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Everything posted by KJParsley

  1. Rodman, Spam... That could be the basis for a new superhero tandem: SpamMan, with his faithful sidekick, The Angry Onion
  2. This weeks beginner bass, a day early no less! http://www.mediafire.com/convkey/e320/z0zr8oropu54xlszg.jpg
  3. Is anything going here? I joined up when I first saw it here, but I haven't seen any activity since.
  4. 30 views and nothing? Surely somebody can help me out here...
  5. As the administrator of our social group, I can't seem to find a way to move topics or messages from one forum to an appropriate one. Hopefully, I'm just missing something obvious?
  6. Not much time for me this week, SOMEBODY hornswaggled me into starting a jazz user group (check it out: BlueNote Jazz Cafe). My feeble attempts for this week: Beginner (Bass) - Pat Benatar; Hell Is for Children - 97.08% http://www.mediafire.com/convkey/bb91/mae1rfpwmcn17szzg.jpg Exercises (Bass) - Blues Comping 1 in A major shuffle - 93.9% http://www.mediafire.com/convkey/26e2/q1ixfkhbik9lfeszg.jpg
  7. I'm really quite the noob at moderating groups and forums. Is there someplace to find doc's or how-to's, rather than hunt-and-peck and/or trial-and-error?
  8. I just posted some Chopin, courtesy of Chet Atkins. P.S., The dude at Riff Repeater who thinks the Mozart is jazz clearly doesn't know jazz. ;) "scratch a bit of that Jazz", he did say a bit. bit = not 100% jazz...but jazzsmith would be nice. Anyways please be respectful towards TRR as they're one of our partners. :] I'm aware of the relationship, but found his characterization bizarre. I own over 7000 jazz CDs, have listened to every one of them, and none of them remotely sound like this. Last year's Mozart via Ubisoft had a definite jazz feel, but not this one (at least not the two minutes of it that I was subjected to on YouTube - which starts off with a reggae feel). No worries. I'll post some real jazz before the end of the month so that he can hear the difference and update his post. Incidentally, since it's just about impossible to find the jazz songs on this site due to a lack of a genre field in the database, how about giving us a Genres section in the Workshop next to the Discographies section? This would allow folks like me to post pages that list all the known songs for genres like country, disco, new age, jazz, blues, folk and classical. Since the genres field is never gonna happens, this would be a great resource for folks who want to be able to find songs of a certain genre, but who don't necessarily know the names of the artists that make that kind of music. And it requires no additional effort from the Dev staff either. People ask from time to time about such lists, and there's no obvious place to keep them. I had thought about creating new Social Groups for each of these, but I could never take the time to manage all of them. I can't imagine any opposition to an idea like this. Well, since this awesome idea is just being ignored, I rescind my offer to make such pages. Nor am I am going to respond to any more requests for such lists. We don't need a new search engine that doesn't even provide a genre search. But we do need a way to find songs by genre. I'm throwing my hands up in the air in frustration because this has been an unaddressed problem here for nearly two years. My idea would have provided something that has been desperately needed since Feb 14, 2014, and it would have done so with very little effort on the part of the site owner and no effort by the devs. It would not have been a perfect solution (because a proper solution would involve modifying the database, etc.), but it would have been a vast improvement over the status quo. Oh well. I know it may feel like you're beating a dead horse with a right-handed wet noodle in your left hand, but I think it is a really good idea. Maybe we should start a thread about it in the Workshop area itself and see where it goes. I'm only one person, but you've certainly got my vote.
  9. My entry for beginner bass #2, and my first attempts at the exercises for bass: http://www.mediafire.com/convkey/ec08/hrbhwkio45z682izg.jpg http://www.mediafire.com/convkey/6bf1/am525bo2m0ewwgbzg.jpg http://www.mediafire.com/convkey/2236/kvzac3lkl0lf5z6zg.jpg
  10. Personally, I think adding a Genres section in the workshop area would be a great idea. In the meantime, if you were to start a social group just for the jazz genre, I would join in a heartbeat just to get exposure to music that I haven't taken the opportunity to fully explore, but have wanted to for quite some time.
  11. Beginner Bass #1 for this week, moving on to Bass #2: http://www.mediafire.com/convkey/48d2/p9wn0t3ieu2wjstzg.jpg
  12. My first entry in quite some time: Bass, Beginner: http://www.mediafire.com/convkey/dd6f/p2sl349356me51xzg.jpg
  13. Well, after a hiatus for a few months I've come back. Hopefully, I'll be able to start participating in the beginner bass ranks again this week. I'm probably going to take it a bit slowly, as one thing I have discovered is that I made some serious 'omissions' in my fret hand technique development. Laters!
  14. "Wwise 2015.1 build 5418 is now available for download." Any advice on compatibility, before I try to update to this new build?
  15. Nothing posted here in 4 days? That seems very odd to me...
  16. My bad, you all are certainly doing a really bang-up job here, never meant to even hint at otherwise. Consider me told off and standing down. Peace out!
  17. I'm just a beginner, but.... It seems to me that there are now enough accomplished bass players here to consider severing the link between lead/rhythm players and bass players. I know it would be a great deal of work, but maybe it is time for one of these accomplished bass gurus to volunteer to team up with Motive and build and maintain a separate song list and competition just for bass players? ...just a feeble thought from aging, mushy brain-matter
  18. Over in the Mods & Projects Forum: This project, named Customs Push, is a web app which allows you to be notified via the push service Pushbullet when a CDLC for an artist you are interested in has been released or updated on CustomsForge. To use the service, head on over to http://customspush.com and authenticate either using your Steam or Google account. Once you've logged in, you can add artists and select criteria such as platform or instruments in the Config -> Filter section. You'll then need to activate your Pushbullet account in the Config -> Pushbullet section.
  19. Well, been out all week and didn't think I'd get an entry in time this week. Not my best, but okay, for 3 runs to hopefully squeeze in under the wire: http://www.mediafire.com/convkey/f0a7/3jgbaafvhx1x4r7zg.jpg
  20. Come to think of it, I haven't gotten any notifications for quite a while. It worked fine until some time ago. I didn't notice because I've been using Customs Push to inform me of new CDLC as well as updates.
  21. For the first time ever, I can post results before the last day of the competition: Beginner Bass: http://www.mediafire.com/convkey/026b/vio4b4ljxmwhdo7zg.jpg
  22. I hear ya! I'm quite the beginner too, though I think I finally graduated to INTERMEDIATE on the cow bell...
  23. All righty then! I've gone back through all the member postings looking for titles that coalition members want or wanted tested, and I found no less than 28 of them and I downloaded all of 'em so I can help out in maybe some small way: avdocatwork: 11 titles manchot66: 5 titles Aludog: 4 titles Crossbolt242: 5 titles torkk: 1 title albatross213: 1 title I think it would be very beneficial to create a new member's only Classic Rock Coalition Content Testing Forum where each charter can start his own topic with a post listing the titles with the applicable download links for all content he/she currently needs testing and feedback for (similar to the setup CustomsForge uses for discographies). This would make it a lot easier to both solicit and provide the feedback you'se guys are looking for. Good idea, no?
  24. Kewlness! Hopefully this is something I can do even though I ain't that good at playing yet... EDIT - I also need to learn to do one of those really cool signiture splash thingies....
  25. I like this format, though I would recommend always putting the version field last, and using the same character for separating all of the fields (ie "-"): Soundgarden-Pretty Noose-Ot-v1.0_p
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