solves your issue. Thanks
  13. Hi, I have checked your CDLC : "Atom and Evil". The following properties may be causing the issue in RR : - the first measure starts at time "2.000" - the first phrase "intro" starts at the same time position - EOF cannot generate the "COUNT" phrase because the "intro" phrase already exists on the first beat of the first measure. You should try to use [beat][Reset Offset to Zero] in EOF to : - add a new measure at time "0.000" - let EOF generate the "COUNT" phrase Save the project and check the XML file to be sure that it contains the "COUNT" phrase. Pack the CDLC again with the new XML files, and try it in RS2014. Hope that solves your issues ...
  14. @@Shinyditto12, Your issue is relative to the "highDensity" status management. DDC v2.9 has a bug inside which overrides the status correctly generated by EOF. You can download the v3.0 beta release and uncompress it in the "ddc" subfolder of your RSToolkit install. Tell me if this new release of DDC works fine for your song. So it should become the official one. Thank you
  15. Hi, Which version of DDC are you using ? If it is v2.9, can you try to download this v3.0 beta release and uncompress it in the "ddc" subfolder of your RSToolkit installation path. Thank you
  16. Yes, RS2014 keeps your previous skill levels for each phrase of the song, so if the phrases or their maximum level of DD are updated, a inconcistency can occur. The only way to avoid this, is to force the Toolkit to update the id of each arrangement. In this case, the song is managed as a new song, but all playing statistics are lost.
  17. Hi, Did you try to play the song entirely one time before setting the DD levels in RR ? RS2014 has a cache which can cause this kind of issue when the new release of the song has different phrases or different DD levels than the old one. If the song still crashes in RR after playing it once, please share the "psarc" file for more investigations ... Thank you
  18. @@mbanks850, New hotfix for beta release v3.0 (2016-02-01) ...
  19. @[member=Chlipouni] The slides are back, but it seems like the highdensity tag is getting lost sometimes again. Most of the time the chords would show the empty blue box if they repeated. If there was a repeated palm mute the high density tag was lost and you see all the palm muted chords. Ok, I have to change the way DDC manages this status ... Thank you
  20. @@mbanks850, @@A51Ripcord, Beta release v3.0 is available for download in the first post of this topic. It should solve your issues.
  21. @@Redslam, @@A51Ripcord, @@RockNRollKid, Can you try to use [beat][Reset Offset to Zero] in your EOF projects ? Then save, generate DD and pack your CDLCs This action may solve your issues Thank you
  22. @@Redslam, It seems that you can't select the first section in RR. In the DDC log files, there are warnings which tell you that sections and phrases don't start on the main beat of a measure. So DDC has to move the sections and phrases on the first beat of their current measure. An other issue is that the "COUNT" and the "intro" phrases are located on the same measure. To solve this, you need to have at least one empty measure (for the COUNT phrase) before the first non empty measure of the song which will contain the "intro" phrase. Thank you
  23. There are many potential reasons which can cause issues ... Can you share the "psarc" file without DD ? I need it to investigate the issue and improve DDC if necessary ;)
  24. @@raynebc, About the density of chords, a chord with a slide has to be in low density even if the previous one has the same "chordId". It seems that EOF creates a new handShape in the XML file in this case, so there is no problem with EOF. Do you know other similar cases in which a chord has to be forced in low density in the middle of a handShape ? Thanks
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